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May 2
When Joel and Leif were babies we spent a lot of time visiting them in DC. I loved any chance I had to rock Joel to sleep. My favorite thing was walking him around and holding him in their extra bedroom in their apartment and trying to gently put him in bed so he wouldn’t wake up. I’ve loved seeing him grow up, and every time we’ve been together over the summers, he has been such a wonderful cousin and friend. I’ve never seen boys who are so welcoming and kind and generous to the younger kids as the Sevy boys. I hope my boys become just like Joel as they grow up.
March 16
Dear Sevy Family,

We want to express our deepest sympathy from Taipei. Joel was such a big part of what made Oren’s earliest years at TAS amazing. Whether it was playing baseball, camping with the scouts, attending birthday parties, or just hanging out, the memories they made are solidly a part of “the good old days”. The friend group that was formed in the fall of 2016 still holds strong, even over time and distance. We are sending all of our love and prayers as you navigate this unexpected journey.

Oren, Jason, Jenessa, and Lewis Van Schooneveld
March 15
March 15
Dear Sevy Family
It is really sad that makes us all feel helpless and heartbroken, but please believe that our support will always be with you, please take care of your health and recover soon. if there is anything we can do to help, please tell us.

Beibei From Tianjin
March 11
March 11
Travis, Lindsey, and Sevy family,

Please accept my deepest condolences for your family’s devastating loss. I’m continuing to send all my thoughts and love your way, and wishing you hope, strength, and healing.

March 6
March 6
We love Joel, and all the Sevy family sooooo much! This news was so shocking and heartbreaking . Joel and Leif were in two years of Primary Sunday School class that Kym and I taught, and we had previously met and bonded with your family when we were both living and working in Taiwan. Prayers and fasting continue to go out to the entire Sevy family…and I positively know that Kymmie was right there to embrace Joel immediately upon his arrival ❤️ ❤️
March 5
March 5
Dear Sevy family,

Our family are so sorry about the loss of Joel.

We cannot understand all the pain your family has felt, but we leave this message with our sincere condolences.

We will be praying for Travis's recovery and the peace of your family.

Theo, Ewan and Koh's family
March 4
March 4
Dear Sevy family,

Linda and I are heartbroken for you. In such an incomprehensibly difficult time, we hope you are reinforced by the love of one another and by the love that is pouring in all over the world for your family. We wish Travis a speedy and full recovery. We will keep you in our hearts and thoughts.

With love,
Matt Steele and Linda Lizarazo- Steele
Far East Council
February 28
February 28
To the Sevy family,
The Boy Scouts of America Far East Council sends its deepest condolences to the Sevy family. Over the last decade the Sevys been active & vital members in Troop 91 in Taipei, Pack 3944 in Beijing, and Troop 943 in Beijing. Your friends in Scouting share in your grief and think of you often.
Personally, I had met Travis only in passing, and did not know Joel, but after reading through every message on this site, it is clear that Joel was beloved by his friends, admired by teachers and parents, and brought joy to the lives of everyone he knew. He will be missed at the campfire and everywhere.
Dan Whitaker
Far East Council Executive Committee Member
Pack Committee Chair, Pack 3944 Beijing
Vivian and Clark Teng
February 26
February 26
Dear Travis and the Sevy Family,

The sudden news of Joel's passing and of Travis' heroic efforts to save your beloved son came so suddenly, and we can only imagine what your family is experiencing. While we may never understand why our good Creator gives and takes away, may you all be comforted that He never removes His love from us and those we love so dearly. Joel, Travis and the Sevy family are in our prayers -- may the Lord comfort and bind up your broken hearts with His love.
February 25
February 25
Dear Lindsay and Travis,

We want to express our deepest condolences on the loss of your sweet son, Joel. We are thinking about you all - daily - and holding you and your children in our hearts at this painful time.

One thing we have heard over and over again, is how much people have felt held and touched by your family in their lives. We’ve had colleagues reach out who served with you in the past, or long ago in Beijing, to send messages of hope and find out how they can help.

As you make sense of this new world, new reality, know that you are being held by so many around this globe. That the way you have always supported your communities and neighbors and colleagues has built strong connections that will hold you in your time of healing going forward. And know that the Rubins are part of that network of friends and community members who are here for you.

Travis, your update brought us both smiles and tears. Along with countless of others, we are pulling for you in this recovery. Hoping for more moments of joy and love than pain and sorrow. May Joel’s memory be a blessing for you and all who knew him.

Shannon & Jason Rubin
February 25
February 25
Psalm 125:1-2, 4

  [1] Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.
  [2] As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore.

  [4] Do good, O LORD, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts!

Dear Sevy Family,

We are praying this psalm over you. Your family remains in our hearts and in our prayers.

Julie & Philip Oh
February 23
February 23
Dear Sevy family,

I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear Joel. He was such a kindhearted and funny soul when I knew him during his kindergarten year at ISB. I pray for you and your family to be wrapped in warmth, love, and care during this time. I will also continuously pray for Joel's father in his continued recovery.

Lots of love,
February 22
February 22
Dear Joel,

“A life that’s been loved is a life that’s been lived.” You probably don’t know me but I see you almost every morning when I goes to school. Your smile brighten up my day and brings me comfort and joy. I will forever miss the smile I always know. Rest in peace.

Nora Z from G4 (aka Eva’s little sister)
February 22
February 22
Dear Travis and Lindsay
We are Juan Carlos Cruz parents, we live in Miami Florida and we will like to let you and your family know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and that the Lord loves you so much. We are so sorry and grieving for the loss of your family. We know you have many difficult days ahead and we will still praying for all your family, especially for a speedy and full recovery for Travis. We know that the Lord is with all of you, and we wish you strength in the days ahead, we are grateful and relieved at the news that your surgeries went well and improving day by day. You all have been heavy on our mind and in our prayers. Many of our family and friends over here are praying for all of you and seeing the hand of the Lord over you and your family. We don’t know you, but we love you all through the love of Jesus Christ our Savior.
February 22
February 22
Dear Lindsay, Travis and the Sevy family:

Our hearts go out to you during this difficult time. We can’t imagine what you are going through but wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Our times in the boyscouts with you were one of the most amazing memories. Adrian will miss his dear friend Joel.  Joel was an incredible kid, who was kind, sincere, humorous and brought a smile to all those around him.

Travis, while we may all be in tears for a long time, I have faith that one day we will be able to say hello to each other without them. Best wishes to your recovery, if anyone can do it, it would be you.

Please let us know how we can help in any way. 

Best Regards,

Amy, Adrian and the Lei family

February 22
February 22
Dear Sevy family,

I am so sorry for your loss of Joel. My deepest condolences to you and to the Sevy family. May God bring you strength to go through the darkest times, and you are prayed that only good things will happen to the Sevy’s from now and forever, as you always bring laughter, positive energy and patience with smiling face when you are around. Speedy recovery Travis and we are waiting for you to give you hugs and kisses when you are back to the office. As my daughter said “邦邦叔叔,你要好好活着.” Though limited words and expressions she could think of as a 5yrs old when she heard this devastating and grievous news of your family, the meaning is profound. Indeed, Live! Well!! Travis, your family needs you. Likewise, we all need you and are praying for you each day.

R.I.P. Joel.

All my best,
February 21
February 21
Dear Travis and Savy family,

I am shocked to hear the sad news about Joel. My deepest condolences to you and your family. You are a great dad, super cool man. We constantly talk about you even after you left Taiwan. Great to see your update today and happy for you. We will be praying strength for your family and a full recovery for you.

Crystal, Lucas and Chu family
February 21
February 21
Dear Lindsay
I have been looking for you for a long time. And when I finally found you on facebook, Joel...I am so sorry. But I am so glad that Travis' emergency surgery was a success. I know Joel has a lot of mission work to do and I will continue to pray sincerely for Lindsay, Travis, your family, and Mayah during her mission. I know that we will be saved by the "Thing Celestial" spoken of by President Nelson. May we reconnect. We love you as always.

Michiko Watanabe Saito
February 21
February 21
Dear Lindsy,

My deepest condolences to you and to the Sevy family. I'm shocked and so sad to hear the tragic loss of Joel. I still wish that is not true!

I am honored to have the opportunity to know your family from the very first time when you applied ISB admissions back in 2015. At that time Joel was only 4. Over the years I watched him grow in distance from a preschooler to a full-fledged big boy in middle school. The magic wonder his eyes has left lasting impression on me. The type of wonder could only belong to an angel. I believe that he is now in heaven with other beautiful angels watching over his dad, mom and brothers and sisters… With his charm and eternal love for his family, Joel will bring his dad Travis back to a full recovery!

With prayers and love,

Jerry Oldfield
February 21
February 21
Dear Travis and Lindsay,

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are so sorry and grieving for the loss to your family. You have been neighbors and remain our friends for many years. Words cannot adequately express our support for you at this difficult time. We know you have many difficult days ahead. Please know that we wish you all the strength, love, courage, and support possible. If we can be of any assistance at all in the times to come, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Yours truly,

Brian and Denise Brendel
February 21
February 21
Dear Sevys,

We are huge admirers of Travis and the Sevy family and have been for many years. It was the worst news ever that tragedy struck this family full of love. We offer our sincere condolences on the loss of Joel. It's an unimaginable heartache to lose a child. We pray for Travis's recovery and peace for the whole family.

love Deans
February 20
February 20
I'm so sorry to hear about Joel. He was a good friend and I will forever remember him. The last time I saw him was during a Chinese New Year assembly. We had to do this dance that no one wanted to do, except Leif and Joel. The two of them were jumping up and down dancing, shaking the pom pom, and having so much energy. I will forever miss him. I have known him since I was in third grade and he was in fourth. I hope you will all be well and safe. I will continue to pray and bless your family.
February 20
February 20
We are saddened to learn about your sudden loss of Joel. We pray for all the Sevy family, especially for a speedy recovery for Travis. We know that the Lord is with you now and in the weeks and months ahead. In His love, Linda and Gil
February 19
February 19
Dear Travis and family,

I was devastated to hear of the loss of your son and the injuries Travis sustained trying to save him. My thoughts are with you during this incredibly difficult time, and I wish you strength and support in the days ahead.

With heartfelt sympathy,

Eric Frater
February 19
February 19
Dear Sevy Family,

We are praying for your family and sending our love as you navigate this tremendous loss. We did not know Joel personally but knowing you both, Travis and Lindsay, I am not surprised at all to read all of the messages showing what a wonderful young man Joel was. We will be praying for God's comfort and strength for your family and a full recovery for Travis.

Gonzalez Family
February 19
February 19
Dear Sevy Family,

Our hearts ache for your loss and pray for Travis’ full recovery. I can’t imagine the unbearable pain that must come with the loss of a child. Our deepest condolences. Sending prayers, love, and light to you all for a full recovery for Travis and grace in the journey forward without Joel.  You will find a way, let time and faith guide you. 

With much love,
Sandra, Aaron and the Girls.
February 19
February 19
Wrapping you in all my love because words fall short. Praying for you to find strength and for Travis to fully recover. May God Bless You. With love,
February 18
February 18
The Sevy family has been very much on our minds over the past week. Since we also have a son named Joel, we can feel to some degree just how heart-wrenching it has been for them to lose their own son Joel. We were pleased to join the many other friends, colleagues and well-wishers in fasting and prayers for Travis, and we are grateful and relieved at the news that his surgeries went well. This will be a long road for the Sevys, but they continue to inspire us with their grace and courage in the face of these tragic events. 

Brent and Brenda   
February 18
February 18
We are so sorry to hear about Joel’s tragic accident and wish Travis to recover soon. Adrian will miss his dear friend and our prayers are with you. Thinking of you at this very difficult time.

Adrian and the Lei family
February 18
February 18
My family was so surprised when we heard the news. I am so heartbroken that something happened that no one could have imagined. I know that no words in the world can comfort the Sevy family. At this moment, I sincerely hope that Mr. Travis recovers in good health, and that Joel Sevy's family does not lose their health. We offer our sincere condolences.
February 18
February 18
Dear Sevy Family,

I am a 9th grader in ISB. I sometimes saw Joel in the hallways, and I always thought he was an energetic, sweet and kind boy to everyone. So, I always wanted to get closer to him so much. Even though I haven't known you guys very well, I will always and deeply remember Joel. I also wish for Travis' well recovery from the surgery.

Chelsea Kim
February 18
February 18
Dear Sevy family
Please accept our deepest condolences over this incident. Our family will pray for the recovery of Travis and for all members of the Sevy family.

With regards from Iris, Poh and Miranda
February 18
February 18
Sorry for what had happened in your family... 我們會為你們家庭祈禱,也祈求神祝福史弟兄早日康復
February 17
February 17
Dear Travis and Sevy Family: So shocked to learn of the loss of your son. My deepest condolences. Sending much love to you and the family. You are such an amazing person and family that has touched so many lives. Wishing you strength as your carry on in the difficult days ahead. Take care, --TONY  
February 17
February 17
Dear Sevy Family

I send my deepest condolence to Sevy family. I also lost my father a month ago. I can sympathize with your hard time. I'm also still heartly sad and miss him every second.
In my country, Korea, people say that death is a return to Heaven, on the day the beautiful journey of this world ends. Someone's journey may be longer or someone's may be less long..
Joel's smile says that his journey was the most beautiful and bright.
I believe that the Heaven's time flows very slowly, for example 10 years in the world is 1 day in the heaven. It's not long before we meet again.
Sevy family is in my prayers.
May God be with you forever.

Sincerely, Jung Family
February 17
February 17
Dear Sevy family,
My deepest condolences. You all have been heavy on my mind and in my prayers. I had the honor to know more about your family through Leif. Last year, he was in my homeroom as well as mentoring group. I quickly learned about his twin brother and I thought how cool-there’s 2. I would see Joel mostly around the hallways and I would greet him. Seeing him reminded me of Leif, a student who I absolutely love. Seeing Leif reminded me of Joel. In 7th grade, I noticed that they were around each other more especially in the cafeteria. I met you Lindsay when you came to meet the teachers and we exchanged a couple emails. Working with Leif gave me insight into how such a beautiful, kind and sweet family you are. I attended the Puff play and Clue. One day, I spoke with Asher in passing and told him how talented he is. I asked about his future university plans and it was a great conversation. Your family is a testament of how much love you have poured into your kids and how they shine it onto others. Most recently, I saw Leif and Joel perform side by side at the CNY celebration. They were dancing and singing thoroughly enjoying themselves. I thought how I had never seen Joel dance this hard and doing it next to Leif was memorable. 2 brothers dancing and taking the stage. I will forever have this memory imprinted in my mind. May God grant your family the comfort and strength that you need. Leif, Ms. Ramirez is thinking about you. Sending you lots of hugs! Rest in peace Joel.
February 17
February 17
Dear Sevy Family,

Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss. Although we haven't been in touch these years, I really miss the time we shared together at Sino-US Center which is the happiest time in my life. Your genuine sincerity and enthusiasm have always impressed me and I have always thought that such a sincere friendship would reduce confrontation between the two countries. I pray for you and wish you a full recover.

Zhao Gang
February 17
February 17
Dear Sevy family,

I’m deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Joel. My heartfelt condolences go out to your family at this time. Joel will be remembered as a playful and adventurous child who cared deeply for others. I feel privileged to have been his teacher and to have gotten to know your family during your time in Taipei. I wish Travis a full recovery and have your family in my thoughts.

With sympathy,

Heather Barrus

February 17
February 17
February 17
February 17
Dearest Sevys
I clearly remember meeting your family for the first time in 2019. We were both staying in the RG apartments while waiting for our houses to be ready. The light and love that your family radiated that day took me by surprise and I remember being in awe of the authentic genuine nature of the entire family. Over the years our daughters in particular have grown together. Sharing birthdays, halloweens and other special occasions. Any time spent with you always left me feeling somehow closer to what is right in this world. Being witness to your beautiful family always gave me hope and left me feeling like a better version of myself just being in your company. Thank you for always being a beacon of light in our community. We are all just a little closer to God knowing your incredible family. We are all so deeply heartbroken for you during this tragic time and it is difficult to comprehend how this could happen to such wonderful souls. However, I know that if any family can handle the weight of this moment it is yours. Take solace in knowing that Joel will be watching over you all always.
February 17
February 17
Sevy Family,

Our hearts ache and grieve for you. Our family’s love, faith, and prayers are with you, Lindsey, and your entire family.

Your family brings light and love, brightness, and warmth to those around you. We will be forever grateful for the circumstances and blessings that allow us to become acquainted. It has been extra meaningful and memorable to discover the connections between us, Travis, and to encounter each other's family in the most unexpected places.

May each of you be supported and carried during this time and beyond.

The Scharkowskis
Zhao Family.
February 17
February 17
On the behalf of the family of Emma Zhao and Tingting Zeng, we would like to send our deepest condolences and prayers to you and your family. We are still taking and accepting the news of this tragedy, and we hope you are going through this rough time as smoothly as possible. We believe Joel is free of pain, in the good hands of God, and that he will live peacefully in his eternal life. Everyday, we are praying that Travis will be blessed and protected by the love of God and all of us. We see Lindsey as strong mother and a wife for going through this difficult period and still show love for everybody in the community. We will continue to support and pray for the mental recovery of your family and Travis.
February 16
February 16
Dear Sevy Family,

Like everyone, I was shocked and deeply saddened by this tragedy. My sincere condolences for the loss of Joel, while praying for Travis’ full recovery.

I first met Travis when I worked with him in Beijing in 2015 and was honored to serve with him again in Beijing this time. He always brightened up everyplace and everyone he came across, and I’m glad to see so many showing love and holding up a light for him and the family during this difficult time. 

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers…
February 16
February 16
To the Levy family,
Words cannot express how deeply saddened we are to hear of your tragic loss. The Levy family was a memorable part of our Embassy family during the years we served with Mission China. Our prayers are with you all.
Former Ambassador Terry and Chris Branstad
February 16
February 16
Dear Travis, Lindsay and all the Sevys

We are thinking so much about you. We send you all our love. 

Xenia, Henley and Mariano Jones
February 16
February 16
Dear Sevy Family,

We wish we had the right words to bring comfort, peace or maybe a smile to your faces, but alas we fear that anything we say will be far inadequate.

Joel, this Stripling Warrior, has forever left an imprint on us of one who went about doing good. It is a true testament to him of how many have shared of their experiences and love for him already.

We pray that the Atonement of Jesus Christ envelops your family as you begin your healing journey.

Please know we send our love and will keep you in our prayers!

Lane, Amber, Guy, Duncan, Grahm, Drake Christensen
February 16
February 16
Dear Sevy Family
I am deeply sorry for your unimaginable loss. Each time I met any members of your family, the immense love, joy and kindness you shared between yourselves and with others was inspiring. Truly people who add light to the world and lift others up. You are an incredible family.
February 16
February 16
Dear Sevy Family,

I am struggling to find the words to express my sincere condolences for your loss of Joel - It is unimaginable. Travis, I wish you a full recovery and send the entire Sevy family continued strength from afar.

With love, from Taiwan.
February 16
February 16
Lindsay, Travis, Mayah, Asher, Leif, and Paige,

Words cannot express how our family has felt this past week after hearing of Joel's passing and Travis' suffering. We've cried, lost sleep, and cried some more as we've thought of your loss and what you're going through. Looking back at pictures and thinking of Joel, we're so grateful for our interactions with him and his kind and gentle spirit and we'll hold dear our memories of him and the time we had with your sweet family in Beijing.

You are truly amazing Lindsay as we hear you looking heavenward and searching for that much needed connection and peace. Thank you for inviting all to fast and pray with you as well. Such an example to all of us. We're so relieved that Travis' surgeries have gone well, and the Platts will continue to pray for your strength, for Travis' healing, and comfort in the days ahead for your family. We hope to be able to give you big hugs soon. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help you back here in the States. We love you! 

- Briant, Micky, Thomas, Savannah, and Rhea
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