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As Good As It Gets

August 20, 2020
Twenty-five years ago, Joe was the bass player in the "orchestra" on my very first cruise ship gig.  Later, I was fortunate to work with Joe on other ships (but never again as bandmates) and to spend time with Joe when we both lived in Toronto.    It was on the rooftop deck of my house in Toronto that Joe introduced me to my first tofu hotdog.  It wasn't good.  And to this day I never put my wallet in my back pocket.  Thanks Joe!
Although he'd never come out and tell you so, Joe Silver was a musical superhero.  One night, during my first week in the band, we were sitting on the stage before the show, curtains closed, audience filling the auditorium. The piano player, David Ake mentioned a song, an 80s tune I think, and Joe quickly explained - oh yeah, that's in A, but it starts on E 7.  He then proceeded to sing/recite the lyrics while strumming the chord progression for the whole song, way up high on the neck of his bass.  Who is this guy?  - like a walking music Encyclopedia Titanica.  (that's a cruise ship joke)  Anyway, I was stoked!  Little did I know, I had hit the cruise ship musician high water mark on my very first contract.  In all the days that followed, floating around the world, it would never be the same.  Sure, I worked with other great bass players (and some not so great bass players) but those first weeks with Joe, - that's as good as it gets.
Joe was the kind of person who made sure that the new guy found his sea legs.  On my first cruise, Vancouver to Seward, Joe invited me to go ashore with him in Skagway Alaska.  He told me about the jam at the Red Onion Saloon and other points of interest nearby.  Walking down the gangway, Joe put his ship ID away in his wallet.  He slipped it into the front right pocket of his trousers and then told me that putting your wallet in one of the back pockets would create the appearance of having a "lumpy ass" and that he didn't feel that he could afford to go walking around Skagway Alaska looking like he had a lumpy ass.  Personally, I think he could have pulled it off.  I love you Joe.  I miss you Joe.

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