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January 27, 2021
January 27, 2021
John, It’s been 9 years ago today! Not a day goes by without me having thoughts of you. Normally, with a smile, but today was a sad day. I love you and miss you very much,
and will see you when I see you! I hope and pray in my dreams....soon...., all my love always, Therese
October 24, 2020
October 24, 2020
Happy heavenly 75th birthday dear sweet John! You will always be remembered and deeply missed. I know in my heart that you are always looking after my Sis from above. That is such a blessing knowing you are always there for her. You will always be in our hearts ♥️. Miss you so much, Linda & Stan
October 27, 2018
October 27, 2018
Happy Birthday my beloved. Wednesday was a bittersweet day. As always you are in my heart and on my mind. Saw a double rainbow this week and had to smile with wonderfully colorful thoughts of you. I miss you. Until we meet again, I will stay strong. Love You Forever, Therese
January 27, 2018
January 27, 2018
Your in my heart. I’ll be missing you always. I’ll be loving you forever. Until we meet again I will stay strong. ❤️ Therese
January 27, 2018
January 27, 2018
Thinking of you today on the 6th anniversary of your death. Where does the time go. You were such an integral part of our family and we miss you dearly. I know you are looking after Therese from above and she misses you deeply but knows that you are always there for her. You will continue to live forever in our hearts. Linda & Stan
January 27, 2018
January 27, 2018
Can't believe its been 6 years...miss you Uncle John
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Today John you are very much in our thoughts and prayers on this 72th birthday. We have never forgotten you and all the wonderful times we have shared. You had a heart of gold and a smile that could light up anyone’s day. Keep watching over Therese and all of us who miss you dearly. Happy birthday to our loving angel John up in heaven.
Linda & Stan
February 6, 2017
February 6, 2017
Where to start......As you know Super bowl was yesterday and the day we met 28 years ago. Our Wedding Anniversary was January 4th. You left this earth 5 years ago January 27th. January holds many emotions. I've been missing you! Our love is forever instilled in my heart. Thanks for showing me the way. I felt your energy all around me on our Anniversary-Grateful! Also for the visit in my dream the 27th. My prayers were answered. We will always have that kind of connection. In my dreams and memories you belong to me. Fortunate to always be able to count on your guidance. Until we meet again I stand strong. I practice Courage and Patience every day. All my Love, Therese
January 27, 2017
January 27, 2017
Dear Uncle... listening to Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay and thinking of you - thinking about the great egrets (John-Johns) that peek into my life now and then as subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) reminders that I am loved and it's all going to be ok. xo
October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016
Happy Birthday John, I had a lone balloon in flight soar past me way up high in the sky this morning on the tennis courts. I felt you near me. As if to wave, just blowing in the wind. I miss you. I'll see you again when the time comes. You will forever be in my heart. Love, Therese
January 29, 2016
January 29, 2016
Second try! It's been 4 years. I love and miss you but know you are watching over me. I know you and Ed are working on some big project. Quite possibly for Julia. I'll see you when I see you, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". You will always be in my heart. Thank you for sending me my very own earth angel, especially in this time of need. Also thanks for coming to get Buddy, knew the timing was right. So peaceful and reassuring. Until next time, love, Therese
January 29, 2016
January 29, 2016
He was such an awesome guy and we were so lucky to have him in our family. He will always be with us in our hearts. I will always remember our trip to Australia and riding horses with him. He loved to ride like the wind. What fun we had. Miss you so much. Love, Linda & Stan
October 24, 2015
October 24, 2015
Thinking of you today, as you would be 70 in earth years. Of course we all know you had a very old and good soul! Missing you! Went to mass this morning in your honor. Sermon was about not judging others but being stronger in a spiritual way from within yourself. Trying to embrace life with grace and passion as you did. Angie and I were discussing morning meditations as your spirit was surrounding us. We know that as we had an ahhhhhaaaaa moment from the note attached to Angies teabag: "Say it straight, simple and with a smile."  Thanks for watching over us. We both just smiled and looked to the heavens! Thank you God for blessing me with a great partner and many happy memories. I'll see you somewhere over the rainbow! All my Love, Therese
January 28, 2015
January 28, 2015
Dear Uncle John,
Your spirit, strength and smile live on. Thanks for keeping an eye out for Therese and me.... and for filling us up with your presence. You are missed but never far away. xoxo
January 28, 2015
January 28, 2015
So hard to believe it has been 3 years! You will always be missed as we know you are looking down on us from above!


Ryan, Becca, and Tucker
January 27, 2015
January 27, 2015
Three years seems like the blink of an eye. I so miss you, my best friend, loyal companion, and confidant who always had my best interest at heart. I will always love you, see you when I see you, Therese
January 27, 2015
January 27, 2015
Can't believe it has been 3 years since we lost our dear brother-in-law. His pleasant personality and smiling face will always be remembered. He was truly one of a kind and our family was so lucky to have gotten to share the 20 years that we had with him. We miss you deeply and think of you often. You are in our hearts forever.
October 24, 2014
October 24, 2014
My Dearest John, I see you in every kind, loving, gesture. Every smile, sunset, butterfly, cloud... You are my gentle breeze. I am surrounded by your love, energy, and spirit. My memories of you have helped me to open my heart and let your light shine through. Happy Birthday as always with loving thoughts, Therese
October 24, 2014
October 24, 2014
Still loving and missing you, Uncle John. xo
January 28, 2014
January 28, 2014
The words to this song say it all! Carrie Underwood, See You Again, Blown Away 2013
Said goodbye turned around and you were gone, gone, gone
faded into the setting sun
slipped away, but I won't cry cause I know I'll never be lonely
for you are the stars to me
you are the light I follow
I'll see you again,oh, this is not where it ends
I will carry you with me, oh, til I see you again
oh, oh, oh,
I can hear those echos in the wind at night
calling me back in time
back to you in a place far away
where the water meets the sky
thought of it makes me sigh
you are my tomorrow
I'll see you again, oh, this is not where it ends
I will carry you with me til I see you again
sometimes I feel like my heart is breaking
but I stay strong and I hold on cause I know
I'll see you again oh this it not where it ends
I will carry you with me, I'll see you again, oh, this is not where it ends, I will carry you with me, oh, til I see you again, oh til I see you again, oh til I see you again
said goodbye turned around and you were gone, gone, gone....
January 28, 2014
January 28, 2014
It doesn't seem like 2 years have passed. I still remember the Thanksgivings at my home and how much John looked forward to them. The pictures and thank you notes from Therese say is all. One in particular sticks in my mind that Therese sent that said" we are so blessed to have you as friends and hope that we have many good years together." That really made me smile as we had just met this wonderful couple. I know Therese feels John's presence and he is guiding her along until they met again. Someday God willing we will all see John again and see that smile that brought a smile to everyone that knew him. I pray for Therese that she remain strong and blessed by good friends and the wonderful family she has.
Elaine and Bob
January 27, 2014
January 27, 2014
Still missing you, dear Uncle. We think of you often and miss your warm smile and easy going presence. I'm going to be making very good use of your Chapman's Piloting & Seamanship book as I work towards my captain's license…it is a book I will cherish - along with my memories of you.
January 5, 2014
January 5, 2014
Last year was just as tough as the year before. But in a different way... Hard to explain unless you have lived it. I am getting stronger as each day passes. Yesterday would have been our anniversary... Pretty down day for me. This month will be a tough month as it brings back the last month of John's life as we knew it here on earth. I miss him and will always hold him close in my heart. Forever and ever.
January 3, 2014
January 3, 2014
Howard and Linda surprised me for the holidays. I'm sure you must have planted the seed. We spent New Year's gaming just like we always did! We felt your peaceful, beautiful presence all around.  GAME ON!!! Love and Miss You!
October 24, 2013
October 24, 2013
Happy Birthday, dear uncle. Thinking of you especially today. Your sweet soul lives on in all of us.
October 24, 2013
October 24, 2013
My thoughts today have been of our wonderful brother-in-law who would have been 68 years old today if he were still with us here on earth. So many fond memories of this wonderful person who is deeply missed by all of us. He will always have a special place in our hearts. We will always remember you John and are so glad we could be with Therese today at Lake Table Rock.
October 24, 2013
October 24, 2013
Thinking of you as you would be 68 in earth years today- "Happy Birthday" my love. Fond memories of such fun on the water of Table Rock Lake w/family at the reunion. Feeling blessed for having had your love and companionship. Knowing your here in spirit brings me peace. Oh, but what a bittersweet journey. "Meet you on the other side"......."See you when I see you" Love Therese
September 2, 2013
September 2, 2013
Labor Day was a special w/e for us. We would entertain over 100 people at the farm for 13yrs. Remembering the volleyball, hayrides, sunsets, line dancing in the barn, basketball, bonfire, all the home made food to include the hog and of course all the wonderful family and friends. What special times and memories. John has been w/me in spirit this w/e. In loving memory!
February 2, 2013
February 2, 2013
Uncle John,

Not a day goes by where Becca and I do not think of the special times we got to share with you! I will always remember our fishing trip in Bradenton. I always love a guy who can hold a beer in one hand and a fishing pole in the other! Love always, Ryan, Becca, & Tucker
January 30, 2013
January 30, 2013
FROM JOE, DONDI, KAIA - On the year anniversary of John's death we took a walk up high school butte. It was quiet and the snow flakes soft and beautiful as they melted on our faces. We miss his spirit but took solace in the knowledge that his beloved self is contained in every unique and sparkling flake. We send all our love to Antelope on this very special anniversary.
January 28, 2013
January 28, 2013
John, my beloved husband, It's been a year and seems like just yesterday. I think back on all the happy times we had together and how fortunate I was to have you in my life. I know you are watching over me and thank you. At times I feel your presence. I also know we will be together again in heaven above. All my love forever and ever. Until we meet again, Your loving wife, Therese
January 27, 2013
January 27, 2013
John, this week I have been thinking of you each day and how brave you were this time last year, how you loved life, and your wife and family and always saw all the good in people. We all love and miss you. You are gone from your physical life but you are not forgotten and live on in our hearts.
January 27, 2013
January 27, 2013
I have been thinking of John since early morning while driving to church. What a magnificent guy he was. I know he is in heaven looking down on all of us with that unforgettable smile of his. As I am sitting here watching the Australian Open Men's Singles Tennis Final, I cannot help but think of his love for the game of tennis and Australia. John, you will never be forgotten.
January 27, 2013
January 27, 2013
We will always remember John and his wonderful smile and gentle ways. We especially remember sharing Thanksgiving dinners together. John and Therese took us out in their boat and it has left a lasting memory how much he loved sharing the waters and beautiful sunsets. RIP.
January 27, 2013
January 27, 2013
Missing you but keeping you alive in our hearts and memories today and always! 
Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
January 27, 2013
January 27, 2013
One year ago you went to heaven. Please know that you are in my thoughts so often. Your smile, your kindness and gentle manner, your sense of humor, are just some of the things I miss most. The last few days that I spent with you had a profound effect on my life and I will forever be grateful for that. I love and miss you so much John Inglert.
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
Happy Birthday dear brother-in-law. Thought about you all day and all the wonderful times we shared. The trip to Australia with you and Therese will always be the most exciting trip of my lifetime. Love and miss you dearly.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
Happy Birthday dear uncle. We miss you but feel your presence all around us.
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
To our Dear Friend; I miss you as much as I miss my dad.  Your smile and laughter is what keeps us all going. You are truly missed every day.  Love, Audrey
October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012
I have very fond memories of John. From the moment Bob and I met him and his lovely wife Therese we felt a very special bond. Getting to know them better at Thanksgiving time made it a special time of year to be thankful for such wonderful friends who already had felt like family to us. The boat ride was something we will never forget and grateful that we had that time.
September 6, 2012
September 6, 2012
John was my cousin and I just recently learned of his passing. I remember when we were kids and playing ouside at Grandma Inglert's house in Fontanet. Please accept my deepest sympathy.
   Patty (Bouillez) Gorman
May 28, 2012
May 28, 2012
Yesterday we celebrated my dad's life at his sister's farm in Indiana. It was a beautiful ceremony. I shared a remembrance and a song. Here is what I said.
May 26, 2012
May 26, 2012
What a beautiful, perfect day. Thanks to all who joined together to celebrate John's life today, as we remembered him back home in Morristown, Indiana. John, you will remain in our hearts forever and ever. Be with us always and help guide us in finding the sunny side of the street! xoxo
March 25, 2012
March 25, 2012
John was like a brother to me. Not having a blood brother, to me John was my brother. We had soo much fun working on remodeling the farm house it brought us even closer together. John was a true Gentelman and a good model for all men. Miss you Bro. there is not a day that passes that Joyce and I talk of you. Your brother always. Ed
February 13, 2012
February 13, 2012
Hello to all who view this site. I wanted to share with you some of the words that were shared at John's Celebration of Life Ceremony in Bradenton, FL on Feb. 11, 2012. If you would like to view them, please see the "Stories" tab.
February 11, 2012
February 11, 2012
Our beloved Uncle John,
What a many great memories ranging from the Hog Roasts, boating, fishing, and ice cold Budweisers! You brought the best out of Therese and were the perfect husband for her. We will never forget you, your bright smile, or cheerful attitude. One day we will enjoy another cold one together! Love always, Ryan and Becca
February 9, 2012
February 9, 2012
To our dearest Uncle. Dondi and I would like to thank you for all of the wonderful times we've spent together. We see your tanned face in our minds, sitting poolside on a deck chair, enjoying a good book. We see you in the captain's chair buzzing us around the warm waters of Florida. We see your broad cheshire smile. It's been an honor knowing you. Save us a chair in Margaritaville. Peace
February 3, 2012
February 3, 2012
How grateful we are to have had John in our lives. He was a very wonderful husband, brother, father, grandfather, son and a truly wonderful friend to all who had the pleasure and good luck to have known him. John will never be forgotten. Love ... Jake and Joady
February 2, 2012
February 2, 2012
John was a very good friend a good man, we had some great times thu school ,on our first jobs together. And thru our lives, I helped prepare and cook several hogs at their farm....GREAT Times. He"ll be greatly missed......Love Dave Espich
February 1, 2012
February 1, 2012
We all feel so privileged to have had John join our family when he and Therese were married. He was a wonderful Uncle to all of our children and son-in-law to our parents and brother-in-law to all of us. We cherish our fond memories of visits to the farm, card games and family get-togethers. John will be truly missed by all of us.
Love, Jody & Jon
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