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Note from Jon's friend Avi Ben-Shoshan

November 18, 2023
That yearbook page really brings back memories. Jon had a really great sense of humor and was always so easy to talk to. I remember spending hours after school video chatting with him on iChat and always having something to talk or laugh about. My mom was always happy to see him on video with me and would say hello in French. Jon was always a very good friend to me. I recently stumbled across his old youtube page from back in the day (pinkloebsta).
That video was truly a classic. I'm sure you remember the weird Jon voice he would do during those years. This video was always one of my favorites and still makes me laugh to this day. I hope you enjoy it and check out the other videos on this channel. It's a nice little time capsule. 

Eulogy by Jon's friend Toviah Botwinik

April 24, 2023
Remarks given April 20, 2023 at the dedication of a grove of trees in memory of Jon in the Ofer Forest near Haifa.
Good morning, בוקר טוב, and bonne journée to everyone, my name is Toviah, and I am proud to have been one of Jon's close friends.
I first met Jon in second grade at Perelman Jewish Day School, where we first bonded about our shared interest in math. I distinctly remember reciting prime numbers in order, until one of our parents picked us up.
There was something exciting about being friends with Jon - he brought a spirit of adventure and spontaneity, together with a desire for achievement, and kindness for all of his friends, even from a young age.
After becoming closer at Camp Galil around 2006, we, together with some friends and with Jon's parents, began a software development company, making iPhone apps.
We called our company Jitsik, and Jon led the rest of the team in developing new apps and trying to break into the fledgling market.
Thus started the long period of our adolescence, where we had many adventures, learned a lot about life, grew together, and spent countless hours in Jon's mom's basement honing our coding, math, and graphic design skills.
During this whole time, despite ups and downs of middle and high school, Jon always brought an unending spirit of enterprise to whatever he did. Jon inspired us and served as a central point of our friend group, and of Jitsik.
As we each went our separate ways after high school, we reconnected during many points to collaborate on a project, the last of which was the VR self-driving vehicle simulator. This project is actually still being continued by Helen today.
In considering the path my life ended up taking, making aliyah, becoming a Jewish educator and continuing to work in product design, I recall how much Jon was part of my life, and how much his friendship gave me and inspired me to who I am today.
His spirit of entrepreneurship, humor, and insistence on maintaining Jewish values will always stay with me. I think that for all of Jon's many friends that he made throughout his life, he will be remembered for his many kind deeds, his silly sense of humor, and his creative passion for seeking the next big adventure.

Eulogy by Jon's cousin: Yoann Boussel (10/11/2021) as read by Jon's Aunt, Daniele Sherman.

August 15, 2022
Recording of funeral timestamp 0:24
French transcript 

En mon nom Yoann Boussel, cousin de Jonathan Maïmon loeb.

Tu es depuis mes premiers souvenirs autant mon meilleur ami que mon cousin. La distance qui nous séparait était une épreuve qui nous rapprochait. Nous nous sommes toujours profondément aimé. Nous partagions les mêmes passions et les mêmes rêves.
Mais toi Joni, tu étais un visionnaire. Tu ressentais le monde de demain et tu y investissais corps et âme. Jitsik et Tesla en sont les preuves vivantes. Tu es l'humain le plus attachant que j'ai eu la chance de connaître. Tu as toujours été loyal et investi auprès de ceux que tu considérais comme tes proches.

Tu savais apprécier les choses simples de la vie: un bon bain, contempler les paysages, taper dans ses main à l'heure pile, un bon câlin, de la bonne musique.

Tu es mon modèle d'humanité et de réussite. Au nom des 3 mousquetaires, tu es le plus vaillant et combattant d'entre nous. Toute notre vie nous servirons ta mémoire. Les 3 mousquetaires ne disparaîtront jamais, tu es gravé à vie dans nos têtes et sur nos corps. David equal Jon equal Yoann.

Tu nous as appris la vie, nous te sommes redevables.

Tu étais une personne hors du commun joni. Repose en paix, nous t'aimons et servirons ta mémoire le restant de notre vie.

Un pour tous, tous pour un.

Je t'aime. Yoann

English transcript 

In the of name Yoann Boussel, cousin of Jonathan Maimon Loeb. Jon, You are since my first memories as much my best friend as my cousin. The distance that separated us was a test that brought us closer. We have always loved each other deeply. We shared the same passions and the same dreams.

But you, Joni, were a visionary. You could envision the world of tomorrow and you invested your heart and soul in it. Jitsik and Tesla are living proof of that.

You are the most endearing human being I have ever had the chance to know. You were always loyal and invested in those you considered as your loved ones.

You knew how to appreciate the simple things in life: a good bath, contemplating the landscape, clapping your hands bang on the hour, a good hug, a good music.

You are my model of humanity and success.

In the name of the three musketeers, you are the most valiant and the best fighter among us. All our lives we will serve your memory. The 3 musketeers will never disappear, you are engraved for life in our heads and on our bodies. David equals Jon equals Yoann.

You taught us life, we owe you.

You were an extraordinary person, Joni. Rest in peace, we love you and will serve your memory for the rest of our lives.

One for all, all for one.

I love you. Yoann

Letter from Rachel Edelman to Jon, August 2021

December 15, 2022

I love you so much! I I know Hashem brought us together as Soul mates.  ❤️ You mean the world to me, and loving you is the most natural thing in the world for me. I know. you feel the same way. I never want to leave. your side, ever! You are the love of my life and my one & only true love l

We have quite the history. So why not write about it, as told by ME! Perhaps your story may. Sound a little different than. mine, but here it goes!.

I'll start when we first met. I remember some brief meetings with you my sophomore year at Rutgers. You came to Margo's apartment and also I saw you at Rutger's Chabad with Aaron. 

It wasn't until fall of my. junior year in 2015 that I got to know you better. You would come over to my apartment at 90 Senior with Aaron from time to time. On Halloween... Well you know this story already because I've said it about a million times but I remember we went on a ride in your Dad's Model S up to Washington Rock. It was my first time in a Tesla and I was SO IMPRESSED. That was definitely the coolest car I had ever been in before.

I remember you solving the cube on autopilot and I thought that was the coolest thing ever.

That day was when I started having a baby crush on you. The more I saw you, the more you impressed me. I remember you used to help Britt with math, and I was impressed by how smart you are. (Still am). It was always the best whenever you came through to Rutgers.

One day when you came over, I remember Specifically thinking that if it did not work out with Dan DiBella. that I was going to go for you because I thought to you were so special. (still do). I was just like, "This guy IS MARRIAGE MATERIAL right here. He's handsome, smart, Jewish, chill, stoner vibes.. this man checks all else my boxes."  I never thought that about anyone. else when I was dating Dan. But you are just so special that you stuck out so much to me. It's like Hashem whispered in my ear "this is your soul mate." I always looked forward to your Rutgers visits.

Fast forward to when Dan Di Bella and I actually break up.. After I got over that, you were. already in a relationship with. Sam. I thought I lost my shot with you.

Fast forward to when diagnosed. Thomas was the one to tell me. I immediately thought..." "I * have to tell him time how I feel." I told Aaron to tell me next time you came up and I would come too. I also messaged you a little bit, but chickened out when I was going to tell I had a crush on you. Then when I saw you again at Rutgers, I. chickened out again. We kept messaging and eventually we went on a date, and I'm sure at pretty this point you knew I liked you.

On our first date, we went to get Sushi and drove up again to Washington Rock and went on a little. walk. Then we went to Eitan's to meet up with Thomas in New Brunswick. Then you came back to my place and we hooked up you slept over. My dad was pissed because he didn't like boys staying over night, But it was worth it.

In the end. We decided to stay friends. I remember you mentioning wanting single and not to be tied down at that time, and that was fine with me. I just wanted you in my life. We remained friends, and you even came to my beach house with Dawid that summer. . You became my best and most reliable friend:

Fast forward to when you started dating Weam. I was happy that you were happy, but I was still secretly jealous of Weam. But I told myself that we were just friends and I would respect your relationship. So again we remained friends. Even though I didn't like her and expressed that to you, I. never actually punched her in the face, even though I wanted to! ·

Fast forward to when and Weam break up. I made a move on you, but you were still getting Weam, so we decided to just stay friends again.

Fast forward to when I came to Cali. The convo again! We decided to stay friends because distance would be too difficult. But we had the best time in Cal. Definitely the highlight of 2020 for me.

Fast forward to when you came back from Cali in November for Thanksgiving. I saw you the weekends' before and after Thanksgiving. I wanted to tell you when came to I Philly but I was too chicken. It's okay, I had another. opportunity to tell you in Asbury. When I went to Asbury Park I was SO CLOSE to confessing my love for you. But I was too afraid that I was just way too deep into the friend-zone to come out.

I told Aaron that I almost told you and he told me I should have told you! But I just thought Aaron was full of shit and just telling me what I wanted to hear. Apparently you told Aaron the same but he didn't either of us.

Fast forward to the next time. you came back to visit. Seeing you on my birthday was the present ever. That is the only thing I wanted for my birthday, and it came true! ❤️ We slept in the bed together, but we didn't do anything. I saw you again the next week. This time I couldn't hold it in any longer. I didn't care anymore, I would have done anything to be with you. So I confessed to you, and you felt the same way. I had every intention to to move to Cali once my work contract ended.

Fast forward to a few months later, you move back to the east, and we see each lot more. You used to come over once a week, and I would come to you, usually on the weekends.

Fast forward to when we more in together. We grow even closer, and the adventures become even more frequent.

Fast forward to when Frankie. We are a happy little family! We are such great parents to our lil pup.

I have loved every moment we spent together, and continue to love every moment with you. You have made such a meaningful. impact on my life, and I I am so blessed to call you mine. I can't wait for many more fun times with you, my You mean everything to me.

I love you
je t'aime
Yours always, Rach

The Whiteboard of Message Between Rachel and Jonny

  • Can't wait to spend another day with you. I love you! - Jon
  • Rach, You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't believe we've been dating for almost 6 months. Here's to many more months together! Love, Jonny
  • My dearest, We don't get to choose our soulmates - those were assigned to us. I'm so happy we were made to be soulmates by Hashem. But even if we did get to pick our soulmates.... I would chose you every time. I love you so much. ❤️ - Forever & Always, Rach
  • Richie, I had such a great weekend with you. I'm so excited about these trips we have planned together. I love you! - Jon
  • Rach, You are the best girlfriend I could ever hope to date. You make me so happy. I love  being with you. Love, Jon
  • By dearest, You are the best thing that ever happened to me. ❤️ - Rach
  • I'm so glad we met you make me so happy. ❤️ - Jon
  • Rachel, I'm going to miss you so much while I'm away. We can video chat as much as you like. Do something fun for your week off school. Love, Jonny
  • Rachel, I love you so much! Can't wait to enjoy some Texas sunshine with you.
  • Rachie, I had so much fun in Texas with you and your family. Looking forward to many more trips with you. Love, Jonny
  • You are my heart.
  • I love you to the moon and back.
  • Rach, I love you more and more every day. I'm so glad your family invited me to join you guys at the beach. Of course I would love to go. Love, Jonny
  • Dear Rachel, Going to the beach with you was a blast. I'm having such a fun summer with you! I hope you feel the same way. Love, Jonny.
  • I love you more and more each and every day. Your sweet messages make me so happy. Love Jon

Poem from Dina Rose (2nd cousin)

September 29, 2022
Precious Jonathan
A son, a song
A friend near kin

A son, a song
A friend near kin

Family ties, family broken
Moments celebrated, moments unspoken

Another young one taken too soon
To teach the older not to let bitterness burn
Rather allow forgiveness to heat the room

Not well known by all
Yet his reach was far from small
Hands were open to Spirit's call
The Lord bless and keep, and may His face shine upon
Free like the wings of an eagle and feet of a fawn
Fleeting night before the dawn

Fiercely loved, lived, and laughed his way through
Soul caught in Rapture, leaving seeds for others to pursue 
Where his memory is to us a 'thank you'

From Michael Bihovsky (babysitter starting 2001)

September 29, 2022
I am devastated to learn about the death of Jon Loeb, whom I used to babysit when I was a teenager. Jonathan had a years-long and unfathomably courageous and well-fought battle with esophageal cancer. He was 27 years old, with an incredibly keen mind for developing and advocating for innovative technology, and had just gotten engaged to his dear and loving girlfriend Rachel one month prior.

I was hired to babysit Jonathan and his two siblings, Gabby and Ben, when Jonathan was seven years old. I was selected in part because they were being raised trilingually with English, Hebrew, and French, which I also spoke – though at the time, even the precocious two-year-old Benjamin could run laps around my French. I remember sitting by baby Benjamin’s crib as he figured out how to escape it, and Jonathan and Gabby and I would ask him really hard questions and then freak the heck out when he would find some way to communicate to us the right answer.

Jonathan was such a sweet kid. He had so much energy, and a smile that would melt your heart in an instant. One day earlier on, of our many days and nights together, Jonathan decided to attach himself to my foot while I was heating up some macaroni and cheese, sitting with his legs wrapped around my ankle so that I couldn’t walk without the weight of a seven year old dragging my foot across every other step. Fortunately his sister Gabby decided to join him shortly after, evening me out and giving me the quad workout of my life.

And that became the tradition of babysitting at the Loebs’ house: arrive, bike to the library together, come home, heat up dinner, and then walk around the house for a few hours with two giggling children as permanent ankle weights, and a baby subtly doing calculus in his high chair.

But I didn’t mind. I loved those kids. I loved making them laugh and smile. And if that meant that it took 20 minutes to get from the stove to the kitchen sink, so be it. They were happy, and so was I.

Looking back, I think my experiences with Jonathan and his siblings set the precedent and gave me the tools I needed to become a good and fun uncle. And I’m so grateful for that.

All I had to do was hold the weight of a 7-year old. Never did I imagine that just 16 years later, he would be holding the weight of the world. And that just a few years after that, his smile and his laugh would be gone forever.

I didn’t have the opportunity to know Jonathan as the man he grew to be. But I was always kept up to date on his many achievements and his eventual diagnosis and condition by his dad, my friend Dan Loeb. To Dan, Helen, Gabby, Benjamin, and Rachel (who was born after my babysitting tenure and I only had the privilege to meet once) - words cannot describe how sorry I am for your loss. I have such fond memories of all of you, and am profoundly grateful for the period of my life where I got to be a small part of your family. I am lucky to have known Jonathan, whose smile and energy and enthusiasm I will carry with me as a treasured memory forever. Any time I lift ankle weights for my physical therapy, I think of Jonathan, and of all of you, and I smile. I smile even now; even while tears stream down my face as I think how cruel and unfair it is that somebody who brought so much light into this world didn’t get to spend more time in it.

My prayer for all of you is that you too may always remember the good times, even as you miss Jonathan so profoundly. That is, I think, the power of Jonathan: no matter how bad things got, his silliness and humor and positivity would always find a way to make you smile. And even though it could never be the same as his physical presence, I know that he will still find ways to make you smile for the rest of your lives. And that his courage and fierce determination to live and love his life even as more and more got stripped away may serve as an example for all of us. I know that it will for me.

Michael Bihovsky is an advocate for people with serious illnesses. His music video “Paperweight” is about being disabled during the pandemic.

From Brock Ladenheim (PJDS friend since 2000)

September 29, 2022
I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. Even being far away [in Israel] I  still spent the day after he passed reminiscing with other friends of Jon’s in Tel Aviv. So many fun memories, Jon was a one-of-kind guy. Most of the earliest memories I have involve him, and the truth is I’m not even sure how or when we met. It must have been so long ago and we must have been so young. He was definitely my first real best friend. He showed me so many amazing things. Of course I remember when he and Helen showed me when I was probably 6 or 7, and Jon always kept me in the tech loop with anything Apple related. 

I remember his Harry Potter themed birthday party, and even the sorting hat who sent me to Ravenclaw. I remember seeing the Chamber of Secrets with you all, and I arrived to your house to meet a full Loeb family completely dressed up in wizard gear. I remember so many sleepovers in the basement and Saturdays spent at shul. I would go to synagogue just in hopes of meeting up with Jon, because there was no other way of communication. I remember shenanigans at bar and bat mitzvah parties, and even when they didn’t end up so well. 

The truth about the Genaurdi’s incident is it ultimately made me into a better person. I suppose enough guilt will make a kid want to clean his plate and silverware and be a better son to his parents. Jon was an influence, yes. But he influenced only the best parts of me to come out. 

Because of Jon, I decided to go to Camp Galil where I met so many of his friends who became like family to me. There are still so many funny videos on YouTube of me and him trying to get famous, or at least just trying to pass the time. At one point we even walked into the Apple store dressed as two Steve Jobs’s and asked customers iPhone trivia until the employees kicked us out. Absolutely ridiculous, but this is only what you do with the very best of friends, a friend like Jon.

I wanted to reach out to you both and your family, to write down just some of the best memories. The thing is, the more I write the more there seem to be.

I know the last few years have been beyond difficult. Jon really flew around the country just to try and have a chance at being healthy. I take my health for granted so often, but I really try not to.

If there’s one more influence Jon can have on me, may it be an appreciation for life.

Father's Remarks at Jon's Bar Mitzvah

September 29, 2022
Dear Jonathan, We are so proud to see you up here today. We know that all you have accomplished to get here today came only through your strong will and determination.

We sensed long ago how determined you were. As I told Mom, “I don’t know if he is going to save the world or destroy it, but either way Jonathan is going to accomplish something big.”

I remember you were in a swimathon the summer before 1st grade and were so excited about raising money for tzedaka that you stayed in the pool until you started turning blue and literally had to be removed from the pool for hypothermia.

Last summer you rode in the American Cancer Society Bikeathon in honor of Grandma. You were determined to finish all 62 miles, and you did! Grandma would have been so proud to see you here today.

Your bar mitzvah falls on President’s Day weekend which gives us occasion to reflect on how privileged we are to live in a Democracy. You are fortunate to have seen in action how people through their individual and collective efforts can promote real change in society. This is a power that you should never take for granted. Just as we believe Hashem renews his creation every day, the establishment of our Democracy is not a one-time historical event we learn about in school but rather something we must always struggle to preserve. Whether it is by participating in a “presidential debate” against Brock [Ladenheim] moderated by Josh [Horowitz], or simply stuffing envelopes, you stand before us now as a responsible citizen and member of our community.

While the mitzvoth in your parasha may not be as interesting as the stories from earlier parshiot, I hope you take them to heart and keep in mind that our mitzvoth tell us how to behave not only in a religious setting (mitzvoth between G-d and Man) but also how to establish a just and fair society (mitzvoth between Man and Man).

You inspire confidence in your friends and Benjamin “follows you everywhere like a little brother.” [Suit partout comme un petit frère]

I am still amazed how in first grade you convinced half the class to spend their recesses studying rocks.

Whether it is in business, politics or whatever, be the natural leader that you are, and heed your moral compass to be a force for good wherever you go.

Letter from Jonathan's grandmother Mamie Laurette

August 21, 2022
Dear Jon, You are with us each day, since you left us. What has happened to us? Sometimes it seems like I am dreaming and that I have to get up and the reality will be completely different. Dear Jon you had so much to give to our world. I will never forget the love you shared widely, your thoughtfulness, whenever you could you took me out for a for a tour of Philadelphia or simply to commune with nature. Thank you for being my "beloved grandson" always and forever. I lack the words to express the magnitude of my distress. "You were from a world where the most beautiful things have the worst destiny." [Malherbes]
Each day that passes, my longing for you only increases. I love you my beloved prince.

Jon and Gummi (2006-2008)

August 20, 2022
Jonathan’s best friend and “partner in crime” in middle school was Gabe (Gummi) Tayar. As an infant Gummi was afflicted with neuroblastoma. Tragically, cancer struck again. The entire class rallied behind Gummi and Jon stayed overnight near the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in order to support his friend.

Jon wrote the following Get Well Note to Gummi
Dear Gummi,
I am very sad about your condition.
I hate cancer.
If cancer was a person, I would beat them up.
I would make them suffer more than you have to suffer.
Cancer sucks. 
Love, Jon
In the end, Gummi succumbed to this terrible disease during the summer of 2007. Jon wrote a eulogy to his dear friend but was too wrought with emotion to read it.

To help preserve Gummi’s memory, Jon volunteered to cleanup and maintain the Gabe Tayar Park in Abington. He also raised money for cancer research via the American Cancer Society Bikeathon and donated money at his bar mitzvah.

When cancer later took Jonathan, we buried him at the Montefiore Cemetery only a short distance from his friend Gummi.

Memories from Jon's Cousin Kathleen Loeb

August 15, 2022
My whole childhood is filled with memories of Jon. I would look forward to Passover every year, because I knew it meant we would be running around, getting into mischief  and having a good time. Even if there were no activities, Jon could find something fun to do. My favorite adventure was Passover 2009 in Orlando. We got bored at service and ran out to the pool and swam for most of the night in our good clothes. As an adopted child, I often felt like a black sheep in our family. But Jon was the one who made me feel like I belonged, that our differences were actually something we had in common. As adults, we didn’t get to spend much time together, but I will never forget all the adventures we got into together (and the trouble) when we were children and hold them close in my heart forever.

Memories from Cousin Laure Salama

August 15, 2022
In order to learn English, my mom, Helen’s sister, sent me to an American summer camp, Camp Galil for the summer of 2007.

Being the only French there, everyone wanted to interact with me – let’s be honest I mostly did not understand what they asked me, my best answers were yes or no– An example of my first days: how are you? Yes. – Great answer.

The only other French speaker was Jon, not only was he my best English dictionary support but also full of surprise. Each day, several kids were coming to me, after asking Jon some "tips", and we’re talking “French” to me, that was purely amazing : 
  • “ manger chaise bleu” – “eat chair blue”
  • “ bonjour fort tout à l’heure » - « hello strong later »
No need to explain further, these sentences made absolutely no sense. Every single day I had to pretend it did and try to get what they really meant and wanted to ask me … hihihi

By the end of 4 weeks there, we (Jon and I) successfully managed to make them learn our French, most kids, including some management were convinced that “fort” means “flight” or “manger” means “cry” …. GREAT FRENCH GREAT FRENCH

By doing this game, Jon made sure I had everything I needed, that I was having fun every day, that I was integrated into a camp while being different. He was there for me at any moment. You were so kind, sweet, and sensitive. 

Love you my Jon, you are truly missed.

Eulogy by Jon's Mother: Helen Loeb

August 15, 2022
My dear friends, Thank you all for coming to honor the memory of my wonderful incredible phenomenal son Jonathan Mimoun Loeb.

I want to thank God here for the wonderful 27 years I got to spend with Jonathan. His name “God has given” says it all. He was a gift to all who knew him. 

When Gabby was born, I became a mother. It was a wonderful experience. Yet when Jon was born, my mothering skills had to reach a totally new level. I want to share a few parenting stories with you.

When Jon was 4 years old, I woke up one particular morning to wake Jon for preschool. I could find him in his bed, I could not find him in his room, or his sister’s room. I checked every nook and cranny of the house and to my surprise I found him comfortably sleeping on the top shelf of the linen closet, a shelf I cannot even reach. Everyday I opened Jon’s room, I was in for a surprise. Jon was always unpredictable. He was a present to us every single day of his life.

Once, when Jon was 8, it was 11pm, I was in bed, and so were the kids. All of a sudden, the door to my room bursts open, and Jon marches in singing Evenu Shalom Alechem on top of his lungs. I can’t recall if I laughed or cried that night.

Fast forward a few years to when Jon is in elementary school. He is going through his rock phase. After learning about pie charts in school, the students  are assigned to make projects. They interview each other about their favorite color, favorite food… so as to make a pie chart. My Jonathan interviews his fellow students about their favorite profession: rock collector, minor, cave explorator. And then he draws his pie chart: rock collector 0%, miner 0%, cave explorator 0%, other 100%. He had a unique passion about everything he did. 

Middle schools filled a treasure trove of memories. It brought its load of pink slips and phone calls from the principal. We decided to throw a graduation party in our basement and invite his entire middle school class. I told Jon there would be no alcohol, and I don't want any of the furniture in the basement damaged. He gives his word and I let him prepare for the party. A few hours later, I came down to the basement to find all the furniture pushed into the unfinished basement. All decorations have been taken off the wall. The piano has been moved as well. Once again I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. This is my Jon. It was all or nothing with him.

The big surprise in high school comes one day during the Parent Teacher Conference. I hear from the Math teacher that Jon is totally ready for a PhD in math. He has been teaching himself through youtube videos and filled several notebooks with high level math color-coded in many colors. His incredible ability to teach himself was yet another side of Jon we did not see coming. 

I could go on and on with stories. We adored Jon. His friends adored him. His fiancee adored him. 

Jon I have always been proud of you, Your sensitivity was none to other. When your sister Rachel was born, my friend brought you to the hospital. Everyone was rushed to see the cute baby. You rushed towards me and asked me if I was ok, Jon I love you. I am proud of you, You made me a better mom, You made the world a better place. 

Eulogy by Jon's Father: Daniel Loeb

August 14, 2022
It is hard to believe that our son Jonathan has left us. 

It is not right for a boy to go before his parents.

But if I am to learn anything from this tragedy it is that the measure of a man’s life is not the number of his years, but how he filled these years.

Jon didn’t simply mark time on this Earth. He lived life to its fullest and with a passion that those around him found infectious.

As a toddler, Jon could shout in joy and dance passionately into the night until exhaustion and sleep overtook him.

In elementary school, he was passionate about rocks and minerals, and would collect gems and crystals wherever he went. Eventually, he converted half of his closet into the Jonathan Loeb Rocking Rock Museum complete with its own website. Many of the visitors to our house were delighted to get a curated tour of his collection and surprised to be solicited to endow future expansions of his rock collection.  

His passion infected several of the other boys in his class, and I would often see Jon and his minions spending their recess at the Perelman Jewish Day School chiseling in vain at the boulder in front of the school.

His passion for technology began in middle school. He loved trying out the latest gadgets. Once, he programmed his phone to take control of the TV in his classroom at Saligman. Along with a couple of kindred spirits, he founded Jitsik, produced the MacHeads YouTube channel with millions of page views, and created all sorts of cool iPhone apps.

His role model was Apple’s Steve Jobs at least until he learned about Tesla and that became his greatest passion along with its founder Elon Musk. He worked with Helen on a hi-tech startup to help people overcome their fear of self-driving vehicles. He corresponded with Musk and eventually met his hero and enjoyed a private tour of the Tesla factory and Space X. 

Jon’s dreams of being the next Jobs or Musk were suddenly dashed when he was diagnosed with cancer almost four years ago and for a while he struggled with a lack of purpose, but eventually he found his bashert: Rachel Edelman. Their love for each other was so deep. I feel that they were destined for each other. 

They only had a short time together but they made the most of it. Never wait to tell someone that you love them or that you are sorry because you never know what tomorrow might bring. 
A month ago Jon told his girlfriend Rachel “You mean so much to me. I would want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” She said “of course”. Jon later said that day was the happiest day of his life. 

I am very grateful to Jon for bringing another Rachel into our lives, and to Rachel Edelman for filling Jon’s final months with unbounded joy.

Jonny, our dear Jonny, we love you so much and we will miss you forever. 

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