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February 9, 2020
February 9, 2020
John. You are with me when I sing Karaoke..I can hear "Trailors for St. Laurent, and There's a bathroom on the right" and I smile..Your pet stories and HS shenanigans are legendary. Our presentations to HS students about our Desert Storm service were precious to me. You were a fellow veteran and a brother to me. RIP brother. Til we meet again. Gone never forgotten..Hooah!
February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018
Another year has passed without your smile, your laughter, your goofiness, your brotherly love. Miss you my friend and fellow may be physically gone but not forgotten..I am a better person because I knew you. RIP my friend..til we meet again..
February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016
I cannot believe it has been a year since my dear friend and fellow Army buddy passed away..I can still hear your laughter, see your smile, feel your light. Thank you for being a wonderful co-worker, fellow vet, inspirational friend, karaoke buddy. I think of you each day my friend, and thank you for the joy and peace you brought to my life. God Bless you and keep you..til we meet again. God Bless and wrap his loving arms around your family as we all pause for a moment to remember you and Thank God that we were blessed to know you and to love you..RIP..
March 2, 2015
March 2, 2015
I'm not much for words but I do want to say that even though families might lose touch over the years doesn't mean that they are forgotten.. I truly love everyone of my family members and think of all them.. But with John and Joe and Butch Bob Ronnie Andy and Billy I come to feel more close to them because are grandparents stayed close so we grew up basically together.. I just want to say I know you are in a better place john and I love and miss you very much... And am glad your not suffering anymore.. God speed john and one day it's gonna be one hell of a reunion... LITTLE JOHN
February 9, 2015
February 9, 2015
John - you will be forever missed around the office. You made a difference in so many lives -- May your family find comfort in the love you had for each and every one of them. RIP my friend.
February 9, 2015
February 9, 2015
John was as sweet a little boy as could be imagined and as an adult had such a kind heart. He cared about others, was forgiving and loving. And he had an amazing sense of humor. He entertained others with his smile and considerate presence. There is a hole in my heart but a thankfulness for the burden of his pain relieved. I love you "Johnny"...till we meet again...much love, Aunt Susie.
February 9, 2015
February 9, 2015
I cannot even begin to put into words how I feel at the loss of such a wonderful person. John was my brother-in-arms, my karaoke buddy, my trusted friend. Even in my sorrow John brings a smile to my heart when I think of his kindnesses, compassion, and humor..oh the humor!.I can never think of him without thinking exploding toilets, hamster misfortunes, poodles, cars on top of buildings..stories that made me laugh til I cried no matter if it was the 100th time I'd heard them. John was my rock during my divorce and helped me to move on with my life both literally and emotionally. He was my biggest cheerleader, convincing me to take a chance at love again...and when I found it, he was OUR biggest cheerleader. I am so happy that I got the chance to see him in the hospital and that he knew Stephen and I got engaged. I like to think that was his final make sure I found my soul mate like he had his. John fought a hard battle..I wouldn't have expected anything else from a fellow soldier. And now, he has earned his eternal R&R. He has left a legacy of love and laughter that will never fade..I will not say goodbye my friend..but til we meet again..probably at a Karaoke get-together in Heaven. RIP, HOOAH Love, Tami
February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
So very sad. Blessings to our entire family. Love to everyone, I am at a loss for words.
February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
I am sad to have John leave us. It does bring me some comfort to know that he's rejoined with Lena and George, Patti and Steve. I'm sure they're already happily celebrating his arrival.
February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
John was my big brother and friend he is in a better place now without any pain you will be sadly missed
February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
So very hard to say a final good bye to a brother you just found again. I know as a young guy you were always sweet. I remember a tall lanky kid with quick come backs he had a great sense of humor. To Johns family he will always be in your hearts and memories. Linda Im so sorry I cant say hes in a better place, I hate that saying but hes not in pain anymore.
Love to all Pamela Raymond Wren

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