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November 20, 2021
November 20, 2021
Dear family of Juanita Mason Wells
Just recently found out of Juanita’s passing. My condolences to the family. Juanita and I were friends since Samson Elementary school; she lived on Colfax and I lived on Hazelette. She was always nice and kind. I know the family misses her dearly. One of her fondest things to do was visiting the family cottage in Canada.
Elaine Rodgers and Family
September 21, 2021
September 21, 2021
It's now 2021 and I'm just finding out Mrs. Wells passed away. My condolences to the family. I remember her in the fondest way. She was a good friend of my mother's Mary Hunter. She was always very kind. I remember some time after my mom passed she had won some tickets for brunch with Mildred Gaddis, radio personality. She chose me to take. We had such a nice time. She was just a kind soul. Last time we talked I remembered her saying she had some health challenges. I have only good memories of her. She will be surely missed.
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
Well, Mom. Your birthday is almost over. I had a wonderful day, thought about you. You'd be amazed at how the world is changing. First we were afraid of a new virus. Then, we all got captured by a terrible murder - one you've seen too many times and shielded me from. Then, young *white* people joined with all people with a miraculous message - Black Lives Matter. You would weep to see them all peacefully marching. Of course there were bad actors, but the police they sent to "monitor" only made it worse. In fact, they're talking about not having police as we've known them anymore. The world is changing quickly, and you were always ahead of it.

You are with me everyday. I'm always reminded of who you were for me and the world, I hope you know the contribution you made to us. Cousin Kit went a few months after you; I'm sure she's scolding you and you're still trying to starve her with healthy food.

I've let you down in a few areas. I've not kept in contact with family like you would want. I did see Kenyon in LV and met his son. He's a wonderful man. I gave him an urn of yours.

I remember so many things about you......
December 27, 2018
December 27, 2018
Hi Mom,
Missed you at Christmas this year. Went to the pageant at Robin's church again - Julie was great in the Christmas play. I would have loved to watch you see it. By now, you've seen many of my other friends' parents - Julie, Ann (Avalon), Kathy - and even some siblings.
You made the world brighter every day.
November 20, 2018
November 20, 2018
Hi Mom - I miss you so much. I wish you could have understood how great the life you gave me was - how amazing the lessons you taught me were. You taught me all the important things - think of others first, be kind, be giving, people are good and deserve good, try new things and most fun, eat new things! You gave me a great education which has served me well, but all the other lessons gave me a life I enjoy every day.
I hope I've done well by you since you left. I've had some hits, some misses, but overall, I think things have gone well. In the past year, you've had lots of company and I know Mickie was really glad to see you. He does shed a lot, but maybe not up there. Cousin Fred is up there, Cousin Kit, Cousin Joyce are up there now and I never told you about Cousin Leonard.
So, I hope everything meets your expectations and your wishes. You are missed, but (and I know you want to know this), you haven't caused any pain to anyone and so everyone's memory of you is so sweet. So, rest easy and know you got your job done and I so appreciate it.
December 3, 2017
December 3, 2017
Juanita will be remembered by me forever as one of the kindest people to walk this planet. It always amazed me that she was a living breathing family tree to anyone she encountered. Within a few minutes of meeting a stranger she was able to determine how she was related to them or at minimum point out the names of people that she and the stranger had in common. Condolences to you Georgeanna and Julie your Mom will be missed.
December 1, 2017
December 1, 2017
So sorry for your loss, Georgie and Julie. Juanita was such a kind, committed soul. Got to know her years ago through her activism as a Greenacres resident,and involvement in the Cass Corridor Food Coop. Such a sweet, fearless woman, with a smile that could light up a room!
November 27, 2017
November 27, 2017
Georgie, your mom was light in a room. She came in smiling asked about those she connected with and made everyone feel happy that she had crossed their path. She made a difference and she will be remembered.
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
Our sincerest condolences to Georgeanna and Julie and the entire family. The loss of a loved one is never easy. May her soul live fearlessly on in the those she has left behind.
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
So sorry for your loss Georgeanna and Julie. Love and hugs to you both.
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
My deepest condolences Georgie and Julie, and all of Juanita's family. May this beautiful woman rest in eternal peace.
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
My sincere sympathy to you, Georgie and Julie in the loss of your dear mother. Juanita was a beautiful soul who touched many lives. May warm memories of her bring you peace at this sad time.
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
Georgie and Julie, with all your hearts you "walked your Mother home!" What a gift you gave her with your love and your presence. She is grateful I am sure. biggest hugs and love always. Paulette

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