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His Life
July 9, 2017

Elder Julius Foluso Orimoloye

A life well lived.
A life that impacted many lives.
An epitome of wisdom and knowledge.
A provider, philanthropist, strong pillar to the weak, needy, and helpless.
A strict, but, true and loving father to many.

Known to others as Elder, Big daddy, Area Daddy, Oga pupa & Resource controller. Daddy, as we commonly call you.

Pa Julius Foluso Orimolye, was born on February 23rd 1940 to Pa Joseph Ogunleye Orimoloye and Madam Lydia Olayemi Orimoloye into of the famous Orimoloye Clan, in Akure, Ondo State.

He had his primary school education in Akure and proceeded thereafter to the prestigious Oyemekun Grammar School, also in Akure for his secondary education. In his pursuit of excellence and financial independence, he took a job with Standard Bank of Nigeria, now known as First Bank of Nigeria, in Owo, Ondo state, where he started his career in Banking.

Daddy J.F met his late “beautiful wife” as he fondly called her, Helen Titilayo (Nee Babalola) at Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo. They got married at St Paul’s Anglican Church Ikole Ekiti on 25th of August 1968. The couple was blessed with five beautiful children.

Daddy J.F settled down with his wife in Owo, Ondo state, as a Banker and remained in that domain until 1972, when he was promoted and transferred to Lagos State, as a First Bank inspector. After settling down and gained some stability, since his role as an inspector, took him around different parts of Nigeria, his wife and 3 kids later joined him in Isolo Lagos in 1976.

Daddy was known as a smart, sharp, shrewd, hardworking, and effective Communicator amongst his colleagues, friends, and family circle.

Along the way, he took many professional certifications and trainings. He was honoured in many long-service award ceremonies. A fearless and highly detribalized individual, Elder Orimoloye, served in many Managerial capacity within First Bank across Nigeria, ranging from Owo, to Lagos, to Kaduna, Kano, to Benin to Sapele, Warri, Ibadan, to name a few, and finally back to Marina Lagos, where he later retired as Head of Treasury department at the head office, after almost 40 years in the banking Sector.

In a quest to achieve a long-suppressed heart desire, his late wife Helen Titilayo had a vision and passion to mould the lives of young ones in the society, she pursued the dream by establishing Mount Zion Academy, Okota, a co-educational high school in 1994. A few years down the line, Julius Foluso also caught the same vision his wife had and he threw his financial weight in support of the vision and they both co-owned and directed the affairs of Mount Zion Academy. Through the innovative idea of his wife and the financial support of Daddy J.F, they were both able to touch lives that are too many to count of parents and students, with many of the students today studying or working in various fields of human endeavour in Nigeria and beyond the shores of Nigeria.

As family man, Elder Orimoloye was very firm but loving. Although, his children sometimes felt, that, he was too strict and tough, but they knew, he had a kind heart and exuded wisdom; he only wanted them to succeed and reach their full potential. He modelled hard-work, morality, integrity, truth, honesty and excellence for his children and many that came to look up to him as daddy. Despite his high standards that seemed un-achievable many times and his quickness to share wisdom that were sometimes thought unattainable, daddy J.F was always there and never stopped pushing them to achieve their full potentials. He was a great dad that was proud of every achievement of his children and bragged about their success, with anyone willing to listen. He longed to see all his children, both biological and adopted, succeed, and excel. Dad, your words of wisdom are forever etched in our heart.

Area daddy, as he was fondly called by siblings, loved his brothers & sisters and was also loved by them. He cared very deeply about his father’s house and he was a strong pillar to the Orimolye family.

His house and heart was opened to many. Many men can father children, but, a few are worthy to be called DADDY, you excel them all.

What a strategic and glorious exit, Daddy, you made sure you put your house in order. A good man leaves an inheritance for his children (Proverbs 13: 22). Thank you for leaving us an inheritance. 

Pa J.F, was a, jovial philanthropist, morally upright and just man, but, without God, all would have been in vain. We rejoice in the fact that, Daddy J.F came to the knowledge of Christ, had a personal relationship with Christ and died in Christ. He was always looking forward to church service and switching the TV channel to watch the service when it was airing. He developed a new circle of spirit filled friends and children.
For Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10: 13
Believe on the lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household (Act 16:31)

Daddy, fought the good fight of faith, we know, without a shadow of doubt, that you part of the cloud of witnesses cheering us on, to finish the race strong.

You are forever in our hearts Daddy. Thank you for who you were to us and for being everything you were. Thank you for impacting many lives. Thank you for being our Mom and Dad, after mom’s passing.

Although the sun has set for a Mighty Man of Valour, our amazing, generous, and loving father, on June 15th, 2017, after a sudden illness, went to be with the Lord. You will forever be in our hearts. June 15th, will remain a memorable day in our heart. A sad day we lost our dear father, a day we realised, we cannot see you on earth again or pick-up the phone to draw from the wealth of your knowledge, but, also a day, we celebrate your life because on that day you joined the CLOUD OF WITNESSES, and rested from your labour.
The song may have ended, but, the melody lingers on. Daddy, you lived a fulfilled and purposefully live. It is difficult to accept that you are no longer here with us, but, our resolute faith is hinged on 1 Corinthians 15:55-58 55 “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?”56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Only one life! Only what is done for Christ will last! We only live once. Our works and impacts are what speaks when life on earth ends. Daddy you are greatly loved and missed. It’s not a goodbye, it is a good night daddy. Live on great and rare gem, in the bosom of Christ, Daddy J.F. Orimoloye lives on, because he died in Christ

Survived by:
Dele Orimolye
Kemi Bolanle Olaleye
Bukky Adeosun
Adesola Orimoloye-Mamukuyomi
Lade Orimoloye
Brothers and sisters
Many grand children. 

Olubukola Adeosun (for the family)