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Happy Birthday

February 1, 2023
You would be 89 years old tomorrow.  Happy birthday in heaven Mom

Doug and I were going to go out to breakfast to celebrate but weather here is awful.  We've had an ice storm and it's freezing out. The storm was supposed to end today but they've changed it to sometime tomorrow. Doug can't go to work tonight because nobody can drive in this ice. So many accidents. 
Last week Doug and I went to Mimi's for breakfast.  Wow did their prices go way up.  $60 for 2!
I started a medical office class.  I'm doing pretty good. Just the final left to take.  

Party with the angels mom. Give Mike and Jay a big hug from us down here. 

❤️love you
December 23, 2021
Merry Christmas Mom  
I'm sorry it's been so long.  I thought I wrote to you about Jason in July.  He passed away from covid 19.  That is an awful deadly virus.  The United States and really the world shut down for a year.  Now we have different variants of it.   Have you seen Jason? 
Today would be his 4th anniversary with his girlfriend Melissa.  She said she was a gift from you.  They bought a beautiful house mere months before he died.  He was so proud.  He worked really hard for that.  

Doug and I are on our way to Missouri right now for Christmas.  For the past few years we have been going away.  Not much family left.  
It's time to get back on the road.  I. Will write soon.  
Merry heavenly Christmas mom 
July 31, 2021
Well I'm very angry with you.  I asked you to help your son recover from this awful virus.  Talk to the big guy and help Jason RECOVER.  He died last night!
 Why couldn't you help him?  He had so much good going on finally.  He was happiest he's been in a long time.  I'm so angry. 
I have to go for now. Could you try caring for him up there?


July 28, 2021
Hi mom it's been a couple months and I'm sorry.  I need your help.  Jason is very very sick with Covid. It is a virus that turned into a pandemic over a year ago.  Cousin John was very sick with it.  I was in the hospital at the beginning of the year with it but not nearly as sick as Jason.  Mom he's on life support.  He also had covid pneumonia.  He's kidneys are failing and his lungs are horribly scared.  We have all been praying for a miracle but it doesn't seem to be coming.  We all need Jason.  I need you to talk to the big guy and tell him it can't be Jason's time.  Mom he was finally happy.  He had a wonderful girlfriend who made him happy.  He bought a beautiful home in March.  He was planning a great Christmas vacation with his children and grandchildren.  He was really looking forward to it. He got a raise at work and Friday and Saturdays off. Everything was looking up for him. I was beginning to get my faith back but this is really testing it. Isn't our family allowed any happiness? 
I can't lose my brother.  Please,  please,  please  tell our lord and SAVIOR  to give your son the chance he deserves.  We all need and love him.  

Thank you for listening 

Merry Christmas snow

December 24, 2020
Merry Christmas in heaven mom.
It has been 11 years yesterday since you left us. I miss our talks and girls day out. We are spending Christmas in Tennessee this year. You would love it here in the mountains. The evening you passed we left the hospital and it began to snow. Jason and I believe it was your final Christmas gift to us. Well nearly to the day 11 years later we have another white Christmas here in pigeon forge. It is snowing now. I thought of you as we walked out in the cold and snow. It is beautiful. Ethan is older now and so excited to have a white Christmas. 
Mom could you give Mike a big hug and kiss. Our 2 Angels. 
I had surgery on my nerve and elbow hurts so I can't type long.
I will write again soon.
Love you

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