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June 26
June 26
Miss you my dear dear friend Still think about you so much, I hope we meet again!!!
June 26
June 26
Happy Birthday John,
  Hope you send us a sign on your moms Birthday ,C U there
June 25
June 25
The birthdays are rolling by! Take a fly by on June 29th to celebrate moms 90th with the family. Your favorite seafood party! We miss you and welcome feeling the energy you emit when you come to visit. Keep the day clear and family healthy as we remember you and celebrate mom. Love you forever and will see you in the next adventure of existence.
May 21
May 21
Well, 39 Years gone by and my son is 39 today. Can't believe it. Mom is 90 next month and wants a lobster clam bake blow out with her cousins. So as John would make it happen, then so will I! Frank is 93 and still driving. I believe I will be next to visit John since I am convinced my parents are trying to kill first. I don't get a break and now with the deafness of it all- They are
Well never a dull moment in the DeLisi households that's for sure!
Wouldn't have it any other way. Miss my brother and can't believe how only after 28 years of being in life, I can't imagine never having those years. '
Thank you friends for seeing John alive in your heart and prayers --Brenda
May 20
Hey John, 39 years without you around I miss you so much and hope to see you on the other side one day waiting.
December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023
NEW YEARS 2024...Party Hardy with the Spirit in the Sky and our friends that have joined you on their continued journey through the cosmos.
We sorely miss you and your love of life, contagious laugher and free spirit.
As the old folk are nearing their earthly end...I have peace in my heart knowing that John will be there to welcome them and guide them along the unknown to us.
Happy New Year to our friends and stay strong- Life is challenging but thankfully always changing so the mess we are all facing now will revert back eventually!
December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023
Merry Christmas in Heaven John, Hope your enjoying our friends company who have moved on to your side.
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Hey my Brother, I hope you had a great Birthday. Love and Miss you so much, Waiting to see you on the other side, if they let me in!!
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Happy Birthday in Heaven John,miss you
June 25, 2023
June 25, 2023
Family and friends still finding a moment to keep John alive through this stream year after year. There never seems to be right words regardless of time gone by. To see those of our friends pass away, and family grow old ready to move on is a constant reminder of how short life is and how we need to embrace every beautiful moment that presents itself. The negative unpleasant events need be kicked to the curb and not allowed to fester within us. I wish it was as easy to endure and do as it is to say it. Life is a bitter-sweet ride. Remember to take your friends and family along with you when riding high and present them with hope and potential happiness--it doesn't cost anything and even if does- your friends are always there for you in the hard times. This is something John lived by in his short worldly existence. Any story retold will confirm this. Watching loved ones leave you behind is the cruel part of life. Remember we all fear and feel the same, just at different times. Love to you all, be safe in these troubling selfish times we live in, remain true to your beliefs and self first and don't forget the upcoming guy next door.
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
My beautiful brother John, 38 years ago you moved on and found new adventures. I miss you and it almost feels like another life for me. My Johnny is 38 today and the bitter sweet moment is routine of losing you and gaining the joy of my life, my son. Watch over my 3 beautiful children and kick ass if anyone bothers them for me. Your energy is free and occasionally still needed to get things done. To our friends.. come visit the Sugar Bowl for a toast to John with a drink from T3 my second son, bartending there on weekends. Visit the folks, Ann 89 & Frank 92 and drop a memory or two to make them smile. I'm next door feel free to pass by!. Happy Summer filled with memories of free spirited fun to all our friends. Brenda
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Happy Birthday in heaven Bro, we miss you
June 25, 2022
June 25, 2022
Still miss you brother, I hope your having a great Birthday hanging with all the Angels and the Big Guy. You’ll never be missed. Love You
June 25, 2022
June 25, 2022
Your Happy Birthday today has bought you a gift, yet has taken that gift away from us here on Earth. It is your turn and those that have left us to enjoy the spirit of Arthur Darby our beautiful friend and one that has left us too soon. I am reminded of the heart-wrenching pain endured for years from my loss of you. To experience this pain is a cruel part of life. But Arthur will be with us in spirit as I truly believe and hold fast to. My heart is broken for his beautiful family but I am relieved to know that he is with you - his close friend and you will help him through his journey. Both of you will need to give a great deal of energy to Michael and Cathy and the kids as they try to find reason and peace in their hearts and minds. My beautiful brother fly high and fast and take Arthur for that ride-Blow his mind with the freedom to send energy to those that need him now. I will love you and hurt for you forever. My very existance is a blurr and thats okay- its a temporary part of eternity!
June 25, 2022
June 25, 2022
Happy Birthday dear brother , you have been away now for over 37 years and you are forever young . As we get older and closer to seeing you again , don’t be shocked by our lack of hair and worn out frames . We won’t complain, as long as you don’t laugh . Until then , we miss you and love you . No escaping the inevitable and this reality , see you soon . PS- Hope you and Arty are having a ball being together again . ❤️‍✈️
May 21, 2022
May 21, 2022
Hey John,37 years have gone by ,and we still miss you BIG time. Hopefully you and Matthew are catching up on time missed, and enjoying this time together.
June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021
Another year, another day Happy Birthday my Great Friend. Let’s load up the truck and make 1 more run. Miss you and wish you were here with all of us that treasured the great moments with you. “Boat Drinks”
May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
Hello Brother from another Mother, can't believe its been 36 years since you left us. You've probably made" Captain " by now and sailed around the universe a few times .I hope your enjoying the ride. Pick up the phone once in a while, the calls are FREE. Miss You
June 26, 2020
June 26, 2020
Wow, thought of you all day and still feels like a different life time ago. I know you are with me as I seem to be accomplishing more than I can I believe I was ever capable of--there you go--I have you do the brainiac work for me. Thanks- you were always the smart one, just misdirected it. Thank you for being in my heart and mind keeping me strong when we both know I could never accomplish what I have been pulling off these past several decades . You in my corner is real and appreciated. Forever in my essence and existence. Twice your age now, little sister....
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
Hey John, hard to believe it's been 35 years since you left us,we miss you as if it were yesterday.Hope all is well. I stopped by your grave site the other day , but you weren't home,probably out on the boat.
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
35 years is not so hard to accept when I look in the mirror. My love never ceases and the memories are more treasured as life throws it’s challenges my way. Good friends are rare. Family is special even when pains in the ass. It’s all special. Hold fast to your memories and live to make new ones. My love and prayers go to all our friend
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
Hey Buddy, can’t believe that 35 years have passed so quick, I always have you in the back of my head, reminiscing the crazy times that we had together in the very short time that we had together. John you taught me a lot of things that I remember you telling me, good advice my friend. I tell my Grandson stories about the things that we did together and he sits there with amazement on his face, his name is Dante and he’s 12 years old already and always wants to go for a ride on the Harley. Miss you Brother. Hope to catch up with you on the flip side!!!
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
Happy Birthday John,hope your raising HELL in HEAVEN, miss you
June 25, 2019
June 25, 2019
Happy Birthday John, will never forget the good times, Ronnie
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
Happy birthday Mr. excitement. Miss you and want to thank you for watching over me and the family. I know you have a hand in all of the good and close misses we had. Stay on the job. No rest for you! Lol. 
Nice comment Frankie but we all ageee you are getting older ... but not smarter!!! lol.
Love to all friends and family. Brenda
May 20, 2019
May 20, 2019
Here’s reaching out to all my brothers and sisters as we remember the joy , the excitement , and the never ending spontaneous combustible  personality that John brought to each and everyone of us. We love him and we always will . He left us when he was very young , and he will forever be young in our hearts . When we think of him , we enjoy the thought with great satisfaction because it allows us to step back in time . A time of our youth , with all the wildness and risk that we could not get enough of . He allows us to be immersed in that memory . The memory of things we dare not do today , it was in fun and none stop excitement , with fear being totally nonexistent ! We are now to old and way to smart to ever repeat those wild and crazy good times . When we remember , we become young again , even if it is just for a short moment in time . John still gives us this gift of stepping into the past and putting a smile on our face at the same time . He allows us to enjoy and remember without the risk . That’s a good deal ! ( his own words ) He is forever young , and when he greets us one day , we will be forever young also . So to all my brothers and sisters ( to many to name individually) let us thank each other for keeping his memory in our hearts and let us thank John for keeping us forever young in our thought . Past , present , and into the future John will never stop putting a smile on our faces . I love you all , the way we all love him and the way John all loves us . God Bless each and everyone of you , your brother - Frank
May 20, 2019
May 20, 2019
Hey John,
Just spent a day with your parents last weekend. I haven't seen them in years and heard a beautiful story about you from your Mom. Coincidence? I think not!
May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
Hey Brother, Miss You spoke to your brother Frank finally, he’s doing real good and so is your Loved Ones, tomorrow morning I’ll be by to visit you, like I’ve been doing for the last 34 years!! Your in my heart and a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of you. I hope we see each other again sometime. I Miss You so much Brother. God Bless
June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018
Happy Birthday Bro,we miss you
June 25, 2018
June 25, 2018
Happy Birthday my Dear Friend, Miss You more and more each day,
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
32 years wow just like yesterday. My first thought of John is always a really good, kind, bright kid that followed the rules, then just got bored with being good and became a showman for us. Miss you John.
May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
Good Morning Bro, can't believe it's been 32 years since you left us,hope your doing great,until we meet again
May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
WOW, 32 Years My Good Friend, it seems like yesterday. John I still Miss You and Think about you each and every day. I'm now telling my Grandson about you and the meaning of Friendship. God I wish you were here with us but God has his own plans and had to take you from us to short in life. He Needed a Angel and believe me he picked the best one. MISS YOU!! Your Old Friend, Ronnie
May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
John, so sad that it was 32 years ago. Brenda says it best. You were a risk taker and hell raiser. The times together were fun, and will always be remembered. You are greatly missed, but not forgotten.
May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
32 years. My son will be 32 tomorrow. It's numbing. With so little pictures and no videos I feel like it's been lifetimes ago I heard his voice and felt his touch. The family has so little in way of film or photos. Superstorm Sandy took all my photos and memories of years gone by. With Ann and frank being 83 & 86 anyone with a fresh addition for them and me would be nice to view. John was his mothers son. Annmarie just did a 29 day cruise through Asia and rode an elephant, visited a 150 yr old water stilt village and just treked the circuit. Living life to its fullest is hereditary. My heart softens but never heals. My children only hear of wild stories of John but know that the energy exerted when telling them is an indication of just how dynamic a person he was and how lucky we all feel to have been a part of that ride. My prayers for harmony in all of our lives, love in our hearts, and safety with mental wellbeing for all our children is from the depths of my heart to all of our friends. Love you guys. Miss my brothers energy and super grateful to have another one just as wonderful and annoying at the same time. Sibling are both. And they both are my loves and pains.
May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
Now post your own memories to share. Unlimited postings available. I started with a family spread. Please share! Luv Brenda
June 25, 2016
June 25, 2016
Happy Birthday Bro,welcome to the 60 club,we will celebrate tonight
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