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Honoring Jeremy's creativity

January 7, 2018
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Jeremy loved to do things that challenged his abilities. There was no such thing as good enough. He would let his mind design something then worry about how he would make it a reality. He never had any doubt he could accomplish something regardless the task.

This first Christmas without our son has been tough. I needed something to focus on so I came up with this idea. Everything is fabricated by me including the controller. I almost quit on numerous occasions but wanted to get at least one song operational for Christmas. I found myself stringing lights and running wires in the dark on Christmas eve. I could only hope it would work when the family arrived.

The completed project reflects everything about Jeremy. Take an idea and turn it into a reality with little knowledge of how to build such A thing. From design to reality was less than a month. I learned a great deal and already have ideas for next year.


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