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March 29
March 29
Celebrating and remembering Jordan today. Lets all collectively remember Jordan's life today. Our thoughts will bring him here in our hearts and minds where we can share joy in the anniversary of his birth...
October 12, 2023
October 12, 2023
A spirit as free and wild as Jordan lives forever. Thank goodness that remembering and speaking of those that pass keeps them hear with us forever. I'll be sure to tell my favorite story of Jordan today so that he comes for a visit:

I remember visiting Kahneeta Resort with the Taff family and taking boats up the river. Of the group of 10, only the brave climbed to the top of the tree to jump into the warm waters of the river...Jordan being one. I'll remember his freedom and fearlessness in life. May he still have it in heaven...
October 12, 2023
October 12, 2023
Jordan, can't believe it has been two years. Hope you are at peace where you are. We all miss you so much. Watching the baseball playoffs, all the young men starting their baseball careers. I know you would have been there also. Grandma Judy and I miss you so much and send our love to you.
October 12, 2022
October 12, 2022
Jordan, you are missed by so many, each and every single day. You were such a joy to be around. Incredibly talented. Hilarious. Kind. Inquisitive. Loyal. You were so loyal to those you loved. You left a huge impact on so many people here. I hope you have found some peace and that you know how much you continue to be loved and missed every single day. I thought I saw you yesterday riding your bike on the road. I didn't realize it had been a full year since you left us. Thank you for blessing me with your presence yesterday. Miss you, JT.
October 12, 2022
October 12, 2022
Not a day goes by when I don't think of you and the special memories I will always have of you. Cannot believe it has been a year. By now I'm sure you have adjusted to where you are I hope you are at peace. I'm Watching baseball games on TV, seeing young men pitching and wondering what if..... Rest in peace, Jordan.
October 12, 2022
October 12, 2022
Dear Anna, John & Alex,
I’m thinking of you today & sending love!
October 12, 2022
October 12, 2022
Thinking of you all today. Sending virtual hugs for the words I cannot express. ❌
October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022
I was Jordan's neighbor in the dorms at PLU. Once I found out that it was Jordan that died, I was beyond heartbroken. Jordan was one of my closest friends at the university at the time. Every day before we would go to class, we would talk in one of our dorms for a couple minutes. We almost always talked about casual things in our lives. But sometimes conversations would go deeper. I will forever miss talking to him with his fantastic attitude before I head off to class. The day after he died, October 13th, I met with Rich Taff. He gave me a big hug and told me that Jordan talked about a friend in the band. I knew he was talking about me, and this made me cry. The reason I cried because of this was because I was so happy to hear that our friendship was mutual. Tomorrow marks one year since we lost him. I don't want to believe it, but we all have to.
I miss you more than anything brother.
See you again,
March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022
Happy birthday, Jordan. We all miss you very much and wish we could be having dinner and a birthday cake with you once again. Thank you for sharing your short life with us. I hope where you are there is baseball and you continue to work on your game. Again we miss you and pray that you rest in peace. Until we meet again...... Grandma Judy and Frank (We love you)
January 17, 2022
January 17, 2022
I meant to post this right before the holidays...I did share the story directly with Anna, but I've continued to feel compelled to share it with you all as, bear with me.
Jordan LOVED Christmas. LOVED it--the decorations, the music, the pure joy of the season and how it brought friends and family together. One night, I was picking him up to come hang at our house with Sammy. When he jumped in the car, I was "complaining" to Sammy about how it's too soon for Christmas decorations and why do people already have their decorations up?! I mean, it technically wasn't even Thanksgiving yet! Jordan jumped right in the conversation to say, "it's NEVER too early to put up Christmas decorations!" He was so matter-of-fact. I thought he was just messing with me, "Wait, Jordan, what?" But no...Jordan was 100% serious. He shared with us how much he loved Christmas and that decorations should be allowed to stay up year-round. The kicker was when he confessed how much he loved Christmas music. I was shocked...what 16-year old young male adult likes Christmas music?! He continued to tell us that he's not allowed to play Christmas music until at least the day after Thanksgiving because it drives his family nuts; but that if it were up to him, he'd play it all year long.
I just remember laughing and thinking, that's so cool. It seemed clear that his love for Christmas wasn't about the presents (which, let's be honest, that's all most kids really care about!). It was in that moment that I saw a genuine side of Jordan (usually, he would be cracking us up with his jokes or his singing and dancing). I could tell that Jordan's love for Christmas was more about the family and friends coming together and the magical feeling that we experience when we open our hearts. That feeling of hope, joy and the spirit of giving. At the time, I was simply amused. He and I got into quite the debate about the whole thing; it was clear he wanted to change my view.
This year, I couldn't stop thinking about that conversation throughout the holidays. In fact, this year, I smiled to myself when i saw the first house decorated BEFORE Thanksgiving. Thank you, Jordan, for reminding me what Christmas is supposed to be about. You really did have a heart of gold and it showed in your love for your friends and family. You are missed greatly and will continue to be missed by so many. Your stories will keep you close in our hearts and remind us of the good you brought to our lives every day.
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
From hearing Jordan say "yes, ma'am" and "yes, sir" to seeing his unabashed love for his family and sports, I was deeply moved by his respect and candor. And I still am. The impact of his humanity remains inspiring and boundless. I am grateful to have known your son, Mr. and Mrs. Taff. May you always be surrounded by his kindness.
November 7, 2021
November 7, 2021
Words cannot express the sadness that we all feel with your loss of Jordan.  Time will pass but the memories and love will never fade. May God bless you all. 
Bob Ryan Rachel and Sarah Demary
November 6, 2021
November 6, 2021
Dear Anna, John & Alex,

Jordan was a delight with a great sense of humor. I had the privilege of co-teaching Jordan’s First Communion class at St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Over the years, I watched him grow into an amazing young man with a quiet & caring presence. Over the past year, I saw Jordan & Anna at church & was impressed by his obvious love for his family. It was wonderful to see his excitement about heading to College & playing football!
He left this earth too soon but he will be remembered by all those who’s life he touched. With much love & care, Pat
November 1, 2021
November 1, 2021
No words I write could say how sad and empty I feel. The angels came for Jordan much to soon.
Now Jordan is up in heaven with the angels up above.
October 26, 2021
October 26, 2021
Jordan ~ You weren't just a friend to me. You were my brother. It's been hard to even grasp that you're really gone. You were always the light of the room and anyone that got to see that is extremely lucky. Your care and love for others was unlike no one else. I love you so much JT, I wish you were still here so that I can tell you that. You were always there for me when I needed someone, I only wish I could've done the same. I hope you're in a better place now. Fly high J-Storm, I will see you again. by Sammy Cohen
October 25, 2021
October 25, 2021
Taft Family,

I've thought of Jordan and your family daily since learning he passed away.  I lack words but hope you all know that your deeply in my thoughts... And I wanted to share my memory of Jordan. Rich and I shared lots of time on the fields of SW Portland with our boys. I always admired Rich's kind, very cool approach to kids and coaching, often hoping I was creating a similar environment for the kids on my teams. I could see Rich's qualities in both Jordan & Alex and hoped to do the same with my boys. I think Rich, like myself, always thought of coaching as a privilege. And it was young ballplayers like Jordan that would always validate those thoughts and emotions. 

My teams were usually playing against Jordan, Alex & Rich but occasionally we would have a chance to play and coach together. Be it in a tourney or on an all-star team, etc...  Jordan was a lot like my boys on the field, playing up with older guys, maybe smaller in stature, but a baller, lookin' for PT. 

But what I remember most about Jordan wasn't really coachable and yet, made him such a special teammate, kid, friend & player. Jordan's unmitigated joy of playing and being on the field with friends. You can't coach it, you can only hope a guy like Jordan finds his way to your team. Jordan made an impression on so many of us, and for that, I'm so grateful. I love you guys. 

October 24, 2021
October 24, 2021
Jordan was a part of our family. I loved having him in our home. He made us laugh constantly. He even had his own "language", if you will. Sammy and Jordan would be talking to each other and no one else knew what the were saying...we eventually began to call it "Jordism". I'd say, speak English! Or, "there they go again, speaking Jordism." They just thought they were hilarious, secretly, I did too. Jordan had a nickname for everyone and it felt like if he had a nickname for you, you knew he loved you. I loved their silly antics. But as silly as he was, he was incredibly sweet and sensitive. Every time I saw Jordan, he would smile that shy, secret smile and give me a hug. My best memory of Jordan, however, was when Sammy was going through a tough time and I called Anna to ask Jordan to call him to check on him. A few minutes later, Anna called me back to share with me that she had overheard Jordan saying to Sammy, "I love you, man. I got your back." As a mother, my heart was full. Sammy knew he could trust Jordan with anything. If Jordan liked you, he loved you and you could feel that love, loyalty and respect. He was so sweet, so silly, incredibly athletic, and loyal to his core. Jordan is a friend everyone should have in their life. I'm so thankful that Sammy got to experience a friendship like his and Jordan's. Jordan will be sorely missed by many. I wish we could have been there for him as he was there for us. My only solace in all of this sadness and pain is that Jordan has found some peace. JT Dig Dug, we miss you and we love you.
October 24, 2021
October 24, 2021
Dear Anna, Rich, Alex and family,
I am just so sad for you and Jordan. I can't even imagine how you feel at this time but I hope that Jordan is at peace. May God bless all of you.
Anna, Oliver and I will always remember Jordan growing up in our little neighborhood and bouncing around in his jersey.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers and I am just down the street for you.
October 21, 2021
October 21, 2021
Jordan was a very out going young man! From the first day we met him he had us laughing each time we saw him. He loved his sports of football and Baseball for sure and was very passionate about becoming a Marine some day. He had all these great plans for his life and would be quick to share all the new ways and ideas he had on how to reach his goals. He was stuck between two ideas for his Marine Corps career either a fighter pilot or a lawyer either one he would of excelled at. He will be missed in his community by everyone.
October 20, 2021
October 20, 2021
I am praying for your family and so is my church. Judy talked about her grandson many times at our sorority meetings. I feel as though I knew him through Judy. I feel he is already with his grandfather in heaven.
October 19, 2021
October 19, 2021
Rich, Anna, Alex, and family,

My and John’s hearts are aching about the sudden passing of Jordan. Our prayers are with you all. I remember all of the weekly or more updates of all of the boys academic and athletic successes. He was such a sweet, sweet boy! Hugs, dear friends and prayers daily for all of your needs.

Love, John and Kim Gabourel
October 17, 2021
October 17, 2021
From Jordan's Ecology Teacher During The Pandemic:

Jordan made me look forward to logging in and connecting with students during a time when it was difficult to find even the slightest motivation to work. His spirit and energy helped me through a difficult time in my personal and professional life and I will always be thankful for that. Though the time was short, I want you both to know just how grateful and thankful I am for sharing your son with the world. 


Patrick J. Connolly

Lakeridge High School (some online classes were LO/Lakeridge)
Science Education
October 16, 2021
October 16, 2021
Rich and Anna, 
My deepest symptathy and condolences to you, both. Dealing with loss is never easy— and I can't imagine how difficult this must be—but I sincerely hope you find the best, fully-navigable road to peace and comfort

Thinking of you and your family.
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
This is just truly sad. He was always a blast to be around. He had so many questions about the sport of wrestling and carried a smile at all times!
Coach Carpenter
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
My heart is filled with sadness for the loss of this wonderful young man. I only remember him as a young boy when I met him at my brother's & his Grandma Judy's wedding. They kept me informed of all his sporting events later in life & pictures of his football game at Lewis & Clark. What a handsome young man! My thoughts & prayers are with you, Rich & Anna, and your family.

Loretta Wilson & Family
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
Rich, Anna, and Alex:

I am so sorry to hear of your son's passing. Prayers for him and the whole family.

God Bless,

October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
I once had a young child tell me that he knows why our hearts hurt so much when someone we love dies. He went on to explain that your heart is stretching to make room for all of the memories. This is my wish for the Taff family…may your hearts be filled with sweet, tender memories of your precious boy. Please know that Jordan has left his mark on so, so many. May his spirit live on in all of us.
October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021
What a blessing that we were able to watch Jordan's football game at Lewis & Clark on October 9th. We were able to talk to him and express our love and well wishes. What a wonderful young man, he will be in our hearts forever.

Grandma Judy and Frank

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