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Share a special moment from Jo's life.

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~My Nanny~

August 18, 2017

  I dont even know where to start when it comes to describing my Nanny other than she was a great mom, an awesome grandma, and caregiver.  i can remember all the summers i got to spend with my Nanny and Papa :)  summers that i will always rememeber.  Anytime i needed someone to talk to and wouldnt judge me i knew i could always count on my nanny to listen.  She went out of her way to do for her kids, her grandkids, and great grandkids.  she adored everysingle one of her grand children. Gosh, i miss you so much nanny.  i wish i could be there in texas with the rest of the family for your memorial but just know i will be there in thought.  i love you nanny

My momma

August 18, 2017


    You were one of the strongest woman I have ever known. Not only were you my mom you were my best friend, we done everything together. You were my rock my comfort my everything. I needed more time with you. Not a minute goes by that I don't think of you. I miss our late night conversations, the laughter and stories while sitting on the porch drink pot after pot of coffee. I miss and love you so much. 

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