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September 1
Golnaz Amin Ladjevardi
Joy Dearest was my Best Friend, Professor and Teacher. She was always available with an Open Heatt. No one can replace JOY, JOY, JOY
March 19
March 19
"Joy" was how she lived and with joy is how she taught us. I have many fond memories of classes and even working with Joy in the Spanish department. I'm so sorry to hear she is gone, but I was lucky to have learned from her.

Mary Valante, class of '90
March 12
March 12
I just found out about Joy's passing. I will miss her dearly. She was the embodiment of Gaia.

Alfonso Canella
March 5
March 5
Profesora, thank you for teaching me to love life and the Spanish language and culture. I really loved being in your classes. You are an inspiration!
Jennifer Park , Class of 1997
February 26
February 26
February 26

Joy was so brilliant and giving--a super human person who always had an incredible smile and mind and encouragement to make everyone feel special and outstanding. Being in her presence was divine. Besides being an amazing friend, our entire profession owes so much to her. She was tireless and understanding and invigorating and truly one of a kind. She is sorely missed.
February 20
February 20
To Joy’s Family:

I can’t fully express how much Joy meant to me. I wish for you to know that she had a profound impact on my life. She had so many gifts! One that stands out was her ability to identify talents that perhaps you didn’t even know that you had, and then inspire you to make use of them — to do your best both in the classroom and out. She was my favorite professor, my biggest athletics supporter, my mentor.

Without her, I wouldn’t have accomplished half of what I did at Wellesley and beyond. She will forever be a part of my story and my heart. I pray that everyone she helped, find ways to help others, like fractals upon fractals, adding value and spreading love.

She is truly a beautiful spirit

I feel that she is with us all ❤️

P.S. Don, Lucien, and Sarkis, thank you so much for organizing the tribute memorial online. I joined from Berlin and it meant the world to me.

With love and in memory of Joy!

Tracy Gwendolyn Bassett
Class of 2006
February 19
February 19
My dearest Joy,
You are that kind of people who come to our lives to stay forever. Every person who had the blessing of knowing you, became your disciple in one way or another. You were truly an extraordinary woman, embodying the qualities of generosity, nurturing motherhood, and a teacher's heart.
You had a remarkable gift for bringing out the best in everyone around you. Whether through your acts of kindness, your nurturing spirit, or your insightful teachings, you touched the lives of so many in profound ways.
Your presence will be sorely missed, but your legacy of love, compassion, and wisdom will continue to inspire us all. As long as acts of kindness and generosity endure, you will always be remembered and remain present among us.
¡Mi corazón te quiere muchísimo, mi Joy!

February 19
February 19
The memorial tribute yesterday was quite beautiful and moving. Joy touched the lives of so many people! And not just in a casual way. I remember the long talks she used to have with our daughter Elizabeth and how supportive she was and how she somehow managed to nudge and challenge Liz to move beyond her natural doubts. One of the participants yesterday described Joy as a “force of nature,” and this seems right on the mark. Even in the midst of enormous suffering, she never lost her sense of wonder and openness and enthusiasm. At our regular Handel & Haydn concerts, Joy was like a kid on Christmas morning. Concerts have never been the same without the two of you! When I went back to Mass Art to become a teacher, I dreamed of becoming the kind of teacher that Joy was. Listening to all of the stories of her expansive energy and generosity made me realize how far short of the mark I’ve fallen in reaching out to others. I’ve been thinking about this today, and I hope to learn from her example. Many thanks for organizing this event.
February 18
February 18
If you ever walked across campus with Joy, which I hope you did, you experienced the full Joy Effect. Every few seconds a student reached out to greet her, touch her, stop for a moment to talk. She enriched so many lives in so many ways! We were honored that she was a member of the Education Department, where she taught a course on multilingual-multicultural education. She supervised student teachers in schools all around the Boston area, and mentored them. She mentored us, too. Joy was sublimely generous, with her time, her presence, her charm, her knowledge, her wisdom, her energy, her joy. The Joy Effect was a gift, to everyone, an everlasting gift, to us all. Gratefully, Barbara Beatty
February 18
February 18
Sra. Renjilian-Burgy was instrumental in my continuing my Spanish language education. She offered me wisdom in every way, from personal to educationally. And yes, so aptly named. Thank you for sharing your experience and everlasting joy of life. You will be missed.
February 18
February 18
So fortunate to have had Joy Renjilian-Burgy as a professor, Wellesley class ‘95. May she rest in peace
February 18
February 18
Never was a woman more aptly named. Joy you brought warmth, kindness and a brilliant mind to every aspect of life at Wellesley. Your welcoming presence made life so much richer for all you met. I will forever treasure conversations, laughter and stories we shared. Those hilarious moments on the back couch at Academic Council will always be memories I hold dear. Sail on now, and know the world is a much better place because you graced it.
February 17
February 17
My favorite professor, my biggest supporter, my mentor. Thank you, Alegría, for setting me on a wonderful life path and for helping me believe in myself.

I will love you forever ❤️
February 17
February 17
Joy, you were an incandescent source of love, support, generosity, and inspiration to students, colleagues, and friends throughout your life. Thank you. Your presence will endure.
February 16
February 16
Joy was an amazing, gifted teacher whose students and colleagues adored her and who was able to mobilize and motivate everyone with whom she came in contact, through her dedication to the profession, intelligence, wisdom, creativity, and unending supply of energy. She had a true gift, a “don de gente” which lit up the room wherever she went. She cared about each and every person with whom she came in contact and generously gave her time to help improve each and every life she touched, whether the person was a student, a colleague, a needy neighbor or someone on the street. She was an amazing cook, loved and lived life to the fullest, and had a delightful sense of humor that enriched everything she accomplished. 

I first met Joy in 1969 at luncheon during a conference at Mount Holyoke and then again in graduate school at Harvard, where we were classmates. Our friendship grew over the years, and we enjoyed many joyous moments presenting at foreign language conferences, presiding at meetings, co-teaching (in-person and over Zoom) at Harvard Extension, writing textbooks, and much, much more. Although the wonderful Joy we all knew in life is gone, her indomitable spirit lives on in all of us.

For a more detailed tribute, please go to the AATSP’s (Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese) obituary page at
February 15
February 15
I had the privilege of meeting Joy through her good friend Mary-Anne Vetterling. We shared many good times at Wellesley and at conferences and other events. Her energy, her intelligence, her positive spirit, her resilience, her endurance, and her defiance during her many battles with her health are, and forever, make her a model to her students, her colleagues, her friends and all of us who had the honor of knowing such a remarkable woman. My thoughts and prayers are with her beautiful familia.  Ya está Joy descansando, convertida en un hermoso angelito que los acompañará por toda la eternidad. En paz.
February 15
February 15
I met Joy my first year at Wellesley College. She took me and my friend Anoush to lunch and introduced us to the only other Armenian-American student in our year, Talar. Talar, Anoush and I are still best friends to this day and I consider them family. Joy brought us three together and words will fail my ability to convey my gratitude.

I would see Joy around campus -- I made sure to get out of my language requirement-- and at other local Armenian events. She and I had a very funny relationship and we would tease each other. I was grateful to have known her. To have met someone who didn't let their intelligence make them pompous, but instead made them infectiously kind and filled with love. Her name could not be more apt. I hope she can still feel all that she put out into the world, that her memory resonates in the remembered laughs.

Thank you Joy.
February 15
February 15
To my favorite Wellesley Professor, you changed the trajectory of my life for the better from the moment I applied to Wellesley through the four years I attended. I will remain eternally grateful for your endless support and guidance. Your infectious happiness and love had a way of making everyone around you special and bringing the community together. Without you, I would not be who I am today and would certainly not be surrounded by some of the most inspiring classmates and friends I am lucky enough to consider as family. You have left an indelible impression on my life and I will carry and celebrate my memories of you forever. Asdvadz hokin lousavoreh, may God illuminate your soul
February 15
February 15
Alegría was the most caring person I know. Always was willing to help anyone that crossed paths with. No matter who you were. Her love for her family, for her students and for the College community was like no other. She will be truly missed by all. Te amo guapa. Que descanses. - Jael
Catherine Masson
February 14
February 14
Joy and Don have always been the kindest people with me since I arrived at Wellesley ; They were the best family for me.

She is the one who organized a party at her house when I got tenure.

After my husband Claude died, Joy is the person who helped me the most when I was not well ; she was a wonderful friend. I will never forget her kindness and friendship and all the fun we had together (even during Covid-19, as soon as it was possible, the three of us had dinner at Captain Marden every week).

We also celebrated many good moments at my place over the years! They were a family for me I am grateful for that!

Thanks to Joy, I never felt alone in Wellesley. Joy was a star in my sky! Even though she said good bye to all of us who loved her, when you look at the sky, you will see her star twinkling ****
February 11
February 11
I am sorry to hear of Joy’s recent passing. I remember Joy very well from our junior and senior high school days in Holyoke. MA. We came from different elementary schools, but her brains and beauty attracted me. Our academic interests were different – Joy’s focus was on languages, singing and acting, while my focus was on math and the sciences – but we shared a friendship from common school activities that endured. We met again some 40+ years later at school reunions, and the personal enthusiasms, intellectual energies and willingness to engage she showed in her youth seemed enhanced by the long and successful career she had at Wellesly. She was a bright star in our youth and my memory of her endures. David Fitzgerald
February 10
February 10
Over many years have thought of the two of you and our short-timed teaching overlap at Milton. Remember always the intelligence and humor of you both and how you endured with such fortitude at a very sad time in your lives. Lost touch- me with the world- 40 years in Tribeca. Total recluse for 3 decades now but sharing some of the same universal communications and grounding in my work as us in yours Don.
I want to send a short video made by my daughter that applies to how I am feeling for your pain and loss at this time. Will try to send it as a link here or find another way. With great admiration and tears, Susan Bush
February 8
February 8
Joy was a stalwart and enthusiastic supporter of Armenia Tree Project. I always enjoyed speaking with her and Don. She was one of those people who would instantly become your friend. My condolences to her family on the loss of a remarkable lovely woman.
February 8
February 8
What a blessing Joy was to the world! It was a privilege getting to know her just a little bit in the last few months of her life. She displayed a wonderful sense of humor, obvious intelligence, and a deep care and concern for her family and others. I will miss her and send my deepest condolences to her loved ones. May she continue to bless your lives from the other side.
February 6
February 6
Dear Don and family,

My family and I are so sorry for your loss. Joy has meant so much to so many. She is light and love, and Joy. And she will be these things forever. She will continue shining on from above. Joy helped me not only during my years at Wellesley but before and beyond.

I remember using the textbook Caminos in high school way before I met her and how in awe I was that this incredible author would be my professor now. Then, of course, her kind heart and nurturing nature won me over in a heartbeat one I met her in person. I took all possible classes with her and we spent time together even after I left Wellesley and moved to Spain.

She and you Don, even befriended my mom, and invited her over to Thanksgiving and Mother’s Day after I had moved to Spain. Thank you for all of that!!! I know that she will live on through her children and grandchildren, of all of whom she was so proud.

I hope we get to see you this summer. Much love and blessings.
February 4
February 4
Joy was a terrific role model especially for Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA), having served as past president, treasurer, and longtime Board member. As a Life Member Joy continued to serve, spending long hours with both the Publications Committee and the Scholarship Committee to strengthen AIWA’s impact in advocacy and education of Armenian women. Her positive intelligence and wisdom guided many among us and her kind dedication and generosity continue to live in the successful life of all the students who have received a scholarship funded in her mother’s name.
Joy, a good friend to many, a mentor, an inspiration of wisdom and goodness, she will be missed immensely.
January 27
dear don:
it's been so long since you two visited l.a. but my memory of the two of you together at an aiwa event is still vivid. i always enjoyed your company and so did joy...she was always proud to join me as the mother of twins...i am so sorry for  your loss and hope you continue, with your sons, the legacy of joy given to joy.
January 25
January 25
I'm going to miss her so much I miss seeing you guys you have my deepest sympathies your friend chubby
January 25
January 25
Dear Don, Sarkis and Lucien,
Thank you JOY for the many JOYful memories created each time you entered the old College Club! — whether for Saturday night buffet (oh there’ll be 4 more!) or a Department Dinner (oh, plz set 4 more places!)
or Mothers Day Brunch or Easter Brunch or Thanksgiving Dinners to go
(may I please have additional food—more guests coming!)—Never once during all your visits did you ever fail to remember the names of your servers, or the kitchen staff (from chef to dish washer) or the front of house staff.
Thank you for sharing all your Gracious JOY with us.
Andele, Kevin & Chubby
January 25
January 25
Joy’s memory will forever be a source of inspiration and guidance for all who knew her. As a kid from the Merrimack Valley, I admittedly felt like a fish out of water arriving at Wellesley College. I was insecure and often felt like I didn’t belong. Time, however, would prove me wrong as I met one amazing woman after another. Among those who left the most meaningful impact was Joy. She expertly taught us not only the Spanish language but also valuable life lessons that stick with me to this day. Her passion for teaching was infectious and dedication to her students’ success truly inspiring. Joy’s passing leaves a void that cannot be filled - but her legacy of kindness and knowledge will continue to inspire generations. Rest in peace, Joy
January 25
January 25
Dear Don, Sarkis and Lucien,
Joy was a true light and blessing to all of us in MaFLA. She was a mentor to me and was a wonderful role model for so many. She and Kathy Riordan worked together to move the profession forward. Her dedication and commitment to teaching was inspiring.
Her obituary captured Joy’s essence perfectly.
In sympathy,
Rita Oleksak
January 23
January 23
On behalf of the entire NECTFL Board of Directors and Executive Director, Chris Gwin, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to Don, Sarkis, and Lucien. I know that Joy's live and passion took so many different forms but family was always a priority. Joy helped to shape the future of world language education and served as the Chair of the Northeast Conference in 1992. She shared her love of languages and people with all of us. She served as a colleague, friend and mentor to all who knew her.

May you find comfort and peace in all of the wonderful memories that you will continue to share.

Jimmy Wildman,
Chair, NECTFL '24
January 23
January 23
Joy, we missed your smile already. Thanks for making me and others feel a part of the Wellesley College campus and culture. Wilbur C. Rich
January 21
January 21
My sincere condolences to Joy's family, who she leaves behind. My hope is that your burden of grief is lightened by all of us who surround you with love and care, and help shoulder that load. I'm buoyed knowing you were together to ease her transition. This immensely bright, accomplished, inspiring woman is now free of her pain. With love and respect, from Mexico.
January 21
January 21
Joy was Joy, and she spread joy to all of us. Fortunately, she leaves joy in her surviving family and extensive friendship base. Jeanie and I send love and condolences to Don and LukaSark.
January 20
January 20
(My auntie) Joy, for so long, was the heartbeat of our family and, as many have experienced and attested, made family of so many people who had the fortune of crossing through her orbit. Joy broke through so many walls and ceilings and, while always grinding, she also dedicated her life and career to not only "not closing the door behind her", but fiercely advocating and supporting others to walk through the doors she held open behind her. Auntie, you will be missed on this plane, and I trust that you are home and that we will see you again in "yet to be fully known" otherworlds. But, you've left a hole behind that is unfilled by that knowledge as mine and many others' bodies still grieve your absence. I'll imagine that you'll be holding the door open when I see you next, and I know our table will be long and plentiful. I love you, and I miss you. Always. ❤️
January 17
January 17
Joy was a bright light and one of the most optimistic and opinionated advisers I've ever met. Joy was the only person that encouraged me to attempt an almost impossible Grad School plan. I did it and survived to tell the tale. Thank you Joy. You were so loved by so many and your mark will long be felt. Much love to my forever teacher and mentor, your hubby and my Burgy, and to your sons and their families. I'm so glad you were all able to be together in this last year. I wish I could hug you all.
January 17
January 17
So very sorry to learn of Joy's passing. I knew her from AATSP meetings which I attended in the '70's and '80's. I remember her as being very upbeat, enthusiastic, totally dedicated to her profession. But she was also humble and liked to tell of her youth growing up near the canals of Holyoke. A consummate professional, Joy and Maryanne Vetterling "journeyed " "all the way" to Anna Maria College, Paxton, to help me convince the Spanish Department chair to set up a new program. I was very lucky and grateful to have such generous professional contacts. My sincere condolences to Joy's family and many many friends/students. My she rest in peace, and may your wonderful memories of her comfort you. Thank-you, Joy. Chris Miller, Spanish teacher, former AATSP member.
January 16
January 16
RIP Profesora. Joy Renjilian-Burgy was my second semester 1979 senior year Spanish professor.
January 16
January 16
I will always remember your kindness and your welcoming smile. You were always ready to help me practice my Spanish, and gently corrected my mistakes. Your presence enriched Wellesley and the world around you. Thank you.

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