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February 2
February 2
Happy birthday in heaven Mom! The groundhog did not see his shadow so spring is coming. Of course it's cloudy in Texas
Life has been crazy  stressful but what can you do. Looking forward to our next cruise. Going to the virgin islands and Dominican Republic. It's a great way to relax. Well I'm out shopping so we'll chat soon.
Tell Mike and Jason we love and miss them. Enjoy your bday party with the angels 

Love you!
December 23, 2023
December 23, 2023
Wow 14 years already. Time just keeps marching on. Merry Christmas a little early. 
You would be proud of me. I went to school to work in a Dr's office then went back to refresh my computer skills. Trying to find a job is proving difficult. I'm old and haven't worked in 2 decades but I'm still trying. I did so well in school. Passed 98 out of 100 and 456 out of 500 on my certification. Cap and gown graduation both times. 

I've learned that I love cruising. We went to the Bahamas last year. A couple weeks ago we went to Aruba finally, Curacao and Grand Turks again. It was a great time. I fell in Aruba 5 minutes off the ship. Ugh. I'm falling alot lately. Well 2x since October and another 2 Doug was able to catch me. 
The waters were a bit choppy for a couple days. It made me a little anxious. 
We are doing it again next year. Going to the Virgin Islands. We are looking forward to it. It will be another holiday themed ship. They do that right after Thanksgiving. I wish you and Mike were here. The whole family would enjoy these trips. The islands are beautiful and the people are very nice. 
My phone is ringing.
Chat soon
Merry Christmas
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Happy mothers day mom(a day early)! I hate this time of year. You're not here for mothers day and Mike's anniversary is coming up in days. I've been so down for several weeks. I miss you! 
December 22, 2022
December 22, 2022
Well mom it's that time again. 13 years tomorrow. I hope you and the rest of the family are rocking the holidays up there. This year they are very sad for me. I'm having a rough time. Doug and I took vacation in October so we are stuck home this year. It's the first time in a few years. It's very cold today and the next few days. Christmas Eve we are going to Melissa's (Jason's gf. Their anniversary would be tomorrow if he were still here).
I began my medical classes online. It's been a rough go for me. Hopefully it'll get easier once my books come. Right now no books, no class, no teacher. Ugh! Stress! Please watch over me. 
Saturday afternoon I'll be volunteering at Church. It is my day. I enjoy it. It is so different then the catholic church. I'm not sure what you would think but I'm in a woman's group for 50 and older and we all help each other and pray for each other. 

That's about it for now.
Have a very merry Christmas with the great guy himself. 
We love you
November 24, 2022
November 24, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving Mom!
Sorry it's been awhile. 
Doug and I took a great vacation in October. We took our first cruise ! We went to the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos. It was beautiful! The water was so blue, soft white sand. The people were nice. Loved the ship. It was the best sleep ever. We are going to Aruba December next year. 
I've been trying to get job training to work in a medical office. I've finally been approved for funding! I start next month. Hopefully these anxiety attacks will subside and I can finally work again. 
Ethan graduated from high school in May! It was a rocky road but he made it. 
He was in a car accident on Ryan's birthday which should have killed him. Thankfully he walked away with scratches. 
Doug had melanoma. He had surgery last week. Dr said it was caught early. Whew! We have alot to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving day. 
Amber got married. She is having a baby boy in January. Logan is getting married in July. I miss Jason. Please tell him I love him and happy Thanksgiving in Heaven. 
Well got to get the turkey on.
Love you.
February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday mom 
Today you would be 88 years old. Ground hogs day. He saw his shadow so 6 more weeks of cold. Ha ha it's texas. Of course we are having freezing rain and snow and ice for the next 2 days. I guess it's appropriate. I hope it's nothing like last year. 
It's been kind of crazy down hear. A lot of health issues. Doug got a job working at JPS hospital. He's doing orientation yesterday and today.
Ethan is living with his mother. We all knew that day would come. 
We went to cheddars last night to celebrate your birthday. 

How are Mike and Jason doing? We are still getting use to Jason not being here. 6 months already. I'm thinking of going back to work and moving from this horrible house. You are all gone so nobody to really celebrate with if it happens. I use to call Jason with my dreams. 
Anyway party with the angels 
Love and miss you

May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Happy Mother's Day in Heaven Mom. We love and miss you. Today is a hard day for me for many reasons. I miss you and Michael sooooooo much.
Doug and Ethan took me to babes chicken for lunch. It's been years since I've been there.
I'm having shoulder surgery again June 7th. I am confused about it. I wish you were here to talk to. My former physical therapist who worked with me for a year thinks I need the surgery. My current therapist whom I've worked with for about 7 weeks thinks I don't. He does a great job and my arm is moving better but I'm still in pain. I wish I knew what the right decision was. I guess God will do what is right.
Earlier I was thinking of your last Mother's Day. It wasn't your best but the whole family except Mike were together. I wish we could all be together today.

Chat soon
Love you
February 2, 2021
February 2, 2021
Happy Birthday in Heaven Mom!!!!

I've been really sick so I don't have much energy. I was in the hospital for about 11 days. I miss you today. The family will celebrate with a lite lunch.

Love you. Party with the Angels
May 10, 2020
May 10, 2020
Happy Mothers Day in Heaven Mom!
I was thinking of our last mothers day together. You were sick but you tried so hard to have a good time. I wish we could have a redo.
It's still a crazy time out here with this deadly virus. Folks have to find new ways of celebrating today. Give Michael a big hug and kiss for me.
Love you
Shari Doug Matt and Ethan
April 12, 2020
April 12, 2020
Happy Easter in Heaven Mom!

It's been awhile since over written. I'm sorry. We think about you everyday. The world is in the middle of a pandemic. Cousin John came down with the virus. He's been in the hospital for over 2 weeks. He was in ICU for 11 days but He's in another room now and doing better. He's very weak right now. Millions have lost their jobs. Everyone is asked to stay home away from others. Grocery stores are crazy. Hard to find toilet paper. Shelves are empty. Schools have been closed for a month now.
Frisky was sick. I heard pets could get this horrible virus so we took him to the vet. No virus thank God. Vet gave him medicine and checked his blood. It was costly but he's ok now. He's old so we wanted to be sure he was ok.

Anyway we all love you and miss.
Write again soon.

❤ sharianne, Doug, Matthew and Ethan
February 14, 2020
February 14, 2020
Happy Valentine's day in Heaven mom.
I hope you and Mike are having a great day. We love and miss you.
February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020
Happy Birthday in Heaven Mom!
I'm sure the angels will give you the greatest party ever. Spend the day dancing, you always loved to dance. Sing and eat lots of cake and ice cream.
Love and miss you.

December 23, 2019
December 23, 2019
Hello Mom
Tomorrow will be 10 years since you left us. 10 Christmas without you. Doug Ethan and I are in Orlando for Christmas this year. Ugh what a drive. It Rained most of the way and they are expecting rain again tomorrow. I hope not. We have tickets to vulcano bay (a new universal water park). I was thinking of the great time you Mike Ryan me and Ethan had when we made our first trip without Doug. Ethan was just a baby.
Frisky made the ride with us. We had to put him in a kennel here. Broke our hearts. They won't let us visit. For Christmas we are doing a character dinner at Disney. You liked the character meals.
I wanted to write today before it for busy tomorrow. We love and miss you.
Enjoy Christmas with the angels. Give Mike Cheryl and Wanda love.

Miss you
Love you
September 29, 2019
September 29, 2019
Hi Mom.

It's been awhile I know. It has been busy here.
I had shoulder surgery on the 17th. You would have been proud. I'm in some pain. Some days hurt more then others. I started physical therapy on my birthday. It really hurts to do that. If you can please cheer me on so I can get it done.

Good news. Doug had his last cancer shot in August. It's been a long 3 years. His PSA has stayed undetected which is good. I worry because lately he's been tired. Please watch over him.

Wanda Rosado is in heaven with you and Mike. I miss you all so much.

Ethan has a girlfriend. Her name is Taylor. He's been busy running here and there with her.

I'm sorry but my arm is cramping. I can't hold the phone for long.
I will write soon.
Love and miss you

July 16, 2019
July 16, 2019
Hello mom
It's been awhile. I'm sorry.
My heart is breaking again.
Wanda Rosado from back home passed away on the 10th. She was having pain and thought it was her appendix. It turned out to be liver cancer. I had only 3 days to process that ache was ill before she passed. She only had maybe a couple weeks. It was so quick.
I miss you all so much. You, Michael and now Wanda.
I will write again soon.
Love and miss you.
February 2, 2019
February 2, 2019
It's been awhile mom but I think of you everyday.
Happy Birthday in heaven Mom. ❤
Doug Ethan and I went to Olive Garden for lunch today to celebrate your birthday. I know you liked that restaurant and I could be a bit selfish.
We miss you
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving in Heaven mom. I hope you and Michael are enjoying a great big heavenly feast.
I've had some recent health issues. I wished you were here to talk to about them.
Every time we plan a move someone gets sick.
Today is a day for thanks not for my complaining.
I wish you were here to celebrate the holiday season.
We love you ❤❤❤
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
Happy Mother's day in heaven Mom. Just sitting here thinking of our last mothers day at Rockfish with the whole family. You were kind of hungry though you couldn't keep it down. I wish we could have a do over.
I've been emotional today missing you and Michael. Earlier the neighbors pit bull attacked our fur baby which made me even more emotional.

You are 4ever loved and 4ever missed
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
Happy Birthday in heaven mom. I bet you'll have a great party with Mike and all the other angels.
December 23, 2017
December 23, 2017
You left us 8 years ago today. We miss you everyday. I hope you like your balloon
September 27, 2017
September 27, 2017
Well yesterday was my birthday. We didn't do anything. Doug and I have been sick. I thought about you and Mike. I miss you both so much.
Last weekend we went to a flight of the monarch event. We missed the noon release. As we walked away to get lunch a woman stopped me and said a butterfly was on my back. They say if a butterfly lands on you it is a sign from heaven. That butterfly stayed on my back fur sometime.
I wondered if it was you or Michael. After leaving my back it landed at our lunch table. 
4 ever loved
4 ever missed
August 13, 2017
August 13, 2017
I wake many mornings calling out to you. Just wanting to talk about what is happening in life. So much has happened since you left. This world is going crazy. As much as I miss you and Mike I'm happy you are not here to witness the violence. Race wars, police being murdered, N Korea building nuclear bombs. Donald Trump is President! Who would have thunk it?!

Well I need to get dinner cooked. I will write again soon.
Love you
July 4, 2017
July 4, 2017
Happy 4th of July in Heaven mom. Doug and I are going to an event this evening. Music, food and fireworks. I am recording Macy fireworks. We have no family around so our celebrations are different. I wish you and Mike were here. Back home at the state park. Grilling, swimming, horseshoes. Everything is different now.
Frisky is having a hard time with the neighbors and their fireworks.
4 ever loved
4 ever missed.
May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017
Happy Memorial day Mom.
Doug, Ethan and I went to a Memorial Day service. It was nice. They had ww2 planes fly over, 21 gun salute, bag pipes, current and former service people speaking. 
I remember the parades we use to go to back home. The picnics afterwards. Michael being in one parade.  I haven't heard of any parades around here. We did not do a picnic. Ethan got a burn from the water park. 
I love you and miss you.
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
Happy Mother's Day Mom.
I was thinking about our past family mother's day brunches. What I wouldn't give to have them back. So much has changed since then. 
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
For some reason I can not access the page Ethan set up. I last left a message on Easter. I set up my own page.

Love you

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