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The day I met Joe

March 9, 2017

I had never beleived in love at first sight.  Until I looked into the eyes of a blue eyed blonde six foot two young man in an elevator with a mother who was dressed to the nines.  I could tell that he was well dressed too, in urban attire  During our Dressler Hall meet and Greet later on he noticed my Rastafarian bag and laughed at my jokes.  His laughter was electric, it filled up the entire room.  That's one thing I always could count on Joseph for, he knew how to make me laugh.  He knew how to lighten the mood.  The Spring of 2003 was full of cherry blossoms and laughter, and most of it was coming from the Dressler Hall Eighth floor where Joseph Currie Sandor, Scott, Stefan, Ian, Amanda, Blue, Bill, and many others were shocked to learn that Joe and I had become Dressler Hall's latest and greatest couple ever.  We walked hand in hand everywhere.  Never separate.  Had biscuits and gravy for breakfast every morning.  Every night we slept in the same little twin mattress, curled up for warmth during the wintry nigths until spring break when I came back with a tan.  When Joe took me to Buckley, I was definitely sure that we were meant for each other.  His mother looked into my eyes and we fell in love just as much as I had fallen in love with Joe.   It was the year of innocence, me twirling around campus in a peasant skirt sharing a cigarette with Joe, as if we had known each other our entire lives.  From that point on, we were friends for life.  And in the thirteen years I knew him, I could not have asked for a more loyal, a more sincere, or a more loving friend than Joseph Sandor. 

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