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Another year without you.

June 4
Already another year has gone by without you.As time goes by I realize only now do I feel that stage of grief Anger.I understand the reasons why.Which was not a mental illness so often associated with how you chose to end the pain.But those who in reality pushed you to that limit.What happened that fateful day of cruelty only your own so called blood family.Which you yourself stopped even thinking of them as .Family in reality was my own.Two became one over time.TheĀ  love you shared with them.How much you missed Uncle Jimmy.Adam.My brother Rick.Not being there always for our children and the grandbabies you loved so much if we went anywhere.How you tried to get the respect and appreciation from people who should of gave it freely without conditions.That unconditional love that is supposed to be given freely as Parent's and family.In my heart I know you miss me as much as I miss you.As you always said to me Love never dies Honey.I will always be with you.You were so right.Forever missed and Loved.In the end even death has not parted us.

Miss You My Love.Always.

June 26, 2018

it does not Get easier.But Harder as Reality Sets in.Never to hold you Again.Share the laughter.Dancing.Complaining.Our Love unbreakable.I live with Half a Heart Till We Meet again.

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