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March 20
March 20
Thinking of you a little extra this year Uncle Momi. Thank you for being a Marine so that my family had the opportunity to meet your family all those years ago in Oki. Grateful for Aunt Sarah and all those kids of yours. Love you, please pray for me!
August 4, 2020
August 4, 2020
I remember when I was younger my dad would put me on his back and do push-ups. And I always thought that he was so strong, and now that it’s been three years since he’s passed I’ve always thought about that. And it makes me think about how strong he always was for his job for us but also for his relationship with GOD. And I know that if he could fight for his life and still provide for us and have an amazing relationship with GOD. Then I know that i, in good health, can be just a strong as he was and that helps me get through the day and every day. And just seeing all of these people say all these nice things about my dad makes me cry bc I miss him so much but I know that he is safe and loving where he is with GOD. So I just want to say thank you to every person on here who said anything and I was just thinking about him a lot today and just wanted to come on here and read all of them again and look at the pictures and videos of him and my family.

March 20, 2020
March 20, 2020
I am eternally grateful for everything I learned from Jerome while he was with us here on earth and even more grateful that I have been able to continue to learn from him after his passing through scriptures and faith. Leave it to him and his lovely wife to figure out a way to keep me inline when Jerome is in heaven and can't swing by and punch me in the arm for being a clown. 
Love, Armand
March 20, 2019
March 20, 2019
My friend - A sad day and anniversary date. I pray the Lord provides comfort to your beautiful family on this day. You were taken too soon and there are many who still cherish the memories with you. S/F - Joe
March 20, 2018
March 20, 2018
It has been a year my old friend - and you are missed by many, who are all grateful that their paths crossed with you and your beautiful family. May God bless them at this time and throughout the year. I pray for them often, and I am especially grateful for the time we shared. God bless.
June 24, 2017
June 24, 2017
I recently learned of this mews, and it took my breathe away. Capt Riehl was my 1stLt while on Futenma Air Station in Okinawa, Japan. He literally changed my life forever. He afforded me the opportunity to pursue a career rather than just a job. He was an encouragement and a light to not just me but everyone on the shift and in the whole of the force. He will missed by more than just family and friends. He touched so many lives, including mine. I will be eternally grateful to him and his words of wisdom and guidance.
April 21, 2017
April 21, 2017
so yesterday was one month since Jerome passed. I saw a man wearing an LSU tshirt and pushing a stroller. That was a special opportunity for me to remember Jerome.
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
Sarah and kids, you do not know me but, I came across your story. I wanted to write to you and express my love for you and stay strong. This is something extremely difficult to heal in our hearts, and do know, that total strangers are praying for you because many can relate to this time of your life. It helped me when I went through it, and had random ones show love. I send prayers your way and may you find comfort. Love the Klingenberg's from Mount Hope, Kansas
March 27, 2017
March 27, 2017
I have always been inspired by the Riehl Family faith, I remember Sara's words from a past post: Our faith is greater than our fear. I will pray that you and your family find the comfort you need at this time and as your memories of Jerome take hold of your hearts

He will be your heart’s sure comfort,
 Counselor Divine, and Friend;
 Coming years need not distress you,
 He will guard you to the end

With emphatic love
March 25, 2017
March 25, 2017
Sarah came in to my life when I was seven years old. She was with us all time, as if she was apart of our family. From that moment on, I grew up knowing her as my sister. I remember when Sarah and Jerome started dating, they were crazy about each other, they even ditched each other's prom dates to end their night with each other. As a young girl, I thought this was extremely romantic! For twenty years, Jerome and Sarah stood as strong role models for me on how to have a lasting relationship. And today, I am married to the love of my life who Jerome asked to be The Godfather to their youngest, Emma and I am the godmother to Gabby. What a blessing and honor that is for me and Sean! Jerome was devoted to Sarah and his children. He did everything for them and protected his family. He always put God first in his life, Sarah, and his children. This is a hard road to follow as there are always distractions in life but as faithful servants they never resisted God's will for them. I am grateful for Jerome being the big brother I never had, for saying "yes" when we asked him to be The Godfather to our son Michael, and for being the man he was to my sister and such a loving father to their children. Sean and I will
keep Jerome's memory alive in our home and use his life as an example for Michael, when teaching him how to become a man of faith. We are eternally grateful that God blessed us with you, Jerome. Till we meet again.
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
Jerome will always be a central figure in my memories of our time together in New Orleans all those years ago...our family was made more complete by his presence and amazing faith. We mourn with you, Sarah, and we also celebrate his life with you...we love you.
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
Dear Sister Sarah, I am very saddened to hear of Brother Jerome’s passing. My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time. May Brother Jerome rest in peace.  With love and friendship, Sister Pat De La Rosa
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
Sister Sarah: We are very sorry to hear of Jerome's passing. Know that you, the kids and Jerome are in our daily prayers and we are having mass said for him at St Francis of Assisi. We remember the fantastic times with you all on Okinawa and at your home. Please let us know if we can help with anything at all.

God bless,
William, Jenny, Liam, Angela, Trevor & Sarah
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
"Because someone we love is in heaven, there's a little bit of heaven in our home"
We'll miss you Mr. Riehl,
The Evans family
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
Dear Sarah and kids, we are so sorry to hear of Jerome's passing. We remember your entire family fondly from our days in Beaufort. We miss our tight little Air Station Chapel community and the Riehl Family was such a big part of it. Our parish here in Arlington just finished a Novena to St Joseph and I can't help but think that your Jerome was a husband and father in St Joseph's image. You are in our prayers, may God bless and Mary keep you all,
The Cederholm Family
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
I remember when the bigs were little, Jerome would talk to them in a whisper. I wondered why. And then as I watched I noticed how the kids would draw close to hear him. Soon they would tight together and in great attention to what he had to say. He was his children's whisperer.

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