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Elixirs for the soul

August 17
When I think about John, and how to write about John, I want to capture a thousand small memories from across Colorado, Alaska, and Washington. I want to sweep a dragonfly net across the spans of distance and time, gathering them all up like the beautiful, glowing fireflies you can sometimes see in Iowa on summer nights. I want to gather them and say to everyone, “Look! Look how brilliant and bright, and amazing these memories are! Look how brightly this soul shined while here on Earth.” But if you knew John, and he was a part of your journey, you already know.

Did you know, though, about the elixirs John made? (I think he might laugh to hear his mystery concoctions described this way.) For seven summers when my kids were young, I took them to Alaska to visit Grandma Peggy & Grandpa John. He made the kids special berry-chocolate smoothies nearly every night that they often drank in the bathtub. (What can I say, “efficiency mom” is my M.O.) I think I watched once or twice when he made these smoothies, but probably stopped paying attention after he got to the fourth or fifth “And now a little of this….” Once or twice there may have even been a dash of leftover red wine. (Hey, It is not easy to get kids to go to sleep in Alaska when sunset occurs after 11 p.m.)

I may not know the ingredients, but these hodge-podge creations were in fact, elixirs, because they infused my kids with love. 

Our dear John Tommy

August 14
To each if you,
We hold John in our hearts as a family. Our families have been connected for five generations. Near and far we stayed connected .
Few people live from their souls as John did. He was grateful for life and saw it as a gift to be revered and returned by the choices we make. He chose  to seek justice, care for and mend the planet, preserve freedom for all, give us a vision of the world through his lens, and cherish his family. His spirit will never leave us and will always remind us to make a difference in the days that we have. 
 Our hearts surround you in these difficult days. May you find him in every sunrise each morning,  every bloom in the fields, every songbird in the meadow, and the sunset that closes the day. He is there waiting for us to recognize him.
May we stay connected in friendship. 
Love to each of you!
The Tormeys
August 14
John was as close to a neighbor as we had out in Sterling, Alaska! I was maybe 9 or 10 when we first met. He had a love for dogs and was very fond of my childhood golden retriever, Skeeter. Skeeter was allowed to snuggle John in his home on his recliner. Anytime we couldn't find him, the likelihood was that he was over at John and Peggy's, enjoying some cheese snacks and lounging on their furniture. John was a pillar of our tiny neighborhood. He was always kind, friendly and outgoing. He would help us understand the wildlife at the lake we all lived on and was only a phone call away for wildlife emergencies where we had no clue what to do. John helped us with a muskrat injured by Skeeter, a story still told frequently in my family. I remember John fondly from the years prior to them moving from AK. I will always remember his love for animals and nature, and seeing him on a small boat capturing pictures of birds on the lake. He will be missed by me and my family ❤️ I'm sure he's having the best time alongside his departed pets and I wish all the best for his family moving forward!

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