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April 3
I spent the weekend in Yosemite - snow, rain, rainbows, wildflowers and a glass of wine in the Ahwanee. I felt like I could hear you chuckling everytime I found a new flower, let the snowflakes melt on my tongue and watched rivers and waterfalls rage down the granite rock and river bed. Love you and miss you. Your granddaughter, Evarosa
April 2
April 2
Always a smile on my face when I think of Jean .
I still have the Christmas cactus from her apartment in Aegis. It blooms all year . I’m not in the least surprised by this .
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
Dear Jean,
As I survey the bright green hills and watch the poppies swaying in the breeze, I think of you. You are in my breast pocket, right over my heart, as I put foot to trail. Your legacy lives on.
October 2, 2022
October 2, 2022
Despite the twists and turns of life, Jean always treated me with gracious friendship. I appreciated her love of family and of nature. i know that she was immensely proud of her entire family who she guided with love and generosity. I know that each member of the extended Rusmore family carries a bit of Jean with them as they all continue to do good work in the world. Love to all.
September 13, 2022
September 13, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday dear Jean ❤️❤️
September 1, 2022
September 1, 2022

As a “Walkie Talkie”, I know that I am one of the many people who have been invited for Sept. 16 at Hidden Villa. I want you and your whole family to know how very sorry I am that I can’t be there. Your mom was my role model and inspiration, and I adored her! Walkie Talkies were/are on of the best things in my life - all thanks to Jean making it happen. The warmth and joy in her unfailing smile, her energy and enthusiasm led us then, and remain unforgettable now.

You have already heard this many times, and will hear it again on the 16th, because Jean was truly beloved. I hate to miss meeting all of you, and joining in what will be a glorious celebration of your extraordinary mother. She is greatly missed!

With warmest best wishes for September 16th,
July 15, 2022
July 15, 2022
Jean, my Mother's cousin, was a very important part of my life when I was fourteen attending Sacred Heart School in Atherton, CA. Towards the end of the school year, I had a big blow up with one of the nuns and ran away for half the night. Jean had John come and pick me up the next day to stay with her family and give me some down time. I have always remembered that kindness, and her serenity. As though she had a connection to another plane of existence. My heart is with her family at this end of an era. 
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
The best boysenberry jam in the world! Summers walking the secret passageways in Ladera to the community pool, picking blackberries along the way. Laying on the cool wood floors at 36 Berenda Way, listening to records and reading old books. Looking at the Cement Ship and watching whales. You will be missed Nana!
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
As her grandson, Jean was always Nana Jean to me. Nana Jean was thoughtful, gracious and charming, and always willing to subtly guide me towards the right thing to do. Sometimes too subtly for a young kid to grasp! Some of the lessons I learned from her were only visible in hindsight.
I'm also grateful she shared her love of the outdoors with her kids because they shared that enthusiasm with me, which has enriched my life immeasurably. She led by example but never made much fuss about it, and we went about our lives with Nana Jean always there, invisibly making our lives better by her presence.
May 7, 2022
May 7, 2022
My husband Ed and I cherished Jean's friendship, her hospitality at the Aptos house, our joy in hiking with her and picking her up for mass at Memorial Church. She was a gift of blessing to all her friends. We missed seeing her more frequently as elderhood gradually made it harder for her to go out with friends, but we hold her in our hearts forever --and continue to treasure her books and their wise comentary.
April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
We are so sorry to hear of the loss of Jean. She will be fondly remembered as a hiking guru and author of the hiking guide staff referred to in the office. Next time we get on the trail, we will think of her. From all of the staff at Sempervirens Fund
April 17, 2022
April 17, 2022
Jean was a source of inspiration for me, with her friendly, welcoming smile.

She created the custom of starting each Walkie Talkie Hike with a circle of participants who introduced themselves before we began.

When I once asked Jean how her 6 children became successful adults, she said "I told them there wasn't anything preventing them from what they aspired".

I very much enjoyed evenings helping Jean select photographs for her books in the warmth of her home.

Very much missed indeed!

Paula Tuerk
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
Jean was our Mom and our friend, She lead us on the trail but also offered gentle, encouraging advice for our lives. Karen Nilsson and I looked to her to open our eyes to the importance of a trail system for all and the value of the friendships built on the trail, to each of us and to building a community of supporters for our environment. Her life made a difference to so many and I am grateful for every minute I had with her.
April 9, 2022
April 9, 2022
You are forever
First Lady of Ladera
Our fervent life guide
April 9, 2022
April 9, 2022
I’m so happy to have known Jean . She was a friend and inspiration. I’m grateful for the sweet memories I have of Jean .

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