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In loving memory of a beloved one,


  Born on March 27, 1975 and passed away on June 5, 2012.

We will remember him forever.


June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
Jonathan was a work colleague who I looked upon as a friend. We worked well together, he was always there for a chat and welcomed people with his friendly smile. The one thing I`ll remember is your great laugh. Rest in peace.
June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
Jonathan was a much loved and dear colleague of mine. He will be greatly missed and we here are all saddened by his passing and our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and his family and friends at this time. Words alone cannot express the pain all of us are feeling.

With Sincere Sympathy
June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
I met Johnny Boy (as I called him) 2nd December 2002 when we started work as Corpers in the same organisation. Johnny Boy was
a comitted Christian and always had words of encouragement to lift one's spirits. Words fail me at this time. I am however comforted that our loss is Heaven's gain. I pray that God strengthens and comforts Kemi. Rest on Jo.
June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
GONE TOO SOON, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. I join with so many others who knew Jonathan in offering my deepest sympathy on his passing. The measure of a life well lived is not how much money one has or what possessions they have accumulated, but rather through the lives they touched and the sorrow they leave behind. I pray the families left behind find peace, comfort, and knowing that many feel the passing
June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
Uncle Jonathan... I will always remember your caring words, those of encouragement that helped me when I needed them. You treated me like a brother from the very first day we met. I will miss you, but I take solace in the fact that you are in a better place.
June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
Jonathan had that magnetic personality,We could walk into a room full of strangers, and because of you, leave with a group of new friends,and you were never afraid to strike up conversations with any random person.I realize that from the beginning to the end,life is impermanent like an illusion,but When a man knows God, he is free. Rest in the blossom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
I'm deeply saddened by this news, and send my most heartfelt condolences to Jonathan's wife, parents and siblings. Jonathan and Alero were very good friends of mine in our home church in Lagos, and always encouraged me in my walk with Jesus. I will always cherish your friendship, rest in peace my friend, and may your loved ones find comfort in knowing that you are now with the Lord.
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
Jonathan you are greatly missed, I think back to our days in Ilupeju and how long ago it all seems now. You loved God earnestly and lived faithfully, I remember you as one of the kindest and most sincere people I had the good fortune of befriending. I pray that the Holy spirit comforts your wife of whom you always spoke lovingly, your siblings (my dear friends) and your parents always.
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
We are all deeply saddened by the news at the passing of a wonderful man. Gentle, kind and understanding are the attributes that stand out for me. Jonathan will always be remembered for his commitment and purpose. We had many laughs at work and tesing times, but he was always understanding and encouraging. I cannot belive you will not be returning to your desk. I will miss you my brother.
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
Jonathan was a valued colleague, his smile and positive attitude always encouraged me. I will surely miss having him around, his advice and encouragement gave me assurrance to forge ahead. I am rest assured that he is resting with The Father and Lord Jesus. Rest in Peace. May the Lord give his wife, Kemi, the strength to carry on. God Bless.
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
i got the news just 5 minutes ago and i live just 5 minutes from you !! the irony of life. i recalled when i moved in and you did the actual moving for me driving back and forth and helping with everything. You were a gentleman and a gentle soul. yes GOD LOVES YOU BEST, wished he'd given us more time to spend with you though. GOD bless all your loved ones. cheers mate!
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
jon·a·than: 'gift of God'
         'God has given'....(and taken)

Adieu darling brother and friend.
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
You have been a strong xtian.He has called you into his bossom

May the Lord grant your family the strength to bear the loss.

Farewell beloved
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
The tears roll but they're not enough to bring you back. You were a good person through and through and your love for God was outstanding. I hold on to the belief that you're in a better place but you will be surely missed. Words are not enough to express how saddened I am at the loss of a wonderful and helpful friend but I hold on to shared memories. Sleep peacefully my dear friend.
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
Jonathan, my bro, as you usually call me. You have lived a dignified and well deserved life although it may be short but I am so happy you knew Christ. My heartfelt condolence to your wife and family. Rest in peace dear brother. You will be greatly missed.
June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
Jonathan - always smiling, always helpful and positive.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time. You will be missed.
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
JOE, JOE LEW,like i always call U when i see U after a long while,and U would respond saying,BROWNE,wetin dey.JOE, my brother frm anotha mama.U came,U saw and U conquered,even in death U remained a victor.It is not how many hrs but how much we put into d hrs.its is not how many yrs we lived that counts but hw we lived.JOE u lived for 37 yrs like 370 yrs. adieu my beloved.Amaka&Taiwo Browne
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
"Jonathan was a great friend, l new him throught my elder brother Yomi, Uptill now, my family could not comprehend what had happened. God is the giver of life also He is the taker, JM may your gentle and kind soul Rest ln The Bosom Of Our Dear LORD JESUS CHRIST"
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
Life is like a vapour (James 4:14).
We cannot choose how long we live, but we can choose how well we live.And I'm pleased within my heart that Jonathan has lived a good life, more importantly, a God fearing and a holy life. This is goodbye my dearest friend but I'm sure our soul will re-unite someday, in Christ Jesus. Rest in peace. Lanre.
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
Jonathan was not only a friend but also a brother. His smile was very infectious and his presence was always very comforting.
We will miss you Joe but God loves you most.Our prayers goes to your families and wife, Praying we will all meet at Jesus feet. Amen

Kike & Joseph Iwaye
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
The news of your passing to be with the Lord came as a shock but I know God loves you more. You will be greatly missed, rest in the bosom of your Lord. God will comfort and strengthen your family as they bear this great loss.
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
Jonathan isnt dead but has gone to live with the Lord,u will be greatly missed by u but God loves u more and that's y He has taken you into His eternal glory.
Eco 00/01 says u were the best,never offended as meek as dove................Jonathan with loads of love from all
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
Gone too soon.I could hardly believe you are gone, but i strongly believed you've gone to be with the Lord. You are such a pleasant and humble person who would not hurt a fly. There was never a dull moment with you and you always shower me with compliments (ie "aunty mee, this ankara is nice, u r a princess"). May the Lord comfort and console ur wife and famiy u left behind. R I P.
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
jonathan, am so sad to hear this about u,but we thank God for the life u lived though short but meaningful.i can belief u are in a better place because u were a God fearing person,humble and very friendly.May the almighty give your family the fortitude to bear this loss . REST IN PEACE JOE .
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
Jonathan,i received the news with a great shock but i thank God that you lived a meaningful life,a life of humility,God fearing and devotion to God.
Each time i receive your mails,it reminds me of how very close we were back then.
I am sure you are with the Lord.God will comfort your wife,parents and siblings.Rest in perfect peace.ADIEU JOE
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
Jonathan, I always appreciated and respected your enthusiasm, smile, joy, and positivity. Your departure from this world is a shock and a sad loss, but you have left a positive legacy! My prayers will be with your family at this time. Rest in peace my friend.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
Jonathan, a committed and dedicated man. We served together in LVCU many years ago. Your courage and dedication will be remembered. I trust that you are in a better place. May the comfort of the Lord rest with your family.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
Jonathan a man of God, you would surely be missed. One thing was certain about you, your cup was never half empty even to the very end. You took Liberty men to a greater level. Mr president, Sir, God bless the family you left behind. He would never leave them alone.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
Jonathan(My friend, my classmate, my President), I received The News of your demise with a heavy heart. Took it 4 granted that you‎​'ll always be around but little did I know. My heart goes out to your family, particularly your wifey. I pray God 2 grant them all The Fortitude to bear Τ̲̅ђis loss. You'll always live in our heart. Rest in peace till we meet 2 part no more.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
Jonathan was a dear friend to me while in school, he has a name he call me with smile "Nexy" which i can never forget. I will miss you so much. Rest in peace. I know for sure you are with the Lord. Till will meet at the lord's feet. God be with your precious family
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
I am consoled in the fact that you are resting in the bossom of our Lord;the all knowing and Sovereign King.
Thank God for the lives you touched and the impact you made... it's a clarion call to all that it's not how long but how well. You lived well Joe.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
We met 12yrs ago at the British high commission in Lagos and it has been wonderful.Who can replace you? nobody, except you yourself. l have been asking GOD why??? but no answer. Even on your sick bed, you called my name...tears dropping. If tears could build a stairway,And memories a lane,I'd walk right up to Heaven And bring you home again. God uphold your wife IJN.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
it is hard to hear in the bossom of the lord.GOODNIGHT JONATHAN.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
Jonathan a lovely brother and friend, I will miss all your jokes, talks, cloth copying everything. We love you but the LORD loves you more and he alone understand why this should happen even at this time. May the LORD comfort your wife, parents and siblings. Rest in the bosom of our LORD JESUS, until we meet at the feet of JESUS.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
If I told you I was shocked and speechless, you would just smile. That is what you always did.You lived well and fought a good fight, but alas your struggles are over, your rest has come. Sleep well my friend. I thank you for having been part of my life, I thank God for having used you in all the ways He did. With a heavy heart, I bid you farewell. You will definitely be FOREVER MISSED.
June 8, 2012
June 8, 2012
Jonathan was a great God fearing man with a great sense of humour, he has touched so many lives and mentored many youth with God given wisdom. He always encourage people to fulfil their potentials. JM you're a gem and i will miss you dearly my brother. Rest in the bossom of your Lord Jesus Christ till we meet at our Lords feet. our prayers goes his lovely wife at this sad times.
June 8, 2012
June 8, 2012
Jonathan, thank you for all the times you made me believe in myself and your trust in my capabilities. May you rest in eternal, perfect peace. My prayers go out to all your family. "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things have passed away". Revelation 21:4
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March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Happy posthumous birthday son! Sleep on and may your family and loved ones remain comforted.

June 11, 2022
June 11, 2022
wow JOE, can't believe its ten years already since You transited into the Celestials.
A whole lot has happened, the good, the bad, and the ugly. You sure have been missed JOE. May Heaven continue to rest your soul in perfect peace my dear friend and brother from another mother.
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March 28, 2019

The year has come around so quickly again, but there is no month that goes by that I don’t remember or think of you. Even if I tried to forget (not that I ever would) as the memories of you are indepthly unforgettable - seeing Kemi or Eyitouyo and Angela posts on Social medias always opens up a wealth of beautiful memories of you. 

Sleep on Papi and may your beautiful memories countinue to be a source of courage, encouragement and strength to your entire family! 

Blessings to you Kemi


June 6, 2015

Formidable duo! Perfectly matched! So long Big Joe. Pappy Jo!

March 27, 2014
Jonathan was really a rare gem,i remembered our good old days at unilag,he is unforgetable to me.

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