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Update (June 26, 2024): 
Obituary for Joel Kent Sevy
Our beloved son Joel Kent Sevy passed away on Friday, February 9, 2024, in the beautiful snow-covered mountains north of Beijing, China. He was surrounded by family and friends, enjoying an annual tradition of backpacking on his favorite trail for Lunar New Year’s Eve, when he was collecting firewood for the dinner campfire, lost his footing near an unseen cliff, and fell to his death. He died instantly, free of pain, despite valiant rescue attempts by his father and friends. We are forever indebted to those who carried us through that terrible night.

Joel was inseparable from his best friend and identical twin Leif. They survived a precarious early-term birth together under the loving care of medical staff at the University of Utah NICU, the beginning of many miracles throughout their lives. From then on, they faced every day of life together with a determination to make it the “best day ever.” Observing the closeness and inexpressible beauty of their brotherhood has been, and always will be, an eternal source of joy to us. As toddlers, they tumbled and played like baby pandas in our garden in Copenhagen, Denmark; as kindergarteners, they traipsed through the beaches and jungles with their Cub Scout den from the Taipei American School in Taiwan; and as middle-schoolers, they grew to be athletic young men who also bravely graced the stage as proud seventh-graders at the International School of Beijing. Together they ran cross-country and track and field, sang in the choir and in the school musical, and vigorously recruited friends to the rugby team, with Joel being honored as the player of year. They always signed up for every club together and took classes together like Chinese, design, flag football, and woodworking. On weekends, they loved biking along the river to work on a fort they made out of driftwood, going out for Lanzhou noodles or Indian food,  or to their homemade outdoor boxing gym with friends. Joel loved serving in our church with Leif as deacons, passing the sacrament and ministering to others, and was humbled to be called as the president of his teachers quorum just two weeks before his death. After spending much time in our nation’s capital, Joel and Leif  also had a special admiration for the armed forces, and in particular the incredible young Marines serving at our U.S. Embassy in Beijing, with whom they loved going rock-climbing, visiting a local orphanage over the holidays, and leading an annual fun run for families of children with disabilities from all over Beijing. These same Marines we know and love named Joel an honorary member of their detachment and flew a flag for him over the embassy, which accompanied his casket on the flight home this week from Beijing to Utah.

Joel protected and adored his little sister Paige. He brainstormed ideas and laughed at silly jokes with his older brother Asher. He shared favorite books and a love of family history with his sister Mayah. He spent every Sunday afternoon writing in his journal and searching for ancestors to connect to our family tree. One of his last journal entries included several wrinkled name cards that he taped in to save, wanting to remember our last family vacation together, a special trip to the Sydney Australia temple, in honor of our Australian ancestors.

We grieve the loss of his radiant light in our lives but rejoice in the knowledge that we will be reunited with him one day. Joel is loved and missed by his parents, Travis Mark and Lindsay Leininger Sevy; his siblings Mayah, Asher, Leif, and Paige; grandparents, Greg & Jackie Leininger of South Ogden and Kent & Carol Sevy of St. George, Utah, and by many, many aunts and uncles, cousins, teachers, and friends. We thank all of these beautiful people who blessed his life. Memorials for Joel were held previously in Beijing at our church and school. His funeral will be held on Saturday, June 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM at the Burch Creek Third Ward chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 5161 South 1300 East, South Ogden, Utah, with visiting hours from 8:30 to 10:30 AM. 

We hold in our hearts the deepest gratitude for the first responders from the search and rescue teams, police and fire departments, doctors and nurses, and villagers of Huairou, who heroically recovered Joel’s body to return to our family. We would like to thank both the staff of the Babaoshan Funeral Home who have compassionately cared for both Joel and our family for many months, and of the Lindquist Mortuary, who graciously received Joel into their care upon our arrival. We also thank Ambassador Nicholas Burns and our friends with the U.S. Embassy, Beijing United Family Hospital and Rehabilitation Hospital, Mr. Daniel Rubenstein and the International School of Beijing community, and the hundreds and thousands of you around the world who have sustained and cared for our family these past five months as we navigated this tragedy and Travis’s recovery. 

In Joel’s memory, we welcome you to support the Ronald McDonald House of Salt Lake City, which kindly took us in for many months at the time of Joel’s birth, and the Combined Veterans Honor Guard of Weber & Davis Counties, Chapter 70 of the Retired Special Forces Association, the Major Brent Taylor Foundation, the Utah National Guard, and local law enforcement who honorably welcomed him home at the time of his death. 

Original Post: Beloved son, brother, and friend Joel Sevy passed away in a tragic accident on Friday, February 9, 2024, during a backpacking outing with family and friends to celebrate the Lunar New Year. 
We treasure the memory of Joel's warm smile, sense of humor, ready friendship, and enduring goodness. He leaves behind parents Lindsay and Travis, and siblings Mayah, Asher, Paige, and his beloved twin Leif.
Please join us in faith as we work and pray for the preservation of the life of Joel's father, Travis, who is in critical condition after heroically risking his life to save his son*. 
Lindsay and her children have been strengthened by your tender messages of love as they focus all their efforts on Travis at this time.  A GoFundMe page has been setup for those wishing to offer assistance to the Sevy family during this difficult time:
Messages in all languages are welcome.

我们亲爱的儿子、兄弟和朋友乔尔·塞维(Joel Sevy)于2024年2月9日(周五)与家人和朋友一起背包旅行庆祝农历新年时,发生一起悲惨事故后去世。





*UPDATE from Travis: I can’t thank you all enough for your prayers that have sustained me and my family through this most difficult time. After many days of extensive surgeries, I awoke to the most beautiful memories of our beloved Joel and your expressions of faith and love that are bringing about miraculous healing. Both our family and the scores of devoted medical professionals who have been working around the clock to save my life have been astonished by the results. I want so badly to reach out to each one of you personally to thank you for your role in these miracles. For the next few months, I will be in full-time specialized rehabilitation here as I work to regain the ability to walk and use my arms. You all know how much I cry, so until I can use my hands again, know that I’ll be sending my love through my tears.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,
I am shock and heartbroken to hear what happened to Joel and Travis. Although I have never met Joel in person, Travis is the nicest person I met in foreign service. Like father like son, I am sure Joel is also a wonderful person like his father. My deepest condolences to the Sevy family on your loss. I sincerely wishes Travis will get better and recover soon. 
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family,

Rest in Peace dear Joel...

My heart are with you, Travis, and praying for your surgery...

May you get through this very difficult time!
February 14
February 14
Our family is heartbroken to learn the devastating death of Joel and the significant injuries of Travis. We extend our deepest sympathies to your family during the tragic time. We are praying for your family stay strong, God bless Sevy’s family [Heart]
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevys,

When I think of Travis, the first thing that always comes to mind is the way that he spoke about his family. We were all starting families at around the same time, and his words of love for his family - and his faith in Lindsay's strength as you all navigated the difficulties of pregnancy and early parenthood - strengthened and comforted me in turn. Travis is one of the best, kindest people I know. I wish I had better words for this, but my prayers are with you as you go through these days, months, and years.
February 14
February 14
I read about your family's accident from Shannon's post. I want to pray for you that God will heal Travis and bring peace and comfort to the faithful Sevy family. Even though my faith is little, I try to wholeheartedly believe Joel is laughing with Jesus. I will lift your family up in prayers.
February 14
February 14
To the Sevy Family,
We are devastated by the tragic loss you have endured. You are in our thoughts during this incredibly sorrowful time. Travis, we hope you make a quick and complete recovery. 
Chris, Myung Hee, Hannah, and Mina Rose
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

My thoughts and prayers are so much with you at this time. I pray that peace, hope and faith will be an anchor to you as we mourn the loss of Joel and that doctors will be guided in their work so that Travis may quickly return home to you. 

Much love,

February 14
February 14
Dear travis,

I want to pray for you. It also clearly wrote the scene of playing, running and dragon boats together 20 years ago. I hope you go smoothly and return safely.

You are brave, kind and self -disciplined, and hope you are safe.

February 14
February 14
Dear Travis,
Although we don’t know each other well I wish you luck for your surgery. I also wish for you and your family to get through this tough situation. Finally I want you to know that me and my family support you and that we are all here for you.

February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,

I didn’t spend a lot of time with you nor did I know you very well, but I know that you were a friendly and kind soul and I will always cherish the time I spent with you. You will be missed.

February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

Our prayers are with you all. We were absolutely devastated to hear the terrible news. We wish that there was something that we could do to ease your suffering.

Joel was such a kind young person. Keegan was lucky to be his friend. Your boys will be forever in our memories. 

Keeping you in our prayers for Travis' operation.

Marvin, Devin, Delaney, and Keegan
February 14
February 14
I cannot fathom the pain that the Sevy family must be going through. I never had the pleasure of knowing Joel too well, and I wish I had made more of an effort to get to know him better. Nonetheless, he was an amazing person and I know his presence brought tremendous joy to those around him. So much respect to Mr. Travis for his valiant act and I pray that he makes a speedy recovery. My heart goes out to Leif. Losing a sibling is heart shattering, let alone your twin. Please know that the ISB community is here to support you and your family.

I send the Sevy family strength and my deepest condolences.

February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

I am really sorry about your loss; I cannot even imagine the pain you must be going through. As you can see from this message board, you have so many friends here to support you and to lean on. I saw Joel around the Embassy in Beijing and even though I did not know him, I can tell from the pictures what a lovely young man he was. Travis, I wish you a speedy recovery, and I have no doubt you will pull through.
February 14
February 14
Sending all our sorrow and heartfelt condolences for the passing of your son, Joel. May his memory be a blessing.  

We also want to send our sincere hope for Travis’ full recovery. He is an amazing colleague and a truly outstanding human being.   With deep concern and sadness, The Moppert Family
February 14
Dearest Sevy Family, we are fasting and praying with you. We love you so very much. With all our hearts,
Nick and Shelley Thompson
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,

I didn't know you very well, but I could see that you were a very bright person who brought happiness to others. Words cannot express the depth of sadness we feel upon hearing about your loss. We will miss you. Rest in peace Joel.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family and my beloved friend Asher,

My family and I are sorry for your loss and sharing a deep sadness with you all. We will pray for Joel, and pray and fast for Mr. Sevy to get better soon.

Sally and her family
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

I was so shocked, so heartbroken when I learned about the tragic accident. I still couldn't believe it now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
February 14
February 14
Travis is one of the best people we have met in the Foreign Service, truly generous and compassionate. We are heartbroken for your family. We are thinking of you constantly and wish you all healing and health, now and in the future. Lisa and Daniele
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family,

I am so sorry for your loss. This is unreal. We cry with you.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

We are very sorry for your loss. We can only begin to imagine how difficult this must be and how much you must miss Joel. We are heartbroken for your loss.

We are praying for you and sending all our best wishes for Travis' speedy recovery. 

Warmest Wishes,
Robert and Della Hareland
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

I’m Alex, one of Asher’s friend, when I heard that Asher’s family suffered this kind of tragedy, I was shocked and saddened by the news. During this difficult time, I hope you can all stay strong, and hoping Mr. Sevy can be recovered soon as possible. And may Joel rest in peace.
哲人已遠 典範長存
February 14
February 14
To Sevy family,


Pray for Sevy family.

February 14
February 14
My deepest condolences for Joel’s passing. Praying for peace, strength, and comfort for the family all during this difficult time. 
February 14
February 14
Dear Travis,
February 14
February 14
To the Sevy Family:

We weep and pray with you and for you, and always will. 

With love and deepest sorrow,
Robert, Qiangwei, Isaac, Matteo & Claire Daly
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family,
We love you and are deeply saddened to learn of your tragic loss of Joel. We will be praying from India for Travis’ surgery and for each one of you. May God protect and bless you all during this difficult time.  Love, the Dieterle Family
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family,

I'm extremely sad to hear the tragic news. Joel is one of the sweetest students we could ever think of. He will be truly missed and will remain in our hearts.

Prayers for Travis to recover soon! My heart is with your family during this difficult time.

With love,

Vicky Yang
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family,
Our thought and prayers are with you. May our Loud takes care of Joel in heaven. May God bless Travis’s operation. We will keep your family in our prayers.
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,

I still remember clearly that your loved father brought you to the office, and you greeted us happily. You were a happy angel, and your warm smile could heal my heart instantly.

I'm very sad and heartbroken for you leave. Your father loved you very much, and so did your family. And we all love you. I believe you just went to live in another world. You can see us. I pray you live happily in the other world and I'm sure you will join us in praying for your father speedy recovery. Your father and your family can be brave and strong through this most difficult time with your love.

Please remember that we all love you forever!

We all pray your father Travis will recover soon.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this challenging time. Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. You have a community of Dragons behind you all who care about you dearly!

My sincere condolences,

Dustin Collins
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel

I remember when I first met you and Leif in track and field last year. You were kind and funny, and I remember bonding with you and Leif over running, hurdles, and much more. I am deeply saddened by your loss, and will cherish the short yet impactful memories we shared since I met you. Rest in peace.
February 14
February 14
To the Sevy Family--As this morning is Travis' surgery, I said this Jewish prayer:
When pain and fatigue are my companions, let there be room in my heart for strength. When days and nights are filled with darkness, let the light of courage find its place. Help me to endure the suffering and dissolve the fear, renew within me the calm spirit of trust and peace. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ro-feh ha-cho-lim. We praise You, Eternal God, the Source of healing and health.

I will keep Joel, Travis and your family in the light and in my heart.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

We are deeply saddened by the loss of your precious Joel. I wish I had the right words, put please know your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

May the memories of your loved one give you strength in the days that lie ahead.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

We are deeply sorry to hear about the tragic passing of Joel. We send you our heartfelt condolences. We hope you find strength and healing in these trying times. We pray that Travis makes a full recovery.

You are all in our thoughts.
Linda, Adam and Luca Worsley
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay, Travis, Leif, Asher, Mayah, and Paige,

My husband Warren and I are heartbroken over your family's loss and pain. Just unimaginable, to lose a precious, delightful son and brother at such an early age. Our hearts go out to you. Travis has been an enormous source of positivity, professional guidance, and joy during my time in Beijing and I feel so lucky to have worked with him. Sending prayers for Travis to heal soon and sending you all lots of love.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

I am shocked and saddened to hear the tragic news that has affected your beautiful family. You are such a shining light in our community. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Asher always spoke of his siblings with such energy and love. May Joel rest in peace and may Travis be given the strength he needs to recover.


The Harkin Family

February 14
February 14
Dear Travis and Sevy family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have offered Lenten prayers during a mass today and will keep you in my heart. Kate
February 14
February 14
In times like these, we wonder why? Where is He when we need Him the most? Only He knows why. Let us continue to trust Him and pray for the surviving family. Till we meet again, we love you. 
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,
Sending you love, hugs and my deepest condolences. The light of your family that shines into the darkest corner of every room you enter is a true testament to the beauty you all bring to the world. Bless you all and know that Travis is particularly in my thoughts now.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

I am deeply saddened by the loss of Joel. Loosing someone at this time of year isn’t easy, and it’s especially challenging when Joel has held such an important place within your family. Please accept my heartfelt condolences during this difficult time. May you find peace and healing in the midst of your grief, and may your precious and loving memories you’ve all shared with Joel always remain in your hearts.

With heartfelt condolences,
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family,

During this challenging time, please know that my thoughts are with you. I have fond memories of Joel when I had the privilege of teaching him PE at ISB. He always displayed kindness and a caring nature that made him a joy to have in my class.

I also want to express my thoughts and support for Travis and his courageous actions. I hope that he will overcome the obstacles he faces.


Josie O’Reilly

February 14
February 14
We are so sad to hear this news. Our sincerest condolences to your family. Our thoughts and prayers will be with your family and Travis as he recovers.
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay and Sevy’s family

We are sorry for the loss. May Joel rest in peace with his Heavenly Father. We pray for Travis’s speedy recovery. May you and your family stay strong and united during this challenging time. 期求萬能的主保佑Travis手术成功, 一家人能顺利安稳渡过困难的难关。

Estella and family
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

My family and I are praying for Travis to pull through his surgery and for God to give you all the strength to even begin to live with the unimaginable loss of dear Joel.

There are only a few people on this Earth who when you meet them, you feel instantly touched by God’s love. That is Travis, with his warm and generous spirit. We were not fortunate enough to get to know the his whole family well, but from what we heard from Travis and others, they carry that same beautiful spirit.

May God’s love surround you.

Leslie, Lassine, Ibra, Nandi, and Louis Doumbia
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

Our hearts are heavy with the news of Joel's tragic passing, and we extend our deepest sympathies to you during this time of unfathomable loss.

We hold onto hope for his father's recovery and are here for you through this journey. Your family has always been a source of inspiration to us and so many others, and we hope that you can draw upon the collective support of our community to sustain you in the days ahead.

May you find some comfort in knowing how much your family means to us and how deeply we care.

With heartfelt condolences and unwavering support,

Jason, Amber, and Riley Rinka
February 14
Dear Joel,

We miss you here in Taiwan dearly. Your family means the world to us, and we're deeply saddened by your departure to be with Heavenly Father. However, we take solace in knowing that we'll reunite with you in heaven someday. Thank you for the beautiful memories we shared together in Taiwan. We'll certainly miss you and your family dearly.
              Love The Pascuals
               Ricoh Joyce Jelica Jericho
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,
You’re a kind, humorous, and friendly person. You can create a positive, sunny atmosphere whenever and wherever you are. I remember every time you made me laugh, I also remember your beautiful smile. Even though I will never see it again, however; I will forever remember it and I will miss you. We pray your father will recover soon. Rest in peace in the heaven.
February 14
February 14
I’m just a friend of your friends, who read about this terrible tragedy and share a part of your infinite sadness for the loss of this young and beautiful boy. May his sweet memory stay with you forever, beyond the pain that, I understand, is hurting you so much. A hug to all of you, from Denmark
February 14
February 14
Lindsay and Travis,
We are heartbroken about the passing of Joel. We love your family. We are praying for Travis during this important time. 

I wanted to share a memory of Joel. I remember in Taiwan you had our family over for dinner. Joel and Leif introduced our girls to the magic of the foam swords and shields. Coming from a house of Barbie’s and Dolls—it was pretty novel. We got our own set and still have it! 

We love you all. 
Jennie and Scott
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May 2
When Joel and Leif were babies we spent a lot of time visiting them in DC. I loved any chance I had to rock Joel to sleep. My favorite thing was walking him around and holding him in their extra bedroom in their apartment and trying to gently put him in bed so he wouldn’t wake up. I’ve loved seeing him grow up, and every time we’ve been together over the summers, he has been such a wonderful cousin and friend. I’ve never seen boys who are so welcoming and kind and generous to the younger kids as the Sevy boys. I hope my boys become just like Joel as they grow up.
March 16
Dear Sevy Family,

We want to express our deepest sympathy from Taipei. Joel was such a big part of what made Oren’s earliest years at TAS amazing. Whether it was playing baseball, camping with the scouts, attending birthday parties, or just hanging out, the memories they made are solidly a part of “the good old days”. The friend group that was formed in the fall of 2016 still holds strong, even over time and distance. We are sending all of our love and prayers as you navigate this unexpected journey.

Oren, Jason, Jenessa, and Lewis Van Schooneveld
March 15
March 15
Dear Sevy Family
It is really sad that makes us all feel helpless and heartbroken, but please believe that our support will always be with you, please take care of your health and recover soon. if there is anything we can do to help, please tell us.

Beibei From Tianjin
Recent stories

My Friend Joel

June 18
I have known Joel for 2 years at ISB, it has been my honor being his friend and privilege to have known him and had played with him. Our first memory that we shared with him was when we had to play the ukulele with him during music class last year. From then on, we became great friends, I would even say best friends (we have lots of best friends)!

He was a part of 7-2, our class, and had lit the room around us with his enthusiastic smiles. He had a great sense of humor and lifted all of us up when things get down. To have shared memories with this awesome young man and to have flew with him as we traveled across time. 

Knowing joel

June 18
-Andrew Hope
Joel was my best friend, I knew Joel for around 2 years. He was always so kind in class and made everybody laugh. My favorite story about him was when our class was doing a secret-santa game where you had to get gifts for somebody and everybody had to guess who gave them the gift. Me and joel secretly discussed about who we thought would be the secret santa. When the day came, he surprised me with a stuffed animal beagle, because he knew I loved beagles! I still have the beagle to this day. I really miss Joel.
He was a great friend.
June 9
I had the privilege to get to know Joel while he was in my homeroom and mentoring group. The word I think of when I think about my memories of Joel is engagement—he was always fully engaged, even when it wasn’t something others were excited about or confident to try. On our mentoring trip in the fall, Joel’s enthusiasm for a bunch of silly games like mustache ball helped pull in others who were more reluctant. Of course, some of his enthusiasm may have stemmed from the fact that I told him my mentoring group won a medal the previous year. He also loved a bit of competition! That first evening, our mentoring group bonded over eating bowls and bowls of white rice, at some points laughing so hard they were in tears. Joel did more than his fair share to contribute to the large consumption of food at that table. The next day they broke the standing record for bowls of white rice eaten. He was the one who took a very routine mentoring activity that made other kids groan and made it fun. He took a picture of his bicep for a “digital tattoo” assignment, saved the picture, and named his bicep. He brought so much joy. I will also always remember our last two days before the Chinese New Year break. Joel and some of his classmates had complained about having to do a Chinese dance and be on the front row of the dance, but in the performance Joel was all in. More than any kid I’ve met, he had figured out that if you fully engage, you get more out of whatever you are doing. On our final half day at school, our homeroom activity was lantern making and it turned out to be super challenging. Quite a few students gave up. But not Joel. He stayed there for a long time, reconstructing the frame of his delicate lantern, even as the last few people trickled out of the gym. He was so determined to have something to show for all the time spent there. He will forever be a part of our 7-2 family.

My own family will continue to keep your family in our prayers in the weeks and months to come.

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