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His Life

Memorial To Dad

April 19, 2017

There comes a time in a person's life when they are facing not only their own mortality but also the mortality of their parents. No one ever expects to have to deal with it but like friends whose parents have already passed, you know that someday your time will come.

If my Dad has had his way, that time would have never come.  He refused to be a prisoner of his aging body and fought a hard even to admit that he was old. In the end, he didn't have to worry about when he was going to die; his mind robbed him of that unpleasant certainty.

My Dad was a very proud man but strong enough to ask if he was wrong. He raised his sons to look out for the family and that was one thing he never had to worry about. He once told me that I should not worry about things I had not control of. Funny thing, I often had to remind him of his wisdom as well.

I know in my heart that he can finally Rest In Peace. He has left four strong men who each carry a little piece of himself with us. He taught me that although we excel with second chances, I have learned that hard work and determination will bring us more chances as well.

I am proud to be your son.