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Her Life

The beginning

July 26
Judith was born in Leeds in 1933 and grew up in Ikley with her parents Ernest and Edna King and her younger brother Richard.

Student years

July 26
She attended drama school in the 1950s (?), here she is looking stunningly glamorous in a headshot.


July 26
Here she is (far left second row from bottom of picture) winning prizes with some of her fellow students.


July 26
Shortly after, she moved to London to begin practising physiotherapy. Here she is in the Christmas show for the staff party at Camden Road Mediad rehab centre in the late 1960s / early 1970s.


July 26
It was in London that she met Peter Powell, who she married in 1971 and with whom she had daughters Imogen and Cordelia. Here they are on their wedding day in January 1971.


July 26
In 1974 Judith gave birth to her first daughter Imogen Charlotte Lucy Powell on the 8th May.


July 26
In 1977 Cordelia Vanessa Cariad Powell was born, completing their family!

The next generation...

July 26
On 17th November 2018, Judith became a grandmother when Cordelia gave birth to Frank.