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His Life

mommy found out you were in her belly

June 3, 2019

I have your baby book, baby shot book, and more here. I was saving it all for you to have when you got married. I don't know the exact dates. I have to dig out the baby book. I know it was a Saturday I took a pregnancy test at Ron & Robin Wannamakers. Your father thought it was a rigged test that it was Robins. Monday I went to the doctor and it was confirmed you were in there!

I had thyroid cancer diagnosed at 18. I had 4 surgeries between February 1990 and march 1990. The summer of 1990 I went through a massive dose of radiation therapy. I drank ALOT of radioactive iodine and was kept in isolation because I was radioactive. I add this in here because thyroid makes it hard to get pregnant and keep a pregnancy.

My pregnancy went perfect no issues. I had a C-section because you sister was a csection. When I was in recovery room I hear this baby screaming VERY loudly|! The nurses say to me- you hear that thats your baby. He has a good set of lungs.. I was worried because Cassie had colic, I thought you might have it to and the way you were screaming oh boy! no colic you just wanted to eat every 2 hours. At 2 weeks the docs had me putting cereal in your bottle because you were always hungry. I find it funny because one comment your car club friends made was about you ALWAYS having some take out food and offering it to folks. You always said you have a fat kid living inside you.