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His Life

The Master Builder

May 19, 2021
Right from the beginning on February 23, 1972 when Jochim finally took his first breath after his laboring mom had been in labor for 26 hours, I knew he was special in so many ways. His mother and I had visions of our first child throughout the pregnancy. We knew his initials "JE" from a visual sign displayed to us in a manner we could not ignore. He became Jochim Emmanuel - "God is with us." "Jockie," his first nickname, was indeed a superbaby. He crawled at 2 months old, he was pulling himself up on coffee tables and the side of the bed at 4 months, and he walked (actually ran) at 8 months. His curly sandy-golden hair surrounded his joyful face highlighted by his brilliant blue eyes. 
We were in San Francisco one afternoon, and we jumped on a trolley with Jochim in my arms. Just as we got on the trolley a ray of sunlight beamed directly into his shining blue eyes. Something in that moment led several folks on the trolley to look up and see what we saw every day, the glow of joy and love in his radiant blue eyes. A few comments from the passengers verified what we felt about our superbaby. His mother and I looked at each other and were reassured that "God was with us."
With the 4th anniversary of Jochim joining his grandparents, his auntie Heather, and all his transitioned ancestors, it is still difficult to fill that hole that I have in my heart for his physical presence. I'm working on what the 46th POTUS continues to remind us that eventually we will have a smile come to our face before a tear comes to our eyes. It's difficult. but these remembrances of our Super baby truly help to ease the pain of a special person who left too soon. I love you son, and miss you dearly. Rest assure, your joy to the world shines through. Peace, Love, and Joy to the World...that is all you wanted every one to feel. God Bless You -- my Super Man. 
Your Dad