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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Honorable Jude Ise-Idehen, 53 years old, born on June 7, 1969, and passed away on July 1, 2022. We will remember him forever.
July 1
July 1
My Great leader and Boss, you will forever remain in our hearts and we forever miss you, rest on Great leader
June 10
Even though you are gone away,
Your love will always be here to stay.
You touched our hearts with so many things.

God knew you were the one to save,
He took you home to get some rest,
Even though we loved you best.

Our hearts are filled with so much pain,
God loved you more, there was no shame.

At this time we must let go.
Your memories we will keep a flow.
Rest, our dear cousin, with peace of mind,
Your memories will live on through.

               Rest In Peace,
               Hon Jude ise- idehen
June 10
Remembering you in the month of your birthday.
Your legacy lives on
Rest in peace, our wonderful gentle giant x
June 9
Happy Post humous Birthday Big Cousin. Your life was a blessing, and your memory, a treasure. May God continue to watch between you and I. Keep resting my gentle giant ️️️️
June 7
Hon. Jude, happy posthumous birthday. You are greatly missed. Continue to rest in peace, Amen.
June 7
June 7
Rt. Hon. Jude Ise-Idehen, you were a Great Boss and Leader, Happy posthumous birthday to you, your thoughts and memories will continue to be with us, and you will always be in our hearts , rest on my Great Boss
June 7
Bless your heart bro... Jude, my blooda, my number na 006,u were 007 ... We both share June as birth month, so many times u pulled so many of us out of so many tight situations ,u ALWAYS took action very quietly WITHOUT noise.... Looking at this pic sef, it's still hard to believe u ain't at home off Ihama Rd, truly the life isn't fair..
Rest in the bosom of the Lord God Almighty.
God bless your gentle soul, ALWAYS
June 7
Been thinking of how best to wish you this posthumous birthday.
Ordinary, if we were not together we would have shared a lot of banter and laughter over the phone. You would have again reminded me how you were older than me by a "whole 6 months" and I needed to give you your respect. Lol.
It's been almost 2 years and all I have left are the memories of the 41 years we shared.
So much has happened since you transited and I have over a thousand things to tell you,
but I know you see everyone of us in our true colours from where you are so I will hold my peace.
You will always be a part of me until my last breath.
With IK BOBO MEDIA LTD, we intend to keep your name and legacy alive.
Miss you my friend , nigger brother, gist partner, confidant, crime partner and more.
June 7
June 7
Continue to rest in the God's bossom.
Love eternal 
- Ifejika
June 7
June 7
Bro, it’s been two years since you left us though temporarily. It’s still very fresh on my mind. Your memory remains evergreen never to be erased.
Rest on bro, until we meet again
June 7
Still a hard pill to swallow, just like about 2 years ago. Continue to rest in the presence of the Lord. You are greatly missed.
June 9, 2023
June 9, 2023
Your memory is blessed. Thanks for holding the candle to light my path. May God continue to watch between you and I. Sleep on beloved brother. My gentle giant.,,️️️️
June 9, 2023
June 9, 2023
The great Honourable Jude Idehen. You are missed bro. Continue to rest in perfect peace, Amen . May God Almighty continue to strengthen your loved ones.. family and friends to bear the loss. You were a good man
June 7, 2023
June 7, 2023
Happy Posthumous birthday to you, my great leader, mentor and a great boss, continue to rest in the Bossom of the Lord
June 7, 2023
June 7, 2023
May your soul continue to rest in peace, Jude! We remember!
And may God keep on strengthening and comforting all who continue to grieve your passing.
June 7, 2023
June 7, 2023
Happy Posthumous Birthday, Jude.
The class feels your absence.
June 7, 2023
June 7, 2023
Still a difficult pill to swallow. May the good Lord continue to give your family the strength. Continue to RIP.
August 3, 2022
August 3, 2022
Tribute From Your Aide Iyobosa Irughe...

It is still like a dream, knowing that you left us when we needed you the most.

Rt. Hon. Jude IK Ise-Idehen was my boss, leader, father, brother & friend.

He listens, gives advice, he is humility personified, goal getter, a devout Catholic and a jolly good fellow.

Thank you for the memories within the short but impactful period I knew you. I learnt a lot working with you. You will remain my boss for ever. You were a good man. May God bless your gentle soul.

Adieu Boss.
August 2, 2022
August 2, 2022
Your exit is a great shock and such a loss. You always carried yourself with such dignity and composure. From our childhood days attending Holy Cross Cathedral with our families, all though UDSS and then at UNIBEN, you were always a gentle giant. You're gone but not forgotten. Sleep well.
August 2, 2022
August 2, 2022
From Emotan Primary School Old Pupils Association (EPSOPA)
To the Family of Hon. Jude Ise-Idehen

Our dear Jude Ise-Idehen has gone to be with the Lord and his transition
hurts deeply.

He was the quintessential ‘man under authority’ yet never afraid to speak
his mind. A man of quiet strength and dignity. A man that was passionate
and committed to the development of Emotan Primary School, his Alma

He worked tirelessly to bring alumni of the school together and strived to
impact the lives of members of Emotan Primary school community.
He worked as unto the Lord as his old classmates and school mates can
attest to.

His life was an inspiration to the young and old and we will miss his candour,
humour and exemplary leadership qualities.

The solace we have is in the fact that as Enoch walked with God, and was
no more, so Jude walked with God and humanity and is no more.
Jude was a blessing to us all at Emotan Primary School Old Pupils
Association (EPSOPA). May the seeds of good works that he has sown be
remembered, always.

EPSOPA salutes our dear Jude and even though we grieve, we rejoice
knowing that he is with the Lord. To us, he departed this world too soon but
to God, a General of the Faith has come home.

We resolutely give God thanks for the privilege of having known you, Jude,
and give all the praise to God as you return home in a blaze of glory!

Find rest Jude and may the Lord, in his infinite wisdom, mercy and provision
strengthen all your loved ones.

Farewell our dear Jude Ise-Idehen

Regina Iyamabo-Jemide
Emotan Primary School Old Pupils Association (EPSOPA)
August 2, 2022
August 2, 2022
Tribute to Hon. Jude Ise-Idehen

Jude’s passing has been painful and it seems really surreal that I am writing a tribute to him.
It is difficult to rewind my childhood memories without the Idehens especially with Itohan and Jude.
He was a big brother and always looked out for me while we were at UDSS.
After so many years, we interacted closely during the anniversary of UDOSA, our Alma Mater.
His unabating compassion and extensive wisdom were great sources of inspiration and guidance to me.
He exhumed gentleness, love and care like an endless fountain.
When he spoke, people listened. This level of respect was duly earned because Jude was a listener.
When you spoke to him, he listened. Not just to what you were saying, but how you were saying it. The level of compassion and empathy Jude exuded is rare to find.
I must say that the surrealism of this loss has refused to depart especially for the UDOSA family. He was a glue for this family. He was a father, friend and mentor who shared his love for humanity for our benefit at UDOSA.
He loved Christ and wanted everyone to experience Christ’s divine love. We treasure that picture of love he etched in our hearts today and always. Our task is to continue in love as you desired.
Rest our beloved Hon. Jude. You will never be forgotten. You have run your race….you have fought a good fight and a crown awaits you in heaven.

We will miss you dearly.
July 28, 2022
July 28, 2022
My Honourable as I fondly call you, my friend n brother, you were very supportive of UDOSA n silently did a lot for people. Our GG, one of a kind your sudden demise still remains a rude shock. We cannot question GOD, I pray for strength for all of us you left behind. Rest on Jude.
Sorely missed
Roseline Diyaolu.
July 27, 2022
July 27, 2022
This is shocking and sad. May your gentle soul rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. A very quiet and nice guy.
July 27, 2022
July 27, 2022
My heart is heavy!!! This is a big blow to the UDOSA family. 

Senior, this was not the plan… You were a great friend and a senior brother. You always listened to my “complains” and acted accordingly. You showed genuine interest in me, I will forever appreciate that. You preferred me calling you Senior, as against Honourable because it seem to make you more comfortable despite you graduating from UDSS even before I was born.

As an “ancestor” of UDSS, you led from the front. You joined in our collective quest to bring back the glory of our secondary school.

I will miss you Senior Jude
July 27, 2022
July 27, 2022
It is sad to know that we will no longer hear your voice. Thank you for your friendship, kindness and the listening ear you always gave. May our good Lord comfort the family you left behind. Sleep peacefully Jude.
July 26, 2022
The news of your sudden demise came to me like a shock on 1st July, 2022.

I have heard some much about your kind, humble and easy going personality even before I got to met you in person.

My first contact with you was when you invited my family to your Birthday celebration sometimes in the year 2020 at your residence in Abuja.

Despite your personality has an Honourable member, house of representatives, you humbly sat amongst us as there was no segregation between you and the invited guest.

Honourable Sir, we are surely going to miss you and I pray God Almighty to grant your children, wife, siblings and your constituents the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

Your contributions to the development of your constituency, Edo State and the Nation will not be forgotten.

To live in the mind of loves ones is not to die, your shall continue to live in our hearts and mind till the end of time.

May God grant your gentle soul eternal rest Amen.
July 26, 2022
July 26, 2022
   26th July, 2022

The Family of Late:
Hon. Jude lse-Idehen,
Member, House of Representatives,
(Egor/lkpoba-Okha FederalConstituency),


It is with a deep sense of loss that I received the sad news of the sudden demise of your dearly beloved son and consummate Legislator, Hon. Jude lse-Idehen, representing the good people of Egor and Ikpoba-Okha Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives, Abuja.

He was a tested and trusted grassroots politician, who connected very well with the people, irrespective of status, gender, tribe or political leanings.
Indeed, he was a shining example of a loyal party man, passionately dedicated to the service of his constituents as well as advancing the ideals of good governance.

Permit me to commiserate with the lse-Idehen family, both at home and in the diaspora, numerous friends, well-wishers, the National Assembly, teeming supporters, the good people of Egor and, lkpoba-Okha Local Government Areas, the PDP family and political associates for the irreparable loss of a gentleman par-excellence. He was a responsible family man and a Nigerian patriot.

Let me admonish family members to keep his loving memory alive by sustaining the enduring legacies he left behind.

May his gentle soul and souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen.

Accept my condolences, please.

Rt. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu
Deputy Governor
July 26, 2022
July 26, 2022
IK, its hard to believe you are gone, that we won't meet again, and your deep baritone reassuring voice won't be heard again on this side of eternity.

You were truly unique and larger than life in every sense of the word, right from class one in secondary school. You have blazed your trail, made your mark. Rest on. I am honoured to have known you.
July 25, 2022
July 25, 2022
News of your passing was shocking and very sad. Though your life was short, it was indeed impactful. You were a true gentleman, humble, quiet but working hard to ensure a better life for those you were serving. UDSS 86 will miss you dearly. I pray that God comforts the family you left behind.
July 24, 2022
July 24, 2022

Oh death where is thy sting?

Still in shock over your sudden demise. Sometimes I just have a feeling that you are playing a prank like you usually do by standing at the entrance of the office door knocking for me to open and get a surprise at your arrival oh! I can forget the excitement knowing you’re the one knocking.

Reality check, everything is gradually sinking in but I can’t help living in denial that you are finally resting in thy Lord. I am grateful to God for making me spend three amazing years of my life working with you as your secretary. I feel blessed to have known you.

You were the best Boss ever, a great Mentor, Leader, philanthropist, a super Role Model, a Wonderful father, a Goal Getter, a Nation Builder, and an Exceptional Boss. You touched so many lives and left your indelible marks.
You were such a rare gem, on every 13th July, you always call to wish me happy birthday but this year’s birthday was not complete without your usual call.

Thank you so much honourable for the good legacy you left behind, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be trained by you and also contributing my quota towards the development of our great constituency.

Thank you for the love you have shown my family and I. your impact is felt not only at the constituency but also at the state, federal and all over the world.
We will miss you so much and you can never be forgotten in a hurry.
You are forever in our hearts, Rest in Gods Bosom. Love you always.

From Your Secretary

July 24, 2022
July 24, 2022
Honourable as I fondly referred to you... just like yesterday I remember the last funny video I got from you on WhatsApp and I responded with a funny sentence to which you again responded with symbols of laughter... about 11-12 hours after your laughter symbols, I got the shocking news of your passing unto eternal glory to be with the Saints. At certain intervals I go back to view our WhatsApp chats and realise I would never get another message from you. Even your daily inspiration posts on the UDOSA 86 pioneers set forum is greatly missed by all of us.. you made us like the motivational quotes from the likes of Jonathan Lockwood Huie... Rest in perfect peace, Amen
July 24, 2022
July 24, 2022
The 86 set of UDOSA will miss you. You were a larger than life personality. Humble, kind & generous are some of the words I will use to describe you. May God comfort your family and all of us who mourn your untimely passing. Rest in perfect peace, Jude!!
July 24, 2022
July 24, 2022
Gone too soon dear brother. Your gentle soul, kind and benevolent nature will be missed. Jude, it is a blessing to have known you for 40 odd years.
You will continue to live in the hearts of all the multitude of people whose lives you touched.
Adieu Jude.
July 22, 2022
July 22, 2022
Our destination is a place far greater than we know, for some the journey quicker for some the journey slow and when the journey finally ends we will gain a great reward and find everlasting peace.

Our hearts are broken forever, people tell us that in time the pieces will eventually come back together, if this is true though hard to believe, now there will always be a space, the pieces which has your name on its place. You have been set free from this wicked world.

Death is not an end because we live on in our children and the younger generations for they are us. A peace has fallen upon your head a taste of sorrow we have been fed, it's really is like a hole in our lives but I have hope that those sleeping will rise, for those who did good eternal life they will gain.

The song has ended but the memories lingers on , nevertheless, "as a tale so is a life,not how long it is but how good it is that's what matters".

You will be greatly missed Uncle I.K . Till we meet again on the resurrection morning, rest in perfect peace.

Izegbuwa Idehen (Niece)
July 21, 2022
July 21, 2022
Even in death, you are still missed and forever will be an Uncle.
We are not saying goodbye forever but goodbye for now.
I pray that you find peace and rest in paradise.
Sleep well Uncle IK till we meet again.
Mrs. Esosa Idehen-Obaseki (Niece)
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Gone too soon Hon Jude. I was shocked and still sad of your passing . You will be missed by all who knew you. Our parents were very close; and so are our older brothers. We attended Emotan Primary School in Benin-City. Thank you for all you did for Edo State. May God console your entire family and may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen!!! Good night I.K.
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
The Odaros have known the Ise-Idehen family since 1981.
Our parents had a common goal; which was to provide the very best secondary school education for their children hence the UDSS connection began. We journeyed together on a daily basis from one end of town all the way to Ugbowo in our desire to get the best.
Thankfully, our efforts were not in vain.
Hon Jude always carried himself with dignity and respect at all times. He was a senior that led by example. He was deservedly given the neatest student title by the school due the good example he set for others to emulate.

Am still struggling to come to terms with the sad news but God knows best. I still remember our meet up in London few years ago and all the UDOSA zoom planning meetings. You were definitely a genuine man and a true pillar. You will sadly be missed.
As we go through pain, we take solace in the fact that God never promised to insulate us from pain but HE did promise to be with us through our pain.
The Lord is our strength.
Rest in peace Hon Jude.

Oscar Osayande Odaro on behalf of the Odaro family (Omosefe & Omosede).
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Uncle, I am so grateful to God for the years we had on Earth with you. I have the fondest memories growing up in your house where me and my siblings were treated as if we were your own kids. You will forever be remembered by your love, the way you always found humor in everything and your laugh. We miss you dearly. Rest In Peace Uncle, love you .

July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Your death came as a shock to me ,still can't believe you are no more,I never thought I will be writing this tribute to you so soon but God knows best you shall be greatly missed my honourable as you are fondly called. Rest in the bossom of God.
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
May your gentle soul continue to rest in peace and may the good lord give your family the fortitude to bear the loss.
July 19, 2022
July 19, 2022
Senior Jude! Rest In Peace. We will miss you.
July 19, 2022
July 19, 2022
Ik, this is to celebrate your life though short lived but very well spent. measured in the worth of every single life you touched. I thank God for the time you spent in the service of God and humaniy and pray that God gives your loved ones the fortitude to Soldier on. Rest in Peace Bro.
July 18, 2022
July 18, 2022
Continue to rest in the hands of God Almighty the creator of the universe...
July 17, 2022
July 17, 2022
Honorable Jude, as I called you, as beyond being a member of our revered House of Representatives, you were truly Honorable, one who deserved that title and lived up to it.

You were a role model leader and big brother during the 40th anniversary of our dear Alma Mater, UDSS, drawing everyone to you and never being too busy to address matters. You were a strong core, a nucleus that held strong.

It saddens me to have to say goodbye so soon after meeting you and that we never got to have that our lunch in Abuja. Despite the shortness of time, you left a lifetime of impact and your legacy lives on. I pray that God Almighty comforts those left behind to mourn you as only He can do.

Rest in peace dear Senior Jude, sleep on Honorable One, till we meet to part no more. Amen
July 15, 2022
July 15, 2022
Words fail me to express how I feel right now. It's still like a dream to me to know that I will never see you again. Those loving smiles and laughs. It hurts.

Whenever and wherever we were together there was always this love and passion to do good always. I really just can't understand life and death. I miss you, my dear friend.

You came, you gave it all for your dream and you did it. Just that you needed more time to do more, however, God knows best. But it hurts.

I will always love you and pray that your family recovers from this huge loss.

Love always.
Ronnie Jacobs.
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
Extremely sad news when I heard. Breathless and in shock.

Jude, I can't ever forget your loud laughters. Life was always a bliss and nothing too serious. No stress around you. We grew up as family... Our family homes opposite each other... We became members of the House serving our various Constituencies with passion. We had a lot of political and social experiences that would remain indelible.

May our Beloved Mother Mary lead you into the comfort of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.

Rest in peace my brother my friend and legislative colleague.
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
The certainty is a gravity of death
As a Law can not be unsettled
Never a respecter of any Man
Not even one that issues Federal Laws
As if a blast and a rumour
Of a frosty chilling wind that blew
And struck suddenly like a bullet
Of a sniper hidden behind a stage
A minute Man with his fingers to trigger
And the Undertaker was ready for his job

Though now he is gone!
He came,saw and conquered
A gentle Giant of a Visionary Man
Who saw every steepy Mountain to be conquered
But only by a gentle climb in gradients

Now that that he is gone!
Is a vacuum created for all to see
Truly all is now Lights shinning brighter
As of his magic-hands with a midas-touch
He called out light to be
And darkness could not hold
And Ise Jude saw it was good
And separated his presence
And his Angels ascended higher Up

Let someone there step forward
Echoes a whispering voice
For a step is where we start
One whose rise has been written
Long ago in the distant stars
And join the shouting March
Of a victorious 'Hurrah' people!
Page 1 of 2

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Recent Tributes
July 1
July 1
My Great leader and Boss, you will forever remain in our hearts and we forever miss you, rest on Great leader
June 10
Even though you are gone away,
Your love will always be here to stay.
You touched our hearts with so many things.

God knew you were the one to save,
He took you home to get some rest,
Even though we loved you best.

Our hearts are filled with so much pain,
God loved you more, there was no shame.

At this time we must let go.
Your memories we will keep a flow.
Rest, our dear cousin, with peace of mind,
Your memories will live on through.

               Rest In Peace,
               Hon Jude ise- idehen
June 10
Remembering you in the month of your birthday.
Your legacy lives on
Rest in peace, our wonderful gentle giant x
Recent stories
June 8
You demise ,is still  a rude shock to me .we had a WhatsApp  conversation  the night before  ,less than  12 hrs  later the news filter  in you were no more.
You were a  very good  bro/friend, we would  have been having our usual  political  discuss   ,arguments, permutations  on the  likely  outcome  of forthcoming  elections .
May your  beautiful  soul continue  to rest in the bossom  of Lord. 
Sleep on bro.

My dear friend, I really do miss you.

June 7, 2023
Many never knew thevsidebof you that I knew. A very long time ago, early in your HA role, you stood by me during a very challenging period for for charity. You never asked me for anything and never did.

I miss that laugh of yours and smile. Miss the moments. Thia is still unreal that you left us behind.

God, you know best.
July 21, 2022
It's so sad that you are gone.No doubt many will miss you forever.Like a golden Fish that has no place to hide so were your desire and thoughts towards good things to come.
Your life reminds me of the Faithful servant whom the Lord made ruler over his household to serve, but only for the cold hands of death, and nobody can question the Almighty God for this.
     Like a giant in appearance in looks ,so was your heart large in kindness.
Stay bless in heaven and Rest In Peace. Amen.

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