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When We Met

May 25, 2017

Back in 1997 I made a phone call two DPS Pierce and it was taken as a call but I would harm myself. Sheriff Burger came over and I remember him getting on the radio and saying 102 John Henry he said go ahead. I'm out here on this call on 159 West and it's something that you can only handle. That was the day we fell in love with each other. Love at first sight. He took me to jail I stayed the night and then a couple days later I went on a ride with him on patrol. He tracked me down to the Houston area and we dated very brief. I would come out to his place and stay the weekend and he will come to my place and stay the night a couple of nights. So after our courtship we decided to make it official on May 1st 2000. I spent a wonderful 16 plus years with him and he opened my eyes two things I've never seen before. John Henry was and is my true love. Throughout all the years he has helped me by telling me not to let people run all over me like they used to, to stand up for myself and just be myself. Which that's all I am is myself. I miss him every day that goes by which is every minute and every second of the day. When he had a bad day I was here for him and when I had a bad day he was here for me. He was there with me when I had my two back operations and love me unconditionally as I did him. He is totally missed by me and I'm sure his family and friends that have been left behind. We have the Blessed Assurance to know that we will see him again. Now he is in heaven with his friends, family, and with our Lord and Savior. He always talked about everyone it was gone before him and how much he missed them and now he is with them and I know that he is happy and a glorified body with no depression, no more pain and no more sorrow.


May 25, 2017

Killa surprise to John I went and bought are rings and I propose to him on one knee ask him to marry me. I put the ring on his finger and he pick me up off the floor and gave me a big hug and a kiss and said yes. I was planning for a few friends: Carl and Ann Carter, Sheriff Burger and Catherine Burger and of course administer. I told him I wanted to have our vows done at Sandy Creek, where the water is crystal clear and the sand makes it look like the beach. I was planning to have our wedding on our anniversary date May 1st 2017 but unfortunately he passed away before we could do it. I wish we would have done it sooner. John Henry knows how much I love him and how much I truly miss him now. One day when my time comes I will see him again. Which that will be when I'm called home to go to heaven.

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