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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jenny Kim, 15 years old, born on February 8, 1996, and passed away on July 3, 2011. We will remember her forever.
July 5, 2016
July 5, 2016
Happy 5th Anniversary of being in your heavenly forever home.
July 3, 2016
July 3, 2016
Hi Jenny: It's been five long years and it's like it was yesterday. I'm sure your very busy in Heaven helping GOD run the show. Haven't talked to Mom and Dad in a while but I'm sure they are doing well. It's summer down here in Florida so it's quite hot. Love you and miss you forever. Love, Mr. Doug and Judy
July 3, 2016
July 3, 2016
Hi Jenny, well it's been 5 years ,you know how much I miss you ..I hope you and poppy are going fishing tell him I miss him and give him a hug.Everytime we see a butterfly we think of you and it has to be orange.Time goes by so quickly I don't know where it goes,I love you more than more and miss you much .Xxxooo
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
Happy 20th birthday Jenny, we all think of you often. Hope you gave Charlie a big hug when he joined you on tuesday! Love you!
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
Happy 20 year anniversary of your birth, prayers are with you today!
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
Hi Jenny: Well it's your Birthday today and if you were here I'm sure you would be almost completing your second year of college moving closer to medical school. Mr. Doug and I miss you and talk about you all the time. I'm sure GOD has you very busy. Be it ever so humble we miss you and will never forget your beautiful face.
Love Always, Judy and Mr. Doug
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
Happy 20th birthday my sweet Jenny Girl. I miss you so much and think of you often. I'm sure you're soaring with the angels in heaven. Poppy is there with you now so you can go fishing....have fun and watch over us.
Love you to the moon and back. Aunt T.
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
Happy birthday Jenny! You were the angel behind the snow. I should have known! Keep up the good work..
July 6, 2015
July 6, 2015
You are so missed....I thought about you all day on Friday. We were watching all the fireworks on Long Island Sound and it helped me to celebrate your remarkable life.
July 3, 2015
July 3, 2015
Hi Jenny: Mr. Doug and I miss you so much, we talk about you all the time. Spoke with Mom and Dad last week. Because you were such an
unforgettable young woman we all miss you very much. You touched so many people's heart. We all love you and someday we will all meet again. Love Judy and Mr. Doug
July 2, 2015
July 2, 2015
Tomorrow is July 3rd,4 years have gone but you are not.You are always in my heart and in my thoughts .I carry your beautiful smile and those bright starry eyes WITH ME.I treasure every moment we had together,watching our cooking shows, making Korean candy,sharing our thoughts, our hugs ,the I LOVE YOUS WHEN I HAD TO LEAVE.I LOVE YOU MORE THAN MUCH AND MISS YOU MORE  NONNIE
February 9, 2015
February 9, 2015 is a birthday candle for your 19th birthday....Are the angels still singing with all the hosts on high for your special day? 

February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
Hi Jenny
       HAPPY BIRTHDAY iM THINKING OF how much you loved SWEET Marias cake.Your beautiful smile no matter what day it was.You are ingrained in my heart and I love more than much.I miss you but I also know you are with our Father in all his glory AMENXXXOOO
February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
Hi Jenny: Well your 19yrs old today, how about that? Well as I said before Doug and I miss you and talk about you all the time. We are living in Florida now and wish you could be here. I'm having a knee replacement a week from Tuesday, maybe you could put in a good word. We have your picture in our daily reader and look at your adorable face every day. We want you to know that we love you and will never, ever forget you. We'll love you always Jenny.

Love, Doug and Judy
February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
Happy Birthday Jenny, We love you and miss you so much!
February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
Happy 19th Birthday Jenny luv u & miss u so much RIP!!
December 25, 2014
December 25, 2014
Hi Jenny
 Merry Christmas your always in my heart ,especially at Christmas.I missed you today. Mom and Dad were here of course in good spirits we had a good day.I know you are in a beautiful place with GOD.yOU ARE MY SPERCIAL ANGEL AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN MORE.XXXOOO
December 13, 2014
December 13, 2014
Hi Jenny, Mr. Doug and I are leaving Florida to go to CT for the holidays. I think we'll see Mom and Dad at my son Joey's. As always you are missed . Doug and I love you still and you are the only grand daughter we will ever have. We love you now and forever.

Judy and Mr. Doug
December 12, 2014
December 12, 2014
Hi Jenny
  Well Christmas will be here soon.Oh how i miss you.i know you are with Jesus and isn't that what Christmas is all many things have changed but you know that.One thing hasn't changed and that is how much I love you more than much.You are always in my heart.xxxooo
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014

I still give u a smile every day I walk into the office and see u smiling at me backstage at the Lion King. I wish you were still here but I know you are having a great time with the angels. Miss you!
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014

I still think of your beautiful smile every day as I look at your picture on my desk. You have blessed so many with your life and still bless us from your heavenly home.
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014
Dear Jenny: Mr. Doug and I talk about you almost every morning as your picture is in our Jesus Calling book that we read every morning. Well 3 years have passed and we all still miss you terribly but I sure GOD and the Angels have you very busy. What better place to be but with GOD. Mom and Dad are doing OK, Dad had a hard time last year for a while but he's on the straight and narrow again.

Doug and I sold our house and will be moving to Florida permanently. I know you had great memories there but we just can't keep both houses forever.

Lastly, the Ice Orchid plant that you gave to us is sending out many roots after 3 years, so that is a sign to me that you are happy with GOD AND THE ANGELS.

Love you always, Mr.Doug and Judy
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014
hi jenny well you are always in my heart and thought every seems like yesterday especially this week you graduated 2 weeks ago and your classmates are starting a scholar ship fund in your name for a student that has medical issues .isn't that wonderful you live on in so many hearts your strength ,hope, kindness and most of all love! ! I miss you but I see you in the butterflies the beautiful flowers the sky when the clouds look like angels you are always with me I feel your love .I LOVE YOU MORE THAN MORE my sweet angel.xxxxooooo
May 25, 2014
May 25, 2014
hi Jenny well Easter came and of course you were in my thoughts.The nice weather is here and im always thinking of you time to start seeds for planting one of your favorite things I know you saw Jaymie on her prom night and I thought of you I know you are in Gods glory what is better than that .Flowers and angels and all that is beautiful as beautiful as you .I miss you soooooo much I know we will be together again and . I love you more than more .M y Angel xxxxxoooooo
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY. We hope you having a great Birthday in Heaven: Mr. Doug and I miss you very much. Mr. Doug misses your special REIKI sessions and your secret talks. Miss you miss you Jenny
girl. You will never be forgotten by so many people, We'll always love

Forever Missed, Love Mr. Doug and Judy
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Hey Jenny, Happy Birthday your 18 , mom and I probably would have bought you a car . Im sure you would have been so excited this day. Well Im sure your your doing  just fine, Your missed so much, words cant express. We love you, Happy Birthday
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Happy Birthday Jenny 18 years old how special is that?As special as you are to us James found a dime in his room today and said you left it,we put it in your cup. I miss you sooooooo much ,I thought about a sweet Maria* s cake today your favorite. I know your in Gods arms smiling I love you Jenny more than more .You are my special angel.xxxxooooo
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Hope the cherubim sang a beautiful birthday wish for you from mall of your friends here on earth
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Happy Birthday Jenny,

I can't believe it is your 18th birthday. I am certain you are celebrating in heaven. Still wishing you were here to smile and celebrate with your family.
January 6, 2014
January 6, 2014
Dear Jenny: Sorry for not sending a Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years note, Doug and I were in CT and didn't have use of a computer.

Jen we miss you so much. Mr. Doug and I talked about you all the time. We also know that GOD had other plans for you but you are still so
missed. You were the grand daughter we never had. We know you are
happy where you are and are very busy.

I'll write again on your birthday my munchkin,, you are so missed by so many.

Love you always,

Mr. Doug and Judy
January 1, 2014
January 1, 2014
ITs a new year Jenny
          Time passes so quickly and I miss you so. sometimes when I call Mom I hope I get the answer machine so I can hear your voice.We had a nice Christmas Dad had some videos on his phone I just love the money dance .it makes me laugh and smile. Well angel l know you surround us with love hug Grama for me.Look for my friend Lou tell him I miss him. Love you more than more.xxxooo
December 25, 2013
December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas Jenny
          You know how much I miss you.My gift for you is a bigggg huggg a kissss a smile and I love you more than much.I know you will be with us give a big hug to Grandma for you my angel.
December 24, 2013
December 24, 2013
Hi Jenny,

Merry christmas! I bet you are singing your heart out and dancing with the angels tonight!  Remember us here on earth. Miss you!
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
jenny, I Miss you so much, it,s not the same around here without you. Just want you to know that I will try my best ,never give up. I remember your last words to me," Dad you can change the channel". You were in Moms arms. We were watching t v. Well its almost Christmas , and I know that you will be here . I Love You Jenny, Dad
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Say hi to all the angels for me. Your smiling picture on my desk still brings me joy of my memories of you an your wonderful family.
December 6, 2013
December 6, 2013
Hi jenny I love you more than more missyou xxxooononnie
July 3, 2013
July 3, 2013
Jenny I think of you so often, remembering your smiling face and courageous spirit. You left us with memories to reflect on always!, You are missed very much but we all know you are in a glorious place no longer suffering. Love you!!!
July 3, 2013
July 3, 2013

I know you are up there smiling and breathing easy. You are still greatly missed. Thank you for being such a good teacher.
May 1, 2013
May 1, 2013
Hi Jenny always thinking of you.I miss you so.Well its May and the flowers are in bloom,I know mom is going to get your garden planted.I always call you my angel or butterfly.Uncle Jimmy gave me a beautiful butterfly book mark and i put it in my bible,so i can always have it close to me.I love you more than much see you when i see you loveeeeeexxxxxxooooo
March 31, 2013
March 31, 2013
Happy Easter Jenny. Mom and I miss you so much, I know your keeping yourself busy, we are trying to do the same. Just want you to know were doing ok. Love You & Miss You,
February 8, 2013
February 8, 2013
Happy Birthday Jenny! I think of you often and talk to Nonni about how much she misses you.. You were a very brave girl and though you were on earth for too short a time, you are remembered for your brilliant smile ,positive attitude, and will to live. I keep your picture,on my wall at work and look at you everyday and know you are in a better place.Love you Jenny!
February 8, 2013
February 8, 2013
Hi 예지
You probably see me writing this
And as u know many people including me misses u
February 8, 2013
February 8, 2013
Hi Jen: Mr. Doug and I miss you terribly. We're in Florida and think of you always. You were so special but I'm sure God knows that and he has you working on many projects. YOU WILL BE FOREVER MISSED BY ALL THAT KNEW YOU.
February 8, 2013
February 8, 2013
I wad just sharing stories about you and your family yesterday with Dr. DETTMER. Happy birthday.  Must be nice to have all the choirs of angels singing for you today.
August 3, 2012
August 3, 2012
Jenny ,We miss you more than words can express.Time will never heal our hearts.My only wish is that i see you again ,Im always talking to everyone about the way you never complained even when your health was pretty bad.We love you Jenny Kim.We will never forget you,Love Mom & Dad
July 3, 2012
July 3, 2012
I look at your picture everyday,and I know your brilliant smiling face is shining down on us from heaven. One year has passed and you are missed as much today as yesterday, knowing you are free of pain helps us to accept God's plan. Love you Jenny and always will!
July 3, 2012
July 3, 2012
Hi Jenny, Its been 1 year and i miss you more than ever ,your smile ,your beautiful shinning eyes,your hugs and kisses.I know your happy in your new home with our father God.I picture you riding a beautiful horse in a field of flowers and butterflies and birds and all the animals that you loved so.You are always in my heart and my thoughts and Ilove you more than more.xxoo
July 3, 2012
July 3, 2012
My Heart is still broken for your mom and dad but my prayers are for you that heaven is your home. You are missed so much
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July 3
July 3
Hi Jenny, 13. Years have gone by with so many changes. I miss you so but my memories are forever in my heart with you. I know we will be together one day when God calls me.I love you and miss you. Nonnie
July 3
Hi Jenny,
Well here we are again and another birthday, so your you being another year older means Mr. Doug and I are getting older. Miss you always and forever.
Mr. Doug and Judy
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July 7, 2019

Our beautiful niece it's been 8long yrs since God took u home we miss u +love you more than words, continue watching over mom + dad + the family! ❤️


July 7, 2019

Here we are Jenny 2019.The time is flying have 4 cousinsMarleya ,Landon ,Chloe and Geovani .Oh how you would love them. You are 23 now and and I can only dream of what you would be doing down here.You are always in my heart and thoughts I have so many memories to look back on. The Korean candy I made by accident .The day I burned part of the oven and I thought Wait till Dad gets home He’s going to blow a gasket. I miss you so much and I know you are doing God’s work.I love you much my sweet angel.


July 2, 2015

jENNY IT IS SUMMER AGAIN.auntie laurie has a beautiful garden at  her house ,you would love.There are humming birds and butter flies and beautiful flowers.We will go there on sunday for a picnic.I will think of you.Mom and Dad will go if there not busy.James is getting big. We have a new baby Tylers little boy Landon .You would love him.Jaymie is married can you believe his name is Jake.She will be moving  and I will miss her.Well i know you are with OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN IN ALL HIS GLORY FOR YOU WERE HIS BEFORE YOU WERE OURS AND WE ALL WILL RETURN SOMEDAY TO HIMAND WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER. I LOVE YOU MORE TAN MUCH AND MISS YOU MORE XXXOOO    NONNIE

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