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April 30
Jean and I met in 1982 at a special party in London  , we were both Sagittarian , only 1 day difference in birth ,by 3 years ,enjoying our new found freedom and both worked in the City of London as stockbrokers.We became friends and regular lunch , apperitif  and dinner party partners.
He was an exceptional individual in progressing my career through Sun Hung Kai ( onto ADIA , Paribas , Citicorp etc…)  , Lord Andrew Fraser and many elite institutions , as he was a gentleman and understood I came from humble  village backgrounds In Ireland  and newly arrived in London. 
He helped me and many other people whom had career , health and personal problems and was always discreet but attentive and silent, a rare attribute in our career financial sector. We all will remember his generosity in private matters.
Jean and his family were a great inspiration to myself and my family that family always come first and we will never forget this .
We will miss him forever and ever and we know he will be rewarded in his next life . RIP

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