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The Road

June 23, 2017

My mom was a free spirit for many years. As a child, we would get in the car and she would drive us places. While driving to our destination,  she would drive through hills and tell us to hold on. What we never expected was to have that funny feeling you get when going down the slope and feel like we were falling. We would always laugh after holding our stomachs and breath. She was the greatest mom to us kids and she was our complete world. 

I would also remember she would get to a stop sign or stop light and continuously pump the brakes making our heads bounce off the back of the backseat.  That was so much fun. We would hoot and holler out of enjoyment. 

Some memories are just meant to be passed on from generation to generation. What seems so big to a child of a parent, will become a memory in that child's adult life. 

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