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Share a special moment from Juanita's life.

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Cottage snippet

November 19, 2019
Every time I pull start an engine, I remember how you always had the touch. I can remember being at the cottage needing to till, or mow the lawn, and waiting for you to drive over from work in Detroit to pull start the engines. Your wrist? It always worked on your first pull.

Just a funny thing.
Love, your one and only.

My Aunt Juanita's Birthday

November 30, 2017

One Summer when I was very young, while traveling with my aunt Jaunita and cousin Georgeanna we stopped in Harrow, Canada. I just wanted to do something special for my Aunt because I was late for her birthday. So I ask her if we could stop to get a gift for a family member because, I wanted to suprise them with something form Canada. So we stopped at a novelty shop. As we entered into the shop my eyes were fixed on a pretty "silver" Sea Gull I new that I had to have it for Her. When I found out that the price was affordable I went and purchashed it. While we were exiting the shop I stopped my aunt and said Happy Birthday while handing her the gift. I remembered the smile and the suprised look that she had on her beautiful face..My aunt Jaunita said oh no baby! you don't have to do this for me. I responeded by saying its your birthday auntie! I wanted to do something special for you. And I'll never forget how she gave me this big beautiful hug and wonderful kiss. That will always be in my heart.

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