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July 10
What started as playing at his daughters wedding quickly turned into a friendship. We are very much alike. We are unorthodox. We dream big, push boundaries, and we love to entertain. Though it was only a few short years, a lot of memories were made. Being a part of building Magnum Opus, acquiring the cars, unveiling the Ford GT's at Iron Gate, attending the Mecum auction preview, visiting me at work, bringing a car out to my exotic car show, hanging out in lawn chairs talking, random phone calls about music videos or songs he liked. Even if I wasn't playing and there was live music, he would grab my arm, and his harp, and say "let's go show them how it's done." haha. He welcomed me and my family into his world and always made it a point to spend quality time with me at any event that he hosted. I have gotten to know his amazing family and friend circles and cherish those relationships as well, and will keep them in my thoughts as they navigate this painful loss. Joe, You celebrated life to the fullest and shared it with everyone around you. I now live a more driven and intentional life because you were in it. Outside of hanging out more often, the only thing I regret is never asking you why you only TYPED EMAILS IN ALL CAPS ;) Rest in peace, buddy.
July 8
I will always cherish my friendship with my Pal,Joe. It didn’t matter where I ran into Joe, he was always gracious with that famous smile, and one of a kind laugh. Until we meet again, may the Lord comfort his family and embrace Joe, as he has us.God Bless.
July 6
Joe was such a great man and will be missed by so many that were fortunate enough to have known him.  I last saw Joe a few years ago at his grandsons and my Godson’s baseball game who happened to be on the same team.  It was years before then that I last saw him but didn’t feel that way when we talked.  He always took a true interest in everyone he met.  Such a loving man.  I have many fond memories of him and will always appreciate how kind and welcoming he was to me.  He raised an equally kind and loving family.  I will keep Joe and his family in my prayers.  

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