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August 11
August 11
Thinking about you, Cuz, on what would have been your 87th birthday today. Miss you.❤️
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023
missing you mother on your special day. Hope you are looking over us as we celebrate you today :)
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
Thinking of you, with hopes and dreams to share... praying you are close to all, and closer with God. Say hi to Rusty.
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Love you mom
I still think about you often and people still love your recipes I use at Stoney’s :)
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Thinking of you today, wishing you were still with us. Love you.
August 11, 2022
August 11, 2022
Mom, wish you were here to celebrate your special day with us. You are on our minds and miss you dearly
Love Kevin
August 11, 2022
August 11, 2022
Thinking of you today, dear cousin. Happy birthday! Wish you were here to celebrate with. Love and miss you.
March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
Thinking of you mother, Hope you are up there with Rusty looking over us and a better place with no more pain and a smile on your face. you are missed
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021
Miss you mom. We hope you’re hanging out with Rusty up there looking over us we know you are in a better place but we miss you and miss all that amazing food uou used to make us, gold Cadillacs on the house ;)
October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020
Where memories 'tween Heaven and Earth may join... I Love You..
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
Happy 83rd birthday, Cuz! Thinking of you today and missing you. xo
March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020
Miss you mom. hope you are looking over us through this national pandemic we are in with a drink in your hand, Rusty by your side, and max & Tawny keeping you company :)
Love always,
your son
August 12, 2019
August 12, 2019
Thinking of you today on what would have been your 82nd birthday. Miss you, dear cousin!
August 12, 2018
August 12, 2018
I thought about you on your 81st birthday yesterday and wished you were here so we could celebrate our August birthdays together. I think of you often and sometimes forget that you are no longer with us. I made one of your fave recipes the other day - boy, could you cook!
Give RJ and Rusty a big hug for me. I miss you, dear cousin.
August 12, 2017
August 12, 2017
Birthday wishes to you, and love to you both...Reflections are so close in this time for me... and I see you clearly... and hear you clearly...
Love you Mom... XOXOXOXO
August 11, 2017
August 11, 2017
Miss you mom! I wish you were here for your 80th B day :(  I hope you are with your Love Rusty looking down upon us with guidance and smiles. you will forever be missed .......
August 11, 2017
August 11, 2017
Thinking of you today on what would have been your 80th birthday. Happy birthday, dear cousin!
April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017
your love, smile and friendship will last forever. I feel blessed that you fought through your heart failure a few years ago to give us all more time to cherish your smile! (one in a million I believe is what the nurses said you are, and I have the shirt to remember it by) the love you gave everyone truly touched many. (Seidel completely touched my heart with his stopping by in FL to meet me and talk about how you touched his heart coming from Cuba 10 years ago) although I am saddened for our loss and that we could all never convince you to make it to CA and I wish I made it out there again before this happened, I think you left us peacefully to be with the man that warmed your heart & soul forever, Rusty Hinton, may you both join each other in eternity. I will forever remember you in the kitchen as I will have items on our Stoneys menu that will say Jan's or moms Zucchini or lamb chops or many other specialty items you taught me how to cook. I will forever remember golden cadillacs coming home from golfing, or taking you out golfing. you taught me how to treat friends, with love, respect & endless heart.I truly believe that is the characteristic of Stoneys and what makes it work. Thank you for being my mother and giving my the wonderful life I have. you will be cherished and missed forever & forever remembered as my mother! Love Kevin
April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017
This tribute was added by Leslie Drake on April 18th 2017. What an awesome spirited lady. Jan's inner strength was like no other. Her smile was always worth the wait to obtain. Jan would share the California Sunset magazines with me. We both loved the state so much. Rest in peace you made it home. I'm sure you will make it a grand adventure too.
April 17, 2017
April 17, 2017
Wither thou Goest, You are my heart, my heaven and my Mother... At peace I believe, you shared your life for us.. I Love You. and a blessing of Love from your granddaughter Ashley. Be at peace forever, gone from the bonds of this earth... and close now to the eternal Love of God... where you may again share the hand of the Lord, while sharing eternity with Rusty. You are home... I Love You...
April 17, 2017
April 17, 2017
I am so blessed to have known her for 20 odd years. There aren't really appropriate words to express how sad her passing makes me. I'm grateful that right up until a couple of days before she left us that we had spoken on the phone. And she had been over to see us just the week before. She touched a great many lives and seemed to always make a friend wherever she went. I loved her dearly and will miss her more than I can express.

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