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February 13
February 13
Dear Lindsay and Sevy Family,

I am sharing my deepest condolences for this tragic loss and we are praying for Travis’s speedy recovery. Our heartsbroke once we first heard the news so we will pray for the Sevy family and Joel as he enters the gates of heaven.
February 13
February 13
Dear Joel,
Though this life is short, I believe you are filled with the blessings of love.
We will miss you.
February 13
February 13
Dear Joel,
We were not familiar to each other but we have been in the same choir class together. You sang really good and participate to the class. You bring joy to all of us.
Thank you and rest in peace, Joel.
February 13
February 13
Dear Joel,
I met you and your twin brother when you were little kids at the age of 5. Your father told us your chinese name is Enlai Zhou 周恩来. Your smile and manner looked really like a diplomat, which impressed me most . I was shocked and so sad by the accident. Pray for no illnesses or pain in heaven.
February 13
February 13
Today, we gather to remember my dear friend Joel from the Shrek production. When I first met him, his kindness and positive energy touched my heart in a special way. Joel's love for acting brought so much happiness to our lives, and I will forever treasure the memories we made together. I miss him dearly, but I will carry his spirit of kindness and liveliness with me always. Rest in peace, Joel. You will never be forgotten.
February 13
February 13
Sevy Family,

We love you and we are praying for you.

Jerome & Nancy
February 13
February 13
Prayers and strength for the family

I have never met either Joel or his family . I can feel the enormous emotions you are going through and send deepest condolence to entire family and prayers and strength to navigate yourself through this difficult moment. May the soul rest in peace.
February 13
February 13
To our wonderful friends, the Sevy Family,

We want you to know how much we love you all and are grieving with you. Heather and I started a special fast the moment we received news of this horrible accident. And we pray every day that God’s angels will be near you during this challenging time. 

Joel was such a great kid. I remember seeing him box at a YM event. He definitely punched well above his weight! Always cheerful, always ready with a warm smile, Joel was great to be around. He will be sorely missed.

Travis, we are praying for your speedy and complete recovery. May God continue to surround you all in His loving and healing embrace. We are here for you all in any way you need.

Todd and Heather Woodruff
February 13
February 13
I know this is a terrible thing that had happened to Joel and I am very sad that we had lost a member of ISB, I had seen Joel perform on stage in the CNY performance, he spread his happiness to all students and teachers, wish the best to the family. Wish Joel have a wonderful remaining years in the other world.
February 13
February 13
I have never had the opportunity to meet the Sevy family, but as a mother of an ISB dragon, I cannot even begin to imagine the pain from losing a child. May Joel stay forever young in heaven. I pray that God continue to give strength to Lindsay and the rest of the Sevy children. Our family’s prayers continue as Travis goes in for the major surgery at 9am February 15 Beijing time and we pray for a successful surgery. May God continue to watch over the Sevy family.
February 13
February 13
I never really knew Joel that well, but he was always such a wonderful person to have around. I pray that Travis will heal and recover, and I send love and prayers towards the Sevys. Although I was never close with Joel, I have regret that I never got to know him, because I know he was a great person. I don’t really know how to describe the sadness I feel, and it’s difficult to take in as reality, and I know it is probably harder for his family. I wish him the best. I know his memory will live on, and that we will see him again. Rest in peace Joel. -Petra Duerden
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy Family,

Words cannot express how incredibly saddened and shocked we were to hear of Joel’s passing. You have our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences.
We hope and pray for Travis that he may recover soon.
I had the pleasure of being one of the MS Track and Field coaches last year and having Joel as part of that group. My abiding memory of the season was of Joel (and Leif) always being the only ones to complete the full warm-up – 2 laps of the track followed by the stretches. Joel may not have been the fastest athlete we coached, but he (and Leif) were our most committed and most dedicated. We will miss his positive energy this season.
May Joel’s gentle soul rest in peace.
Tom, Sarah-Jane, Kieran, and Addie
February 13
February 13
I love you my sweet nephew. You will be missed immensely. I have always been so proud you in all you have done. I am so thankful for your family. I pray for Travis, Lyndsay and the Children. May you watch over them always. ❤️
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy Family,

My deepest condolences to your family in this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Although, I did not teach Joel, every time I did see him in the halls his beautiful smile and warm hello lit up the space. That same light in him, comes from your family. In the short time that I’ve known you all, I have always seen the light that circles around you all and it fills others up with gladness. It’s been truly contagious and welcomed. Despite these current trials, let the light continue to shine. If the load feels too heavy, let those you’ve touched along the way, help. My family will continue to pray for healing and recovery for Travis and the strength, comfort and healing for the rest of your family. Sending you all love.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalms 147:3)

Davenport-Palmer Family.
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy family, we are so sorry and heartbroken with you all for the loss of your son Joel. I'm praying for Travis's safety and full recovery, and for your whole family as you grieve Joel's loss. We will pray and fast as well. Jorgelina & Juan Cruz
February 13
February 13
I will forever miss Joel's smile and positive aura that he brought to everything he did. He was a beautiful soul. Much love and god bless to the Sevy family during this tragic time. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
February 13
February 13
Dear Lindsay, Travis, Sevy Family, I am holding all of you in my heart. I will remain in eternal prayer for Joel, Travis' recovery, and the whole family. Love, prayers, strength to you all.
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy family- we were in Beijing with you and lived in River Garden. We remember seeing your loving family and working with Travis. We are so, so saddened with what has happened and think of all of you every minute of everyday. The Gormleys
February 13
February 13
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Our family is all praying for you and your family especially Travis. Stay strong. The Lord knows and loves you and is wrapping His arms around you. My heart is broken for you.
Love you,
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy's family,

We pray for comfort in knowing that we shall see Joel again in heaven.

We pray for peace amidst all the hurt. We pray for strength that only Jesus can provide.

We send our love and prayers.

Tony, Carol, Nish and Irush.
February 13
February 13
To the Sevy family, my prayers are with all of you right now. You have all been such dear friends to me for so many years. I cannot imagine all the pain and heartache you must be going through. Joel's memory will always be a blessing, and we will continue to pray for Travis' recovery.
February 13
February 13
Dear Lindsay and family,
I am so sorry to hear of the tragic accident and loss you’ve suffered. Please know that all of us who know and love you from very far away are thinking of and praying for you and your sweet family.
February 13
February 13
Our deepest condolences to your family during this unimaginably difficult time. May you find comfort in cherished memories and strength in each other's and God's love as you navigate through this loss.
February 13
February 13
Dear Joel,
We are so lucky to have known you. You welcomed us on your family trips and the presence of the Sevy clan at baseball games - with signs, pom poms, and Cracker Jacks brought all the way from the States – to cheer on the whole team are memories I will always cherish. Your family is one of the kindest, warmest, and most generous we have ever met. We will miss you greatly. Our hearts are with the entire family and we pray for Travis’s full recovery.
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy Family,

I love you guys so much! I’m so sorry that your family is going through this difficult time right now. Your handsome son Joel is so precious. Our family is honored to join all the other families in praying and fasting for Travis’ recovery and for comfort for your family at this time. 
February 13
February 13
To the Sevy family, who has been the brightest light in my life and the lives of so many others. Words cannot express the grief you are going through at this time, and I cry with you as I pray for your family, for Joel and for Travis, for Lindsay and Mayah, for Asher and Leif, and for Paige. My deepest love and support to you all, we love you.
February 13
February 13
We are with you at this moment ,I know nothing can describe your pain and all the sorrow you are going through. We pray .
February 13
February 13
Joel and all of the precious Sevy family, I will hold you in my heart as you navigate such an incredible loss. It was my absolute pleasure to know both Joel and Leif as 6th graders at ISB. Joel was a dependable new student buddy and always a solid welcoming friend. I depended on him to bring new students into the fold. He had a goofy smile and a tender heart. I will remember him playing with friends on the G6 camping trip and bringing joy and jokes with him.
February 13
February 13
Travis, Lindsay, Mayah, Asher, Paige, and Leif, we are utterly heartbroken. Love, lots of love, to all of you. 
February 13
February 13
Dear Lindsay, Travis, and wonderful family,
The weeks in summer that you visited Greg and Jackie in the BC3rd ward are some of my very favorite times. It's been a joy to see you there and watch and your family grow. I especially loved having Joel and Leif in my Sunday School class. Exceptional young men, and I loved how well they knew the gospel and were willing to share their experiences, and help my testimony grow. I'm heartbroken to hear this news. Praying for peace, comfort, and healing. Much love, Shantal
February 13
February 13

While we didn't get to know each other - your life touched many, as attested by so many loving comments. Your father sung of his pride and deepest love for you over the office walls in Political. Prayers and love for the Sevy family during this most difficult time.
February 13
February 13
Dear Joel,
我叫劳伦..(Lauren Leininger)
我是你的表姊(?)..or in English culture and terms, your 1st cousin once removed.

I didn't know you very well, but am glad that I had the privilege to meet you at least once. My dad, you probably knew him as "Uncle Doug", and I were invited to your home in China for dinner.

You and Leif were about 6 or 7 and so little back then, but you definitely had that spark of intelligence beyond your age and seemed kind and, though my exact memory is unclear I have a feeling that you were also creative. You were also very adorable. I know, I know- so embarrassing, but it's true!
You can blame the "Leininger genes" for that. Haha, I'm just kidding. You were definitely a good mix of your parents; both in looks and character and kindness.

I, we, my parents, my family, really all of your family are praying for your Mom and Dad and your siblings who are heartbroken that you've gone. Too young, too sudden. But, I'm sure you know that and understand much more. I know that in heaven you are okay, unharmed, and feel happiness and peace.

And, even though you know, I just wanted to say how much we all love you, and that your 13 years have undoubtly left a loving, continuous impression of your personality and character and happy memories that will always be with your family. And, I hope that it will comfort them now and in the future when they miss you most.
I hope to meet you again someday,
Love, Lauren
February 13
February 13
We always love when your family visits the Burch Creek 3rd ward. Not only for the warmth and friendship that each of you offer, but because you all bring so much enthusiasm. We loved to see Joel pass the sacrament. When we first moved into the ward, Travis was one of the first to welcome us and make us feel at home. And he was visiting! Our ward will be grieving and praying with you, and our family will too. Love, The Spencers
February 13
February 13
Dear Joel,
I honestly can’t name one interaction I had with you that wasn’t super positive and fun, you always made me laugh and I’m so grateful for how kind and welcoming you were to my little brother. Rest in peace Joel
February 13
February 13
My heart is aching at seeing this news. I’m fasting and praying and crying with you. Lindsay, you have helped me be a better mom by sharing your experiences with me. I’m so sorry you are going through this. Praying your whole family can feel the Savior’s peace and promises as you navigate through this!
February 13
February 13
Heavenly Father,
We come to you in a time of sorrow. Our hearts are heavy, and we feel overwhelmed with grief for this family and all they have endured. Lord, we ask for your comfort and strength during this difficult time for this family.
We can’t fathom the pain of losing a child and ask for your grace over them. Give them peace to accept that their child is now with you in Heaven. Help them cope with the emptiness and loneliness we know that they feel in their hearts.
Help them to find strength to go on and to find joy in the moments of life. Help them to focus on the good memories that we have and to find comfort and solace in them. Give them the courage to continue and find joy despite the pain. We know their child is in your loving arms and ask for your continued presence and guidance in their lives. Amen. ~ Chaplain M. Ilnicky
February 13
February 13
Travis - you have always been the best “big cousin” and someone I look up to and admire. You tell the best stories and make everything more fun in the most creative and wholesome ways. What a story you have to tell now of the deepest love, perseverance, and faith in this heart shattering tragedy. I’m looking forward to hearing you tell it yourself when you make it through this continued healing process for your physical body, and when your spirit is ready to share. I wish I had the opportunity to know your kids personally, but knowing that they’re you and Lindsay’s kids lets me feel close to them and the larger than life people they must be. My heart and prayers are with all of the Sevys- love you all so, so much.
February 13
February 13
Heartbreaking news. Sending our love and prayers to your family, hoping that you may find comfort and solace, and that Travis may recover fully.
February 13
February 13
Our family hasn’t stopped thinking and praying for your family. We will continue to be aware of ways to support in anyway possible. We love you. ♥️
February 13
February 13
We are just devastated by this news, and your family is in our hearts and prayers at this time. We haven’t been lucky enough to see Joel for many years, but we have so many delightful memories of him and Leif as rambunctious toddlers playing with Nellie. We are sending so much love to your family and we will be joining others in fasting and praying for Travis. There isn’t a better, more devoted father and we can only imagine his heroism in trying to save his beloved son. We pray that he will have the strength to heal, and we hope you can feel our love across the miles. With love, Chris, Chelsea and the kids
February 13
February 13
Our hearts are simply aching for you guys. We are so sorry. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Lindsay and Family! We LOVE you all so much. We are praying for Travis and your whole family. ❤️❤️❤️
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy Family,
Our hearts are broken for your family. We are praying for you.
Monica (Staheli) Carling
February 13
February 13
Dear Joel,
I never knew you well but we went on the Suzhou trip together. You were always so bright and happy. I had Leif in my class last year and I often saw you two together. We will never forget you, rest in peace Joel. Best wishes to you for the rest of your journey.
February 13
February 13
Nuestra mas sentidas condolencias por su hijo Trevis, estaran en nuestras oraciones y ayuno. El Señor estara con ustedes
February 13
February 13
Dear Travis and Lindsay, we are thinking of you constantly during this time of terrible loss. The Kaohsiung missionaries are also thinking of you, praying and fasting for you. You are both a light in our lives. Joseph and I never met Joel but I am sure he was just like you. We love you and mourn with you.
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy Family,

I cannot begin to understand what you all are experiencing right now. Please know I am grieving with you all and that I am deeply saddened by your family’s loss of Joel and the injuries of Travis. Praying for Travis’s recovery. Mayah, I love you so much and am always here.
February 13
February 13
I know I can’t understand how much pain the Sevy family is in, and probably never will.

So… the first time I’ve met Joel was in 5th grade (MY FIRST YEAR AT ISB), in which he was in my class. He was a pretty cool dude, or at least I thought, and I respected him and saw him as a friend. Then, in 6th grade, I was put in a class with his twin brother Leif, which I really liked. I thought of his as a best friend, even though he probably didn’t think the same as me. Then, as we moved on to 7th grade, I got even closer to Leif (well, I do certainly hope so). I guess you could say I started caring for Leif more, in a platonic sense.

How this all wraps around to Joel? When I first heard the news, the first thing I thought was about how young Joel was. Way too young. I was kinda in denial for a bit. My immediate next thought was how Leif would react. I realised how scared I was for Leif. How I don’t think he deserves to feel sad. (I may or may not have done a bit of researching on how to help someone going through a traumatic experience…)

I already lost a friend, I didn’t want to lose another.

Because I don’t think I’m talking clearly, what I actually mean is that Joel, Leif, and no one in the Sevy family deserved this. I don’t understand at all how such an awesome and cool and kind family has to go through this kind of thing.

This is for the Sevy family, especially Leif. Please, take my word for it, try to heal. Don’t bury yourself in guilt and grief, don’t push everyone away, don’t blame yourself.

This is probably isn’t great, but I think my biggest concern right now is Leif. Please. I really hope Leif is doing okay. (You can always talk to me)

I hope you’re gonna be okay.

I’m probably gonna regret writing this tomorrow because it sounds like a bunch of cheesy…stuff, but I’m being real. After writing so much, I don’t even think I got half of what I’m feeling on here. God, I sound so much like my therapist.(this is so long)

god this, whole thing is a hot mess. This whole situation is a hot mess.
February 13
February 13
Dear Sevy family, I'm so sorry and heartbroken with you all for the loss of your son and brother Joel. I'm praying for Travis's safety and recovery, and for your whole family as you grieve Joel's loss.
February 13
I had this video on a phone I've since lost of Joel and Leif making faces at themselves in our bathroom mirror in Beijing while Brother Sevy feverishly tried to wipe chocolate off their little mouths. Though it is such a short video taken at a random time it always brought a smile to my face whenever I would stumble across it scrolling through my photos. Joel and Leif are such rays of sunshine that never cease to make me laugh. Joel will be so terribly missed. We are praying harder than we have in a long time for your family and particularly Brother Sevy our beloved seminary teacher and example in all things good.
February 13
February 13
Lindsey and Travis, my condolences! I am so sorry to hear this! I remember it as yesterday when Peter and I went to your place in Copenhagen, and Joel and Leif were just little babies trying to get around and Asher rappelling indoor, and I remember we broke the lamp in the front hallway! Your entire family is in my prayers!
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