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July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
Uncle IK as we foundly call you, you will be dearly missed. Indeed gone too soon,the last time we spent quality time together was when you visited during my Mom's burial anniversary. I still recall our talks and your laughs. Thank you for your encouragement during our phone chats when your stay in the US. You made us all so proud, a very kind hearted Uncle Ik ❤️. Rest well in the Lord’s Blossom 
Your cousin, Muyi Idehen-Igbe
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
The truth is I do not know what to say, it is hard to accept that you are here with us no more.
This is how I feel, you are alive and will always be because you you were baptised into CHRIST JESUS.
All I have to say now, is that you should sleep on in The LORD until we see again in the resurrection.

July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
It is hard to believe that you are no more uncle but you live forever in our hearts. Rest on sir. May God give us all the fortitude to bear this great loss. It is well.

Oghogho Okungbowa.
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
A great man of God said "a success is one who sees a need and goes all out to meet it". Hon. Jude was a complete success! He touched lives everywhere he went. He sure left his good prints on the sands of time. We would have loved to have him for much longer, but we give glory to God for his very impactful life.
Rest in peace my friend, my brother. Adieux!
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
Hon. I.K Idehen was a man with a gentle disposition. I grew up to know we shared the same name and birth month. His humility and calmness will forever be remembered.

Continue to Rest in Peace.

- Ikponmwosa Dan Uhimwen Esq.
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
Proverbs 10:7a (KJV)
The memory of the just is blessed... Thank you, Jude, for being a blessing to many. Your signature smile will always be fondly remembered.
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
Brother, words fail me. Your early and unexpected exit once again reminds us of life's transient nature. Rest in peace and may God almigjty give us all the fortitude and understanding to bear this irreparable loss. Amen
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
Jude! it still feels surreal!!! My heart is still numb with shock at your sudden transition to eternity. We never saw this coming.
Though your exit was painful, I thank God that you lived a wonderful life of profound humility and unparalleled generosity even in greatness.
Adieu Jude Ik. You will forever be in our hearts. We love you but God loves you more. Sleep on my friend. My honourable. The gentle giant. Hmmm. May your gentle soul rest in peace.
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
Hon. Ise Idehen my padi my friend my brother. Oh death why? The pain is too much. I am still in disbelief that it is for real. My assurance is that you are with the Angels of God watching over us.
St. Jude Idehen. Your Legacy lives on. I am broken and shattered but God knows best.
May God comfort your beloved family. You were a wonderful family man. A Lion ready to fight for his own. You came, You saw and You conquered. You are indeed a HERO, a WINNER . You will be fondly remembered by everyone of us. God Bless Your Soul.

Farewell Boss. Farewell Honorable
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
To a gentleman and a friend; It was all about selflessness, service to community and love for family. You will be sorely missed Ikpomwosa.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Jude, our hearts are broken to let you go. We pray for God to comfort and strengthen the Idehen family and all of us as only He can. Please be strong my amazing childhood family friends. May Jude rest eternally in God’s peace and may the memories and his legacy be evergreen. Amen 
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
I can’t believe I’m writing about you in past tense neither can I get over how selfless and accommodating you were to everyone whether you knew them or not. Whenever we ended our conversations, you’d tell me to keep doing good and never do what you won’t do. And those words I hold so dear to my heart as I make conscious efforts to be good despite how cold the world is. You’d call black as it is, without mincing words as our leaders would do. Writing this has giving me the reassurance that you’re in a better place, free from the world’s troubles and the legacy you left behind will not be forgotten. I promise to do my best and keep my dreams alive as you’ve always reminded me to. Thank you for the good memories my Honourable. Keep resting till the bright morning.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Honorable, am still in shock the way you left and didn't even give me a sign on Thursday 30th of June at 11pm that you were going to sleep forever in the blossom of our Lord Jesus christ. Jude you have left me speechless with so much tears in my eyes everyday how can i ever forget someone so special like you. Sleep well my beloved cousin till we meet to part no more. God bless your gentle soul 
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
It’s hard on us to lose a loved one, for those we love don’t go away , they walk beside us everyday. Though unseen and unheard but always near. You will forever be in our memories . May heavens door open for you rest peacefully amen 
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
As shocked as I still am, I can only thank God for the kind of person you were

Always there for us

Just hard to fathom.
May your kind gentle soul rest in perfect peace with our Lord.

July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Honorable Jude! My Honorable as I called you. Humility was second nature to you. Being a federal legislator didn’t change you. I know you impacted so many lives positively and I know your Good deeds will be your legacy. It feels raw talk about you in past tense. You came you saw you conquered! You were in a hurry to change your environment and leave it a better place and thank God you did! A lot of people will now look back and realized why! May God bless you, grant you everlasting peace and guide your family to navigate this odious journey with fortitude and strength in Jesus name! I thank God our paths crossed! Rest on my brother and friend! It is well with your soul! It is well with those you left behind! I really lack words to say all I want to. You were a gentle giant. God bless all that is yours and watch over them in Jesus name amen
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Epa, like I always called you. You will forever be remembered by me and my household. You were my father, you opened your doors to me and my family , even Iye (Agbado) will always call me, have you spoken to honorable. “He makes sure I’m fed and ok, and he does not fail to visit every month” I will lie and say I spoke with you. Not because you needed the praise, but you took her as your mom and your selfless deed always speak . I haven’t felt this much pain in years, i’m reminded to let love ones know we love them. it was always a Funtime when around you. We were planning on bringing both the boys to come see you next year, it hurts me that will not be the case Anymore The boys will hear of your selflessness, and kindheartedness. I am forever grateful to call you family and a father. Adieu daddy you’ll never be forgotten.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
May your soul rest in perfect peace and may the good Lord grant your loved ones the fortitude to bear the loss.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
May your gentle soul rest in peace. And may God keep your loved ones and grant them the fortitude to carry on. Amen.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
There is a hole in our family where you used to stand. There's a hole in my heart for which I never planned. I will miss you every day until we meet again. Rest in peace big bro.
July 12, 2022
Death oh death, why now. My 'ANCESTORS' you will be greatly missed by Udosa no doubt. May your soul continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
I still can't believe you're gone to a place of no return, a place so peaceful and stressless, only God the creator knows it all because he's the creator of man, I will forever miss you my leader, you're a great man and a great leader and a pillar to many now and forever sir, Rip leader......
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Sleep Well Uncle Jude.You were such a nice ,kind and gentle man.God knows best ,You will be forever in our hearts️️❤️
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
You were indeed a role model and icon to many,your legacy leaves on, continue to rest in the Bossom of Christ Jesus,Adieu senior
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
My Honourable..., my Leader as I fondly called him...Still trying to cope with the shocking news about your passing. I still can't believe that you are no more with us. We may have known "Hon. Jude" in a variety of ways but one thing i am sure we can all agree on is that he was a person we have all come to love and appreciate. A great father, and leader to all. A leader whom we enjoyed talking to and find very comfortable to work with. My special gratitude goes to everyone celebrating the life and memories of Honourable Jude. Amen!
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
May the Lord grant your gentle soul eternal rest. Lord God almighty grant his entire family the strength to bear this irreplaceable loss.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Uncle Jude will be remembered for his simplicity, doggedness, decency and above all his love for people.
He will be missed by all because he stood firm for what is just and does not discriminate irrespective of who you are.
Continue to rest with the lord because that's where you belong and may God give your family strength and unity at this moment of mourning.
Love and miss you always.
Prince (Amb) George Igiemwin Ekhator Obasogie
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
The news of the demise of Hon Jude Idehen reached me with disbelief and shock. I had to immediately call his brother George who confirmed it to me and the starch reality of his death set in. Who are we to question God when the unexpected happens?. Jude was a very humble personality. He had the fear of God in that he did. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace Amen. My sincerest condolences to his family. Jude, rest in peace.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
I am really speechless, I pray God almighty to accept your kind and gentle soul in the bossom of our Lord, my friend, leader and a great boss, I have started to miss you and I know I will miss you forever, Rest on my Great Boss.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Hon. Jude will be remembered by many as amiable person. You indeed left us too soon. May the good Lord comfort your immediate family and the rest of us.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
It saddens our hearts as Students of Edo State to know that one of the few public office holders who was ready to support us and our dreams has passed away. Words will fail me as president of NAESS in recounting the virtues I admired in you. You will never be forgotten Honourable. Rest in the bosom of the Almighty till the resurrection morning when we'd meet to part no more.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Gone too soon, my gentle giant. We love you but God loves you more. I accept this fact with tears in my eyes.
May your beautiful soul rest with the Lord.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
My brother may your gentle soul rest in peace with the Lord. The first time I heard the news of your passing I refused to accept it, how can? Just spoke with you on your birthday then reality hit me few hours later. May the good Lord grant you rest my brother. Gone too soon.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
My heart still bleed till now Honourable. It was a privilege and honour for me that our path in life crossed. Your support and contribution to my political career is immeasurable and I will forever be grateful. It painted me more that we spoke the evening before. May your gentle soul rest in peace with our Lord. Miss you Honourable.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
My brother and friend Hon Jude..... you have left a massive void behind. It's so sad that you had to go too soon. We can not question God Almighty but you are greatly missed by your friends and loved ones. Rest in peace bro.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
May the Good Lord grant his gentle soul eternal rest.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
My deepest sympathy to the family for your loss,
Words fail to express my deep sorrow for your loss.
My sincerest condolences for you at this time. You have my deepest sympathy and unwavering support in prayers . Wishing you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time of sorrow. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time to the family of Hon. Jude Ikponwosa Ise-Idehen
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
It's so scary writing RIP for you, i still cannot believe it, i have been wishing that you will wake up and say it's all been a dream, but i guess God needs you more. Thank you for all the lifes you touched, may your soul continue to rest in peace and may God comfort the loved ones you left behind especially your wife, children and your sister Itohan
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
I still am in shock at the news of your death. My handsome, honest,fun loving and always smiling God Brother you didn't wait for us to hangout like you promised. You will be surely missed. Who will watch my back now? I loved you like the immediate big brother you were and will be forever. Goodnight Ise till we meet on resurrection day my love. Greet my God parents your mom and dad along with mine. Goodnight my gentle Giant. You are forever missed.

Becky .Imade Ogbebor
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Jude, your memory is as dear TODAY..... as in the HOUR that has PASSED.

Eternal rest grant unto him,O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

Rest peacefully, Jude.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
It's actually sad how humans soon become memories. I am happy to have known you during your sojourn. Your legacies would live forever. We pray God grants your entire family and friends the fortitude to bear this loss..... And may the souls of the faithfully departed through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, continue to Rest in Peace. Amen.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022

When a good man passes prematurely, we begin to wonder why. As we seek clarity, time passes and then we are left with no other option than to accept the reality that a dear friend is no longer with us. Rt. Hon. Jude Ikponmwosa Ise-Idehen was humble, kind, empathetic, humane and God-fearing. Having carved his name on the hearts of many that crossed paths with him, his legacy will always be etched in their minds and in the stories we all will share about him.

In his many contributions to the development of our beloved Edo State, he served Ikpoba-Okha local government area as a two-time member of the Edo State House of Assembly between 2007 and 2015. During his time in the house, he was known for facilitating very many projects that met the needs of the host communities. Some of these priority-driven projects have remained useful till date. It was because of this performance that he got nominated and was later elected in 2019 to represent the good people of Egor/Ikpoba-Okha Federal Constituency in the green chamber of the National Assembly, a position he held till his untimely transition. In his three years in office, he sponsored and co-sponsored several bills and attracted a lot of developmental projects to the constituency and with many more still on their way.

Jude was a man of many parts- he was an accomplished entrepreneur, a philanthropist and a sports lover who had a knack for short-put. He was an easy soul whose hilarity was contagious. He was playful yet focused, calm in demeanour yet dexterous in action. He was a man of great courage and conviction.

Like everyone else, Jude was an imperfect being. Despite his social life, his love for God remained insurmountable. As a devout Catholic, he was totally committed to his faith and was the sponsor of the popular daily Catholic prayer on radio at 12noon and 6pm titled- *“The Angelus”* for over a decade.

Remarkably, he had an uncommon perception to human relationships. He was in-discriminatory and connected with people across ethno-religious and political lines in ways that very few could. Although sometimes short-tempered, he always found a way to make up for his shortcomings. He was a phenomenal man who loved his family in no small measure.

As we all grieve, I pray that the Almighty God will grant us the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. Our tears are no marks of weakness, but of deep reflection, of unspeakable love for him and our belief in the resurrection morning as dictated in 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-14: *“…... that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”*-

Adieu Rt. Hon Jude Ise-Idehen! Adieu.

*Pst. Osagie Ize-Iyamu*
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
iReporteronline Mourns The Death Of Reps Member Hon Jude Ise-Idehen
iReporteronline Mourns The Death Of Reps Member Hon Jude Ise-Idehen

The management and staff of iReporteronline mourn the death of Federal House of Representatives member, Hon Jude Ise Idehen, who died in the early hours of Friday, July 1, 2022.

We were shocked to learn of his tragic death, which left us all heartbroken. His contributions to the country's democratic development will be remembered for generations to come.

Hon Jude Ise-Idehen was a true gentleman who always put the interests of the people first. We honour his legacy and mourn his loss alongside his family and friends. Our deepest condolence to his loved ones and the people of Egor/Ikpoba-Okha federal constituency.


Osigwe Omo-Ikirodah

Editor-in-Chief iReporteronline.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
PDP South South Zonal Exco Mourn Isi-Idehen

It is with great sadness and rude shock the leaders and members of the PDP South South received the demise of Hon. Jude Ise-Idehen, who until his death, represented Egor/Ikpoba Okha Federal Constituency of Edo State. A Patriotic and consummate legislator. A man of Peace and a gentleman.

His death is a huge loss to us all. We offer our condolences to his family, and the good people of Egor/Ikpoba Okha Federal Constituency.

We applaud his dedication and commitment to Service. He was a democrat with a difference. Our thoughts are with his entire family. We pray God to grant them the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

May his gentle soul rest in Peace.

Signed: Chief Dan Osi Orbih,
National Vice-Chairman, South South.
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
Death leaves heartache no one can heal. Memories are treasures no one can steal. You ran your race and left your mark in the sands of time. Your life was a blessing .
You are no longer in our life to share but in our hearts you are always there. You are missed beyond measures.
Rest peacefully in the bosom of our Lord, our gentle giant.
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