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February 14
February 14
I (Fiyen) remember attending online Primary with Joel in 2021, at that time Sister Holyoak was doing singing time. Even though we were singing very simple hymns, Joel was very focused during singing time. I can feel his love for the gospel and people.

We always enjoyed talking with Travis and Lindsay, they are so gentle and kind. We love the Sevy family and will continue to pray for Travis and his family. Our hearts are with you.

-Nathan and Fiyen Carruth
February 14
February 14
Hi Joel, even though we only spoke a few words at school, I can feel your kindness and warmth. I pray for you and your family. You will always be missed by us. Danielle Yun 7-5
February 14
February 14
Dear Travis, Lindsay, Mayah, Asher, Leif, Paige,

There simply are not words to express how devastating this is for you, your family, and for those who love you.

I hope you can cling to now, and always hold on to the fond memories of love and laughter shared with Joel. 

Travis, I am pulling hard for you. When I think about you, the words come easy. Joy. Family. Love. Radiance. It is impossible to leave your presence and not feel better. You make the world a better place. Please keep doing so.

Lindsay and family, I hope you are aware of the love so many have for all of you, your dear Joel, and husband and dad. I hope that love will help buoy you through this most difficult time. 

With heartfelt condolences,

-Drew Davis
February 14
Dear Travis, Lyndsey, Maya, Asher, Leif, and Paige,
You have my heartfelt condolences on the loss of Joel. You have friends literally around the globe right now who are praying for you, thinking of you and blanketing you with their love. Anyone who ever met the Sevy family knows they are special -- your love and kindness and adventures along with Summer holidays have been amazing to watch through the years and be inspired by. The lives you touch are countless, and I'm grateful & Blessed to be just one of them.
May the memories continue to remind you how loved and Blessed you are and the prayers and fasting being held for your family right now be felt and heard.
Many warm regards, hugs and love from Denmark,

February 14
February 14
I have known Lindsay's Father's family all of my life but I have not seen Lindsay since she was a very young child- I am broken-hearted to hear of this tragic event that took her son and I pray for the abilities of the medical team who will be operating on her husband. I grieve with her family at this terrible loss and I hope that they are able to find comfort and peace in this greatest time of need.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

You are all so much in our hearts and in our thoughts this week as we mourn the unimaginable loss of Joel. We are holding all of you in the light, and praying that you continue to find strength in each other, in your faith and from all of those who love you. We love you!

The last time I saw Joel, I had gone to pick up Leo at the filming of the climbing shots for the new school video, and Joel was there with the other kids, waiting amidst all of the camera crew set up. All of the kids were crowded around Joel doing his makeup for the shot. Joel had this sweet smile and was laughing while trying not to move - actually they were all laughing. It was such a sweet scene, and they had created a moment of fun out of a moment of waiting. Joel had so many gifts - to put people at ease, to create connection and joy, to laugh easily, and not to take himself too seriously.

Joel was strong yet gentle. He and Leif taught Leo to box at a ring that they built with their dad. When Joel played in mixed-age sports, he was always one of those kids who know when to go all out and when to make space for the younger kids to shine. He was so kind. I’ve added some pictures from those games.

Joel will be deeply missed and never forgotten. I hope that the joy Joel brought into our and others’ lives will come back to you a thousandfold. You are not alone. We are sending him and you all love. ❤️


February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,

I am so incredibly grateful that I got to meet you and know you. Thank you for being such an amazing, kind and humorous friend to me. I will forever cherish the memories I have with you.
February 14
February 14
As a father, I can’t even imagine what you are going through right now. My heart is with the family and wish the father come through the surgery. As long as we remember the lost ones, they never truly leave us.
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,

We miss you. I still remember us dancing in the first row. You were a wonderful dancer. I won't forget you.

February 14
February 14
We will pray and join in the mournings for this beautiful Sevy family and their precious child Joel, and all children, friends and loving parents. We were shocked and terrified to hear these news. Our deepest condolences and warmest love is sent to you and to the whole mourning church in China. Our baby boy was also born in Salt Lake City, we can only imagine the pain and agony that you as parents and family need to go through right now. Let know if there’s anything where we can help. Most sincerely, lovingly, Lauri and Tammi&Liang family; +86 150 6715 7088.
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,
Thank you so much for everything I am so glad that I was able to meet you, every interaction with you was hilarious, fun, and filled with positivity. Although I didn't know you that well I am still so grateful for every memory I have with you from bus rides home to being in a production with you. Thank you.
Rest in Peace Joel
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family,
We pray for Joel to rest in peace,
Pray for Travis to recover soon,
Pray for Lindsay and all the family to get the strength to get through this difficult time.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family, Sending love and prayers from Sacred Heart of Jesus rosary group to light up
the path for Travis, for him to pull through and comfort for the loss of Joel. Jesus, we trust in you! Pilgrim Queen of the family, pray for us!
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel.

I really enjoyed being in a same Chinese class and also able to perform together as a group. You were always smiling and gave us a lot of positive energy. Thank you for being kind, caring, and generous. I will forever remember the memories with you.
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay, Travis, Mayah, Asher, Paige and Leif,

Please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved Joel! Even though we haven’t met Joel, we’ve heard many time from our son about him, a kind schoolmate who was full of vigour and always there to help, and had a great sense of humor…. We feel heartbroken about his tragic accident. He will be forever missed.

We pray for you and for Travis’ recovery. Our thoughts and love are with you and please let us know if we can support in any way.

With deepest sorrow and love!
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

Deepest condolences from myself and my family. Your family is one of the sweetest and best families we met not only in Beijing but ever in our lives. Thoughts are with you all.

Rich Robinson and the Robinson family
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsey,

February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay and family,

My heart aches for your unimaginable loss and Travis' continued fight. It is wonderful to see this outpouring of support and love and I am not surprised - you are amazing souls and we are better to have you in our lives and to know you. I am sorry that you have to go through this - you are absolutely not going through it alone and I will be praying and fasting with you all.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

Our deepest condolences for this unimaginable loss. We are sending you our thoughts and love, and thinking with warmth of the time we have had with your family in China and New Haven. Our hearts are with you and your family.

Dan and Ming
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,
      You always helped me at track and field and supports me. Your kindness and sense of humor really impressed me. I will miss you and your smile forever.
February 14
February 14
I will be praying for Travis tomorrow. Our family’s hearts go out to your family.
February 14
February 14

My love and prayer's are with you.

Your friend,

Leslie Born
February 14
February 14
Dear sevy's family

We are so sorry for your loss. I was heartbroken to hear about Sevy. He was a remarkable person who touched the lives of many. His kindness and bright spirit will be deeply missed.

Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family during this incredibly difficult time. we will never foget his kindness. May god give him eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the great pain.

With deepest sympathy,
Yijae, Yido's family
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay and Sevy Family,

My family’s hearts ache for your family during this time of loss of Joel. Also Saying our prayers to Travis today. He is blessed and will surely go through the tough operation. Wishing your family strength as you navigate through this difficult time.

Liu’s Family
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay,
You and Travis are such a kind, friendly, and beautiful family. It broke our heart to see such a terrible accident to happen. Your family is in the greatest pain now and we mourn with you. Joel was such a lovely and kind boy with a bright future. If it is any consolation, Joel must be an angel in the heaven now. We know Travis is still in the hospital, if there is anything we could help, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Huang Lei, Sun Li, Christine, Mei, Dennis.
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel, I've never met you but I feel like I know you. Your father Travis, whom I met in 2008 and we're both now back in Beijing again, always speaks of your mom, and you and your brothers and sisters with so much love and pride; his face simply lights up with joy. Thank you for bringing so much happiness to those around you. You will remain in our hearts forever. Rest well. You will always be loved and remembered.

Travis, I'm heartsick but SO rooting for you. Everyone is. The goodness in you pulls us all to your side in this time of need. We channel our love and faith to you. We are determined that you get better soon. With God as our lead, here is strength and energy to keep and protect you, to pull you through.

Lindsay, Leif, Asher, Mayah, Paige: I am deeply sorry for your loss. Joel was blessed with your incredible love and support, and he will live on in your hearts. I pray for God's peace and sustenance to be upon you.

With deepest condolences and gratitude,
February 14
February 14
Dear Travis, Lyndsey, Maya, Asher, Leif, and Paige,

Words can't express the shock and sadness we felt upon hearing about Joel's passing. His radiant smile, infectious energy, and genuine kindness made him a true light in our grade six drama class. He always brought so much enthusiasm and joy to the room, and everyone felt his positive spirit. I remember how his eyes lit up during performances, and I dug up some photos from those moments to share with you as a small reminder of his infectious happiness. I also have some performance videos like the Jabberwocky that I'd love to share if you'd like. I know he felt proud of his performance of it.

Our hearts ache for your unimaginable loss. We are thinking of Travis and will pray with the community as he undergoes surgery tomorrow. Please know that even if we're away from Beijing, we are here for you in any way you need, big or small.

As you navigate this difficult time, please know that you are surrounded by love from your community both near and far. May you find comfort in the memories of Joel and the love that continues to embrace you all. May the unfathomable peace, comfort, love, and presence of God be with you during these challenging times.

With deepest sympathy,
Hannah, Steve, Catalina, and Ariella
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay and Sevy‘s family
我们全家为Joel的离开而感到难过,愿他安息! 希望在这艰难时刻,Travis一切顺利,早日康复!Lindsay保重身体!如需帮助,我们都在!

February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy family, my thoughts are with you as you navigate this difficult time. While I didn’t know Joel directly, save for one brief encounter, I did learn a lot about him from Asher when I was his 8th grade teacher. Asher spoke highly of his siblings and the love shared between them was so obvious and heartwarming!
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy's Family,

I am deeply saddened to hear about the tragic accident and words cannot express the sorrow I feel for your family. Please accept my deepest condolences for the loss. May he rest in peace.

Mr. Travis, we pray for you a full recovery soon.  Please know that you are not alone. We are here for you, offering our love. May you and your' family find courage and hope in the face of this challenge. 

With profound sympathy, warm wishes, and endless love,

Byun's Family
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family—We are so very sorry to hear about the loss of Joel and send our deepest condolences. Your family is in our thoughts, and we will be thinking of Travis and hoping for his recovery during this very difficult time. Please take care. If we can be of any help, we are here. –The Hay Family (Jeff, Heather, Sophie, and Greta)
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

It was with great sorrow that we received the news of the loss of your beloved son Joel and the accident that left Travis in critical condition. Words cannot fully express the grief we feel for your family during this unimaginably difficult time.
We fondly remember our time together in Beijing, where the warmth and kindness of your family made such a lasting impact on our lives. Your family was always so warm and welcoming to us.
Please accept our deepest condolences, and know that we are holding you close in our thoughts. We pray for Travis’s speedy recovery and strength and comfort for your entire family as you navigate through this period of mourning and healing.

The Guerrero Family
February 14
February 14

Oliver and I are keeping you in our thoughts and are joining the prayer tonight from Washington. Our heart is breaking for you and your family as you mourn the loss of Joel. We know you would do anything for your family, and we pray that love takes you through.

When I think of my time working for you in Beijing, I will never forget how you built a cross-cultural team where everyone felt included and how you showed us to weave collaboration and kindness into our work. Even now, several tours later, I often find myself asking “What would Travis Sevy do?” Your positivity reverberates around the world. Know that we are all holding you close in our thoughts.

With much love,
Grace, Oliver, Coco, and Miles
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevy Family,

We are deeply saddened to hear of the unimaginable loss of Joel. Please know that all of us around the world are thinking of and continuing to pray for you all. 

Travis, we pray for you to make a full recovery. You are a role model within the foreign service and wider communities - genuinely the best of all of us.

Lindsay, may you find strength in your loving family, faith, and thousands of friends from every corner of the globe here for you and your family.

Our forever condolences.
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay and the Sevy Family,

I am truly sorry for the loss of Joon's dear friend, Joel.

It is evident from Joon's memories that Joel was not only playful, fun, and kind but also remarkably talented in languages and acting. Joon's fond memories of Joel as a school friend, along with Joel's role as Captain of the Guards in the 2024 MS Production, 'Shrek,' paint a picture of a vibrant and cherished individual.

May these memories bring a bit of comfort during this difficult time, and may Joel's spirit continue to shine brightly in the hearts of those who knew him.

I hope that the Sevys stick together and stay stronger.
Stay strong, Lindsay!

Yoonheuy and Joon

February 14
February 14
Travis and Lindsay -- our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. We were shocked and heartbroken to hear of this enormous tragedy and pray for your strength as you navigate this difficult time. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Rob & Jasmine Forden
February 14
February 14
Sevy family, we love you and we grieve with you. We are praying for each person in your family. I wish we were there in Beijing to be with you, but I hope you're lifted up by our prayers and by our love.
- The Shinn Family (Andrew, Lisa, Liam, Clara, Caleb, and Joshua)
February 14
February 14
We love you and pray for you at this most difficult of times. May you feel our Saviour’s arms wrapped around you. xxx
February 14
February 14
Although I did not have the pleasure of meeting Joel, I have worked closely with Travis. We know your family to be warm, friendly, genuine, and community minded and my family and I join thousands of your friends around the world in offering our deepest condolences for this tragic loss.  Our thoughts are with the entire Sevy family.
February 14
February 14
Heartfelt condolences on the loss of Joel. I served in Beijing (2012-16) and know the community is standing by the Sevy family during this challenging time. Will join global prayer for Travis and light a candle
February 14
February 14
Dearest Sevy family,

What tragic and unfathomable news the Miller family received today of Joel’s passing. It is impossible to conceive the pain you are suffering but you must know there are countless families and friends on this planet that are praying for you.

For the three years that our family was lucky enough to be your neighbors, your whole family lit up Taiwan and specifically, Yangmingshan Mountain. Joel, Leif, the Loosli boys, and my sons, Oliver and Oskar were the founding fathers of the Yangmingshan boy mafia where they turned over every stone, hiked every hidden trail, jumped bikes, dug countless holes, climbed every tree, and ziplined into the night.

The world has been robbed of you, Joel.
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevys,

I love you so much and am forever changed by your friendship and faith. I cannot imagine the burden you bear and the range of emotions you must be feeling. I want to add my love and support to that of so many others across the world who have been blessed by your family. The kindnesses you receive during this impossible trial are merely a fraction of the good that you have extended to others over years and across continents. Even in tragedy, you are bringing others together, kindling faith in frail hearts, and pointing to Him who will heal all wounds and right all wrongs.

I hope that you feel the immediate and matchless love of your Father, and the constant care of the Holy Ghost. I hope that you are able to mourn and grieve deeply your beautiful son and somehow celebrate and receive insight into Joel's continuing mission and eternal possibilities. I hope you find comfort in happy memories and that the power of temple covenants reverberates in every moment in which you miss him.

Today I am fasting and praying for Travis' health and recovery, that each of you will be blessed with spiritual strength beyond your own, that you will find deep wells to draw on, and that the will of our loving Heavenly Father be done. There is an army of love behind you.
February 14
February 14
Our hearts and prayer goes out to your family, in this time of tragedy and deep sadness. And may the following offer some solace.

“The time you won your town the race 
We chaired you through the market-place; 
Man and boy stood cheering by, 
And home we brought you shoulder-high. 

To-day, the road all runners come,  
Shoulder-high we bring you home, 
And set you at your threshold down, 
Townsman of a stiller town. 

Smart lad, to slip betimes away 
From fields where glory does not stay,
And early though the laurel grows 
It withers quicker than the rose. 

Eyes the shady night has shut 
Cannot see the record cut, 
And silence sounds no worse than cheers
After earth has stopped the ears: 

Now you will not swell the rout 
Of lads that wore their honours out, 
Runners whom renown outran 
And the name died before the man.

So set, before its echoes fade, 
The fleet foot on the sill of shade, 
And hold to the low lintel up 
The still-defended challenge-cup. 

And round that early-laurelled head
Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead, 
And find unwithered on its curls 
The garland briefer than a girl's.”
February 14
February 14
During this difficult time, may faith, family and friends bring you peace. My heart goes out to you and your family. My deepest condolences 
February 14
February 14
Our hearts are heavy to know of the unimaginable sadness and loss that your family is enduring. We love you and are praying and fasting this day for Travis, with the whole world it seems, as your family has touched so many with your goodness and love. Miracles will surely come. May you find peace and healing in our Savior and find love and comfort in all of those who love and surround you. ❤️
February 14
February 14
Dear Sevys: Dearest friends. Words can’t describe how devastated we are. We grieve your loss of beautiful Joel and pray so much that Travis fully recovers. With that, we also take heart and solace from knowing Joel—and that, like his family, he had such a zest for life, passion for all his activities, and devotion and love for his family, friends, and community. He will be dearly missed. Please know you are continuously in our thoughts and prayers. Big hugs!
February 14
Dear Sevy family,

We are heartbroken to hear the devastating news of the loss of Joel. We are keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to pray for Travis' full recovery. May your hearts be comforted by the love Joel brought and the beautiful memories you have of him. We love the Sevy family!
February 14
February 14
Dear Lindsay and family,
The Sevy boys would always bring a little light whenever they went. It was joy to have them and your family in my life and I never realized how much love they encouraged in others. My thoughts are with you all and I hope that everything goes well for Travis.
February 14
February 14
Dear Travis and Lindsay and Sevy family,
It is with immense sadness that we want to reach out and send prayers and hugs. Joel was an amazing young man and the time we spent with him was precious. You were always one of the most beloved families in our community and we miss you dearly. George loved being with you all and had the best times in your backyard in Taiwan. Praying for Travis and your family and grieving for the loss of an outstanding young person.
February 14
February 14
Dear Joel,
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