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His Life
March 19, 2017

Ralph James Harmel Jr. born June 10, 1958 in Prince Georges County Maryland – we knew him as Jim.

Jim took his last breath in this earthly life on Friday night March 18, 2016 and we find comfort in knowing that he will live forever filled with peace and joy through our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He passed peacefully surrounded by his family.

Jim grew up in the Washington DC suburbs and attended school during a hard time for our country; he was a part of the segregation and busing of students, based on race, from one school to another during the sixties.  But Jim was a good student and as an athlete he excelled quickly.  He began playing football at an early age and continued all through High School winning several honors and awards.  His family moved to Albuquerque NM in 1974 and he graduated from Highland High School in 1976.

In August of 1976 He met Venessa and although they had a rough start, they managed to be married by June of 1977.  From this moment on their life was full of love and lived out “With Faith”.

Their first child Stacy was born in May of 1978, with soon to follow Crispin in 1980, Joshua in 1981 and by their 6th anniversary in 1983 they had Toni, number 4.

After a short stint in the Army and realizing football as a career was not an option, Jim took a job working in the Oil Field business and when that fell through in the mid-eighties he decided to pursue a career in electronics.  This took him into the vending game businesses which lead to computers in the nineties.  He spent the last 25 years repairing computers – inside out – Jim could fix anything.  He worked for Wayne Dresser, Dell, Jabil, Image Microsystems and Revertech Solutions.  And along the way he managed to build his own Computer Board Repair Shop.  Most of us knew Jim from church, work or of course, softball.

He played softball for 39 years.

Jim taught his wife to play softball, his kids to play softball and just about anybody that knew him longer than a day – he had you playing softball sooner or later.

In 2009 the Senior Softball team – Relentless, won the World Championship in Las Vegas – This was one of his favorite moments.

For Jim softball was a way of life, He was passionate about his philosophy regarding this team sport both on and off the field.  He was a strong leader who built strong teams in all aspects of his life.

Jim was an active member and Elder of Round Rock Christian Church and for 10 years a member of the Round Rock Jaycees, he had a willingness to help anyone, anytime with anything.

The family he has left behind is what he valued most, His wife of 38 and half years, Venessa.  His 4 Children and their spouses; Stacy and Joey Hart, Crispin and Christina Harmel, Joshua and Heather Harmel, Toni Twomey, the widow Brendan who proceeded him in death.   He also leaves behind his step-dad Gordon Colburn, his Brother Mike and his wife Debi Harmel and his sisters Debbie and Sheri Colburn.

Jim has five grandchildren; Joel, Jett, Harley, Aubrie and Braxton.

Jim wanted people to remember that he was who he was and he never pretended to be someone he wasn’t.  When you met Jim, you got Jim.  You either loved him or played softball with him – or maybe both.