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March 7, 2020
March 7, 2020
To Johns Family, i regret John left , being such a good advisor and somehow like a friend when we met in his house in Washington with Bernd Chillian and Dr Malmgren and others for a few days, all this i remember well...i got great talks and advice here on Hannover fair . when we met again in europe. Bernd Chilian introduced me to him and i was so very impressed... About his stories he told us ...the most important Thing is his advice he gave to me last time here in 2010 or bit earlier, when he pushed me positively for my new Invention of a space Propulsion i showed to him,--- i am very thankful to him being a real idol . Sincerely Frank Gnisa
May 23, 2014
May 23, 2014
To John's Family: I worked for John at The Garrett Corporation back in the 80's when he came back to L.A. from Paris. He was a great "Garrett guy" and a great friend. He, Barry Tyson, and I worked hard and played hard together. For a guy from England who didn't know much about my favorite pasttime, baseball and the L.A. Dodgers, John surprised the heck out of me our first holiday season working together: he had his neighbor, Peter O'Malley, have Tommy Lasorda autograph Tommy's new book for me; what a great gift! John and I stayed in touch all these years. He told me a long time ago, "Carolyn, we will always have that Garrett connection." Not just us, but ALL of the Garrett family. He was very fortunate to have you in his life. My heart goes out to you. Love, Carolyn Weyant - President & Secretary, Cliff Garrett Retirement Club (South Bay).
April 23, 2014
April 23, 2014
I too am John Fallon.
Born Feb. 10, 1938 in Pittsburgh P.A>
Live near Los Angeles
Ordained a Catholic priest in 1953
God bless your John
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Here are my thoughts about John.

" A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
-Nelson Mandela
I met John in my last year at Elizabeth Gaskell college, Manchester UK. I was 20 years old and a good friend of his oldest sister, Philomena. After helping collate John,s PhD. with all the friends and family he could muster on a cold post Christmas day. I watched his career with interest and took over his Carfax Court flat when he left it to go to California as part of "The Brain Drain."
My best memory is his thoughtfulness as this story shows...
To me, a rather naive girl, he appeared semi god-like. His presence,
bearing and intellect were formidable but I soon learned that he could
be very perceptive and kind. I was a crowd pleaser and one day he
gently took me to one side and gave me one of the best pieces of advice
I have ever been given. "No one loves a slave" he told me they may care for them even admire them but they will use them and abandon them. He told me to value myself more and stop "casting my pearls before swine".
"Be kind but don't be used" he told me.
During the past 50 years I have had good reason to be very grateful
for that advice and that is why I will always remember him with
gratitude. When I heard of his passing I wept for I felt a light had
gone out of our lives.
I met him only once more years later in Liverpool at Bernard's Photographic exhibition. He was as witty and as amusing as ever.
I will always remember him fondly: a big man who was learned, amusing and kind.
May God be gracious to him as he was to me.
Carol Smith, nee Mason, nee Moorcroft
April 15, 2014
April 15, 2014
John and I go back to 1961 when we were mechanical engineering graduate students together in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Liverpool. My first memory of John was of his outgoing personality and his love for organizing parties. He quickly encouraged me to become involved and my social life never looked back! We became very close friends. That friendship included visiting the Fallon home in Crosby on a number of occasions. I was struck by the warmth of his parents and that of the rest of his large family. It was easy to see where his good nature came from.
I have many amusing memories of John during our time in Liverpool. One that always comes to mind concerns a motor rally I organized as Secretary of the University Motoring Society. John and three of his friends decided to participate but they had a slight accident while still in Liverpool. (The Rally was taking place in North Wales, so they did not get too far).The car was impacted in such a way that a bottle of tomato ketchup broke, spilling its contents over the two young ladies in the car who, understandably, became hysterical thinking it was blood. If I remember correctly, he made it to the rally late, but with a good story to tell.
During those years as students, we occasionally spent time travelling by car in Europe, along with John’s brother Patrick. Many were the times when we stopped at some small village in France or Spain and lunched on wonderful breads, wine and cheese. The only time John and I got mad at each other was when he accidentally went through a Guardia Civil checkpoint in the middle of the night without stopping and I told him I thought that was careless. He told me in no uncertain terms to keep my back seat comments to myself.
When I immigrated to the US in 1966 to work for what became McDonnell Douglas, we kept in touch. I remember John sent me a letter (this was long before e-mails!) to say that he had been offered jobs with both GE in Cincinnati and Garrett Air Research in Los Angeles. He asked for my opinion on his options. Needless to say, I told him that that was a no-brainer. Garrett was the job to take and LA was the place to be! How significant a decision was that! As a result, John joined me in Redondo Beach towards the end of 1966 and we shared an apartment there until I left to take a job in New Jersey in 1969. John’s arrival preceded a University of Liverpool invasion with the Howards and the Meachins following shortly thereafter. The invasion was significantly reinforced by a partial Fallon Diaspora when Philomena and Bernard arrived in Southern California. In some ways, I can take the credit (or blame!) for the Fallon takeover. The way in which my life and that of my wife Debbie became intertwined with Philomena and Roberto is a separate and fascinating story in itself. But it all had its roots on the University’s Brownlow Hill in Liverpool.
John’s arrival (predictably) kicked into gear both the organizing and attending of parties. A classic story involved John going to a toga party appropriately dressed. Unfortunately, his car ran out of gas (how atypical was that!) on Wilshire Boulevard in the middle of LA at 3 o’clock in the morning. He was obliged to walk a considerable distance, can in hand, to the nearest gas station. He described with great amusement the comments he received relating to the poor fuel consumption of today’s chariots!. John wanted to try everything. He immediately took up skiing and scuba diving. The photograph of John with his foot on a body on the ground is me! The other photograph of him in the pool at 407 Avenue G in Redondo Beach reminded me of another story. John needed to practice his scuba technique in the pool- but did not have a weight belt at the time. He did, however, have a huge cache of pennies which he stored in his bedroom. He took this enormous pile of copper and dumped them in a sock which he tied to his waist. Unfortunately, the sock came loose, resulting in pennies being spread all over the bottom of the pool. It took days to retrieve them.
Whenever I returned to Los Angeles on business John and I would get together. The great thing about our friendship was that it did not matter how long it was since we had seen each other, we just took off again as if there had been no interruption. When I finally relocated to the Los Angeles area, I had the honor of being best man at his wedding to Sally. That reminds me of an occasion when Debbie and I, together with some friends, flew to San Francisco to spend a few days in the Wine Country. We happened to bump into John in the airport who immediately insisted we gate-crash a Murphy- Wetzel wedding. What a great party that was!
While we obviously did not see each other frequently when John moved to DC, we did stay in touch, learning of family news from Philomena and Roberto. The great story that Roberto can tell of yet another of John’s boats running out of gas on the Potomac, obliging Roberto to act as a horse pulling the boat along the towpath is wonderful. I know he has others.
I will miss John for a friendship that spanned over 50 years, his love of life, his generosity and his intellectual curiosity. In many ways, he was indeed a Renaissance Man. I really believe that is how he would like to be remembered.
Brian Jones.
April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014
I first met John as an undergraduate engineer at Liverpool when he was a PhD student and lectured us on wet steam – a somewhat obtuse subject for a would-be electronic engineer. But as a graduate I met Stan Meachin who was a long time friend of John’s and got to know him much better. Student parties are best glossed over really, but John was eventually a major influence on Stan and I (and our wives by now) joining the brain drain of the late 60s and going to work for Garrett in LA.

We joined what was a Merseyside ghetto in Redondo Beach. Brian Jones (also a Liverpool PhD mechanical engineer) and JBF shared an apartment in the Stardust apartments where we all lived. Brian and John often came to dinner, since my wife Irene was a domestic science teacher and could really cook. The 60s party scene took off. JBF was a keen partygoer and dated so many different girls he sometimes forgot their names. However, he also made his mark at Garrett where his inventiveness for mechanical design and problem solving was unusual.

He and Stan owned a speedboat. This had two large outboard engines, which were somewhat unreliable. On one occasion he told me the boat was in good shape and suggested he and I go for a run up the coast. Off we went enjoying the sunshine and the speed as we bounced across the waves. As we were off Palos Verdes, suddenly both the engines stopped. Now John had a Mustang with a faulty fuel gauge, and he was well known for running out of fuel on the freeway, etc. I looked at him and said “Surely not the boat as well?” He grinned and finally unhooked the red fuel tank, gave it to me with a $5 bill (gas at this time was 23 cents a gallon) and said “You’re a mountaineer so can you swim ashore, climb up the cliff and fetch some gas while I paddle the boat through the surf to the beach.” Walking through residential Palos Verdes dressed only in a pair of wet shorts looking for a gas station wasn’t easy but I managed and returned down the cliff where JBF had the boat pulled up on the shingle. Problem solved!

By the early 70s Stan and Libby and Irene and I were living en famille in Henley-on-Thames, having drained our brains back again. John of course was then married to Sally Wetzel and moving around, eventually settling in Washington DC. But we saw him often, usually en route to the Farnborough or Paris air shows.

JBF was always great company, with a very original outlook, and quite a tour de force. For me he personified the 60s. We really miss him.

Notes on photos:

Ave G – nucleus of the Merseyside ghetto: L to R: Brian Jones, myself, Irene, Wendy, Stan Meachin, Mrs Sherman (Libby’s mother), Libby and JBF.

Boat – fast but unreliable.

Dinner – Libby, myself, Brian, John, Irene, Wendy and Stan.

Party – JBF with a girl in green. Note ties and jackets were the norm.

Party 2 – JBF and myself looking cool.

Scuba – JBF testing his scuba kit in the Stardust pool.

Pool – John successfully harpoons Brian!
March 30, 2014
March 30, 2014
Dear family,
My condoleances with the the grieve you have after all the caring and the loss of your husband, father and grandfather.
I remember him , sitting on a settee in the gardenroom in our house from 1665 in Hillegom, the Netherlands.
All his children were playing in the garden. Lots of noise and happiness. Family around him in the room.
And John, his head in sunlight , went lower and lower till he fell asleep.
It was a very peaceful sight.....that he may rest in peace now.
Love Beanca Hazelzet-Buur, Anne Marie's sister.

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