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His Life

College project?

March 19, 2018

Found a piece of paper in a closet and tried the site address. Low and behold it is a website Jeremey created in college.


Again it shows how talented he was!

Wedding Bells

May 15, 2017

July 14, 2007 Jeremy marries his high-school sweetheart. Holly and Jeremy remain in the Minneapolis area as they start their lives together.


May 15, 2017

Jeremy graduates from Random Lake High School in 2002.

He plans to study Architecture at the University of Minnesota.

A bittersweet moment as our son leaves the nest. We hate to see him go but take pride in knowing we did our part. He has become a man and has set goals for his future.

Welcome to the world!

May 10, 2017

On June 22 1984 we were blessed with the birth of our second son Jeremiah Scott Hansen.

His brother Josh was super excited to see his new brother. From that day on they were the best of buds. They would often challenge each other but would always have each others back.