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March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
As every year goes by your memories are still and will always be with us. You are missed my friend.
Hope you are catching a bunch of Peacock Bass! :-)
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Happy birthday dad, I miss you so much. I hope you have a great celebration wherever you are. I always think of you, I love you
October 17, 2022
October 17, 2022
It is hard writing this as I know it has been a long time since my dad left us on this earth. It was even harder not knowing that had so many nice friends on here. My dad and I didn't have the greatest relationship but I have always loved him and think of him often. I often hear songs he sang to me as a kid and wonder what he is doing up there now. I hope you are happy and get to see your family again. Say hi to Pop for me! Love you always and forever... Cari Lyn Faulkner.
April 27, 2021
April 27, 2021
Enjoyed his success. Lived with a smile the length and width of Venezuela. Think of him often and all the cooking, fishing, and hunting he loved much.
March 31, 2021
March 31, 2021
You would have been 77 yesterday. Happy birthday from this side !!
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021
Happy Birthday my friend. It has been a while but you are still alive in our hearts.
Will see you in the future.
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021
Wishing You a Happy Birthday my friend ... Missing Conversations that always Started and Ended in Laughter ... You were one of those bright souls that will be forever missed.

See ya on the flip side one day Mr. Faulkner... Hit em long and staright in Heaven. ‍♂️
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020
As always Tocayo, Year after year we miss you. Make sure you don't catch all the fish Pavon's in heaven so we can have one last fishing trip.
You will always live in our heart.
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020
To my dad I love my dad very much despite what anyone else has said they said that I didn't love my dad they will be punished by God me and my dad had alot of good memories in anaco and Maracaibo Venezuela I miss him constantly in my life he is in heaven with Jesus he is free love you ❤️ dad your son chantz and jada
March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020
Happy Birthday John.
I hope you will enjoy your day in Heaven. You are sadly missed by your friends and especially Patricia.
You were a really good friend to Barry and I. We all shared so many laughs. So many parties in your beautiful home in Anaco.
You will always be in our hearts. ❤️♥️ Love Frannie and Barry
November 26, 2019
November 26, 2019
What an awesome soul...In life you may be fortunate to come across people like John...Sincere, Straightforward, Great Humor and just a very good human being.
When I need a laugh, I always remember of our time in Fort Lauderdale over 20 years ago...He and Patricia met me at a restaurant and for some reason I thought the green stuff put on the plate was Guacamole, so I took a big bite of that and it wasn't was Wasabi and I was choking out...He and Patricia couldn't stop laughing … Thinking of John, I like to remember that side of him...I miss you my friend!    
Thanks Chidi for putting this together!
March 31, 2019
March 31, 2019
Misss you friend. You made so many people smile! Hope you still making everyone smile in heaven.
May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017
Siempre Socio, Es y Sera para mi una bonita experiencia tus recuerdos en aquellos años cuando nos conocimos en aquella empresa Brinard de Venezuela en Anaco, desde ese momento muchos negocios realizamos, hasta el punto de Construir juntos la pequeña empresa FABRISOL INTERNATIONAL, S.A. ... Siempre Socio, como te gustaban los retos, persona brillante y de estrecha Calidad.. ese eras tu. Recuerdo uno de tantos negocios que realizamos, que me llamaste un viernes en la noche, ya descansando, Efrain necesito que me ubiques 12 equipos de soldadura completos para colocarlos el domingo o mas tardar el lunes en la mañana en Pedernales- Tucupita en una gabarra de Santa Fe Drilling... no dormimos esa noche ni el día siguiente, ubicando equipos para embarcarlos en los camiones, ya que los equipos nuestros estaban ya ocupados en otros proyectos... con tu ayuda y la mía reunimos todos los equipos y los colocamos el lunes a las 4 am en el sitio alla en Pedernales.... Recuerdo que me dijiste que al mes íbamos sacando equipos en alquiler y comprando nuevos.. y así se hizo... Tus consejos y discursos los tengo grabados en mi memoria .. Fueron muchas tus anécdota, las reuniones que hacíamos, Recuerdo que te gustaban las hallacas que hacíamos en casa... Siempre estarás vivo para mi Gran Amigo... SIEMPRE SERAS MI AMIGO Y MI SOCIO...
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
John was a close and dear friend. Will sure miss you. Que descanse en paz. My deepest condolence to his son William, His daughter Carry, and his wife Patricia.
May 12, 2017
May 12, 2017
This is Dong Pham with BHP Engineering and Construction LP.
I have known John a short but enjoyable 3 years. From his sincerity and open personality, John gave me immediate credibility to the businesses we discussed. One evening John and I enjoyed a good discussion and a great dinner at the Brazilian restaurant Fogo de Chao, which he really liked and was very happy to have taken me there.

We miss being with nice people when they are gone. John, I will miss you very much.

My condolences to John's family and friends.
May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017
Pasan los días y aun no puedo creérmelo, dejas un gran vació en mi corazón papá! Aunque los últimos años no los pude compartir contigo, te llevare en mi corazón por siempre! Lamento tanto no haber podido estar ahí para ti!! Fuiste el mejor padre que la vida pudo darme, todo lo que soy es por ti y por mi madre, todos sus consejos, todas sus palabras de aliento siempre están en mi cabeza recordándome lo que soy! Gracias por enseñarme a hacer los mejores pancakes del mundo, siempre que los preparo recuerdo aquella tarde como si fuese ayer y mi corazón se llena de tristeza por que nunca mas podremos estar así, pero siempre vivirás en mi corazón. Nuestras circunstancias no fueron normales, pero eso no afecta el gran amor que te tengo y siempre te tendré. Gracias por todo lo que me enseñaste, gracias por todo tu amor, gracias por tus regaños, gracias y mil gracias por ser el padre que fuiste. Y como siempre te dije: Nos vemos pronto papito de mi vida, Te amo.
May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017
I always felt free to be myself around John. A true friend. Saludos Primo as they say in Venezuela.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
John we has meet 20 years ago, and i always know you as a friendly funny person you always made us laughts with your old stories. We love you we love Patricia. You will be miss by all that know you
May 4, 2017
May 4, 2017
Tocayo, You are missed! I am so glad I got to see you some days ago and will always keep you in the great memories we forged in Venezuela. You touched so many lives and made so many people laugh. RIP my friend. Thank you for being my friend! God bless you and all your loved ones.
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
John, you have always been a good friend, full of life and larger than life. You always were full of energy, cheer and generosity filled our life's for the better. You will be missed, but never forgotten. Thanks for your friendship my amigo. Nos vemos Chamo.
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017
From the first day I met John to the last day I called him on 4/17, our conversation was always filled with fun, laughter and pure joy. Always asking me about the "man in the mirror" and if anything had changed from the last time he looked in the mirror. I would always respond that I broke all my mirrors to keep my sanity intact! We finally agreed to go to lunch and days later I received the sad news that John is gone forever. John is special and will be missed.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Mi sentido pésame a sus familiares y amigo , un gran hombre y buen amigo !
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
John was a very special person. We could talk fishing and dove hunting for hours. Great person to look up to and learn from.
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
John, I will always remember the first time I meet you back in 1975 at the fluidos de perforación camp in Santa Rita. My mother saw you sitting outside and told me to invite to have lunch with us for a good Venezuelan meal. Many years have passed and we remained friends. Just three months ago I had the pleasure to have you and Tommy Thompson for a parrilla at our ranch near Katy. I was so looking forward to another parrilla this week as we planned during OTC week. I will miss you. God has another angel in heaven.
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
John always had a smile and a word to lighten the day. God speed and rest in peace my old friend. You will be missed by all.
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
This is William Faulkner his son I love my dad very much and will forever miss him my phone number is 5759219861 call if need be thankyou for this memorial
April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017
John you were the special light in our lives! You were always so full of life and you always had funny stories to tell. Also to say you were a Gourmet cook. The meals you would make were so delicious. You were our special friend for so many years! We will always treasure our memories with you. RIP John! You will be missed so much!

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