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Share a special moment from Jack (John)'s life.

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The pregnant lady

May 21, 2022
I had lived in several places since Loxahatchee  I hadn’t seen Jack or Charlene or the kids since we moved to Jacksonville where I was with child. Surprise, surprise!  We made a trip down to West Palm and to the hospital where Jack was recovering from a heart procedure I think. When I walked in the room with my teenager and my swollen belly….all Jack could do was laugh!  Well, I’m sure that humor hastened his recovery. Ha. With all my love. Gloria

School Shooting Story

May 19, 2018

Jack in the Tub

May 23, 2017

My daughter, Sonya, and I were befriended by the Harren's when we moved to Loxahatchee in the summer of 1979. They did everything possible to help us in our asjustment to a new area. We even stayed in a camper on their property and ate with them and used their facilities. Often out of toilet paper I might add but that's a story for another day. Charlene and Jack were as a couple my dearest friends in South Florida. Anyway, when I didn't see Jack for a while, I'd as Charlene where he was. She'd saw he's studying! Impressive, until I fouled out he was studying while in the bath tub with the water tricking continuously sometimes for hours! What a prune must have emerged! It worked for him and he'd be excited to share some precious spiritual nugget the Lord had given him. He was a great example of a godly man especially for my daughter. A little rough around the edges I thought ar first but the Lord showed me differently.Love comes in various styles. Praise God your Faith has now turned to Sight. Will miss you. Sorry no tubs in heaven. Love Gloria Grimes


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