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September 2
September 2
Thinking about you today, little fella.
September 1
September 1
Thank you all for your words and comfort, time passes and love remains.
August 31
August 31
Julian !   Above it says:  "Light a candle"  "Lay a flower"   "Leave a note"  Clearly you "lit a candle" in the hearts of all who knew you.  You "laid a flower" in so many colorful ways.  And of course you left many cute notes in the lives of all who came across you.
August 31
August 31
I think about you often, lil friend. And you always bring a smile. Your curious nature was always a vibe, one that I seek to uphold. Here’s to hiding in nooks and screaming with excitement.
August 31
August 31
Together with family, we are remembering you today Julian
August 31
August 31
Little Julian, the time since you were here, the "after", lengthens, but does not diminish your presence to your family, those who loved you, and those who love your family. You changed everything. The circles of love continue to ripple out.
August 31
August 31
Thinking of Julian today and keeping all of his family members in thought and prayer. Rest easy beautiful child. You are loved and missed each and every day and the boardwalk trail in your memory will bring peace to all those who are blessed to be able to visit it. 
April 29
April 29
God bless you Julian!  Happy Birthday!  Those 3 and a bit years left an indelible and beautiful mark on your nearest and dearest and beyond. xoxoxo
April 29
April 29
Today should be your 7th birthday Julian. We miss you always, and celebrated your special day as a family, tending to your resting place. I wanted to share this music in your memory, may the rolling waves of Debussy lull you to peaceful sleep

April 29
April 29
Mon petit chéri, aujourd'hui tu aurais eu 7 ans, nous aurions passé un joli week end tous ensemble devant un gâteau au chocolat, tu aurais bien rigolé avec tes cousins et ta petite soeur, et qui sait ton petit frère. Bloom est maintenant la grande, elle aime jouer avec son petit frère, et tous les deux parlent souvent de toi, Johannes crie "Julian" en voyant tes photos défiler. Nous t'aimons tous très fort, et tu nous manques terriblement, c'est encore bien inconcevable que tu ne sois plus parmi nous. Il y a quelques jours le petit livre de musique de Vivaldi s'est mis à jouer tout seul l'extrait du "printemps", deux fois de suite, alors que tu es le seul né au printemps de nous 5, et que les fleurs abondantes et fraiches nous rappellent toujours ta venue au monde. Je t'aime.
April 29
April 29
Happy birthday Nephew! We miss you as tremendously as ever. Continuously dreaming of the adventures we shared, and the many more we were planning - night and day. And although things will never be the same without you, you stay with us very closely, always. ❤️
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023
The winter holidays are not the same without you Julian - we lit sky lanterns for what would have been your (incredibly) sixth Christmas. You've now missed as many holidays as you had time to enjoy in your life. As Bloom lifted the lantern into the air, she said "we miss you Julian". Your little brother Nino recognizes your photos and we tell him stories about your adventures - he loves to dance just like you did.
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023

Although I did not know you, I can see the love you left in the hearts of your family.  They were and are blessed to have had you.  You shine in many hearts !
September 4, 2023
September 4, 2023
Not a day goes by without thinking about you, I miss you so much. We built a tree of life on the 3rd anniversary of your death, to spend the day together as a family, thinking of you and celebrating how a wonderful child you were, full of life and laughters. Je t'aime, forever time.
August 31, 2023
August 31, 2023
Today Julian, we remember that you left us three years ago this day - all too soon, and too abrupt. In honor of your memory we assembled as a family and shared our memories of you, we tended to your garden, watched our home videos where you make us laugh and cry, and laid out a beautiful mandala by your grave with fresh picked grasses, flowers and leaves from the farm - in the form of a magnificent tree bearing exotic flowers. We wish more than anything that you were here to play with your sister and brother, to pick the fruits from mami-do's garden, to tease papé and drive his tractor. ~In your loving memory~
August 31, 2023
August 31, 2023
Julian it's a joy to read about you, and see how you have become such a part of the tapestry of so many lives. What a gigantic spirit you have. Thank you for touching me and all of us.
August 31, 2023
August 31, 2023
Julian I think parents should strive to make their children proud of them, rather than the other way around (notwithstanding how immensely & obviously proud your parents are of you). You must be so proud of your parents. The courage and dignity with which they share their grief is an inspiration to many.

PS - your tractor, wheelbarrow and garden are absolutely awesome, my boys adored them. However, should warn that Louis saw some dinosaurs and dragons over the other side of the lake. He shot them with a fire cannon obviously, but there may be more, so please help keep watch!
August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023
Oh little Julian.  Sweet boy. What a joy of a boy you were to your family and friends.  And what a blessing you continue to be in the hearts of everyone. Of course we all think of you often. Thanks for being the gift of YOU!
August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023
I am very sorry for your terrible loss. My mom gave me the obituary newspaper clipping, and I recently rediscovered it among my daughter's drawings.

Jeff Brauer
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Happy Birthday - you would be 6 years old now. A little boy! The family gathered around your garden to plant flowers and sweep your grave. You would have had fun playing with your Tata, Tonton and cousins. Your siblings ate cake and we shared memories of your life. With love, dad, mom, bloom and nino
April 29, 2023
April 29, 2023
Happy Birthday Julian, nous vous aimons toujours,
Love Deborah and family Ido, Tor and Phoenix xoxoxo
November 15, 2022
November 15, 2022
Not a day, nor an hour goes by that you are not on my mind and in my heart...forever missed my dear Juju...
August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022
Little Julian with a big heart.   As we finish another August, we finish it with much love for you in the hearts of us all.
May 4, 2022
May 4, 2022
Julian - we celebrated your birthday 29 April 2022 in New York City with your closest family around. You should have turned 5 years old. Tata, Tonton, Noe and Maxence along with your mother and sister Bloom bought some very special cupcakes and candle and we shared stories about you together around the table. We carried you in our thoughts as we visited family in the United States for the first time since your death. With daddy's family, we planted flowers and read poems that reminded us of you, around a small memorial stone placed in Abue's garden. If instead you had been a little boy that day with us, you would have enjoyed an easter egg hunt with your cousins, finding chocolate and running through the fresh grass and gardens. You are missed, and yet will always be with us. Love daddy
April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
Happy Birthday Julian- It's easy to remember your birthday since it's the day before mine. A birthday is a beautiful day for a mother and a child- the day a soul sees the world for the first time. I imagine you are busy now keeping watch over your new little brother. My family and I think of you often. I loved the poem posted today for you, that mentions the mycelium network. I do believe that there's a lot to that underground network. There is a whole complicated world of love in the soil, running all through the earth. You were friends with mushrooms, and so I imagine you are connected to that mycelium network and feel its love and protection. Blessings to you and your beautiful family,
Love, Deborah
April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
God bless you sweet Julian!  And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And while today is your birthday we all know that YOU are the GIFT !  How fun and great birthdays must be in Heaven.  As we all think of you, each of us has a big smile in our hearts.  We love you Julian! 
April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
Happy Birthday Julian !
On pense à toi en ce jour où tu aurais eu 5 ans. On espère que tu recevras ces pensées et bonnes ondes où tu es ⭐.
Love to all the family ❤️
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
We missed you at what would have been your fourth Christmas. Bloom would have appreciated some help putting together her new toys and you would have got to meet your new little brother, Johannes.
September 5, 2021
September 5, 2021
Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes
And save these questions for another day
I think I know what you've been asking me
I think you know what I've been trying to say

I promised I would never leave you
And you should always know
Wherever you may go
No matter where you are
I never will be very far away

Good night my angel now it's time to sleep
And still so many thing I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When went sailing on an emerald bay

And like a boat out on the ocean
I'm rocking you to sleep
The water's dark and deep inside this ancient heart
You'll always be a part of me

Someday we'll all be gone
But lullabies go on and on
They never die
That's how you
And I
should be
September 1, 2021
September 1, 2021
Voici un an que nous pensons souvent à vous tous avec amitié et empathie. Le petit Julian restera comme une étoile lumineuse dans notre cœur.
Hilde et Alain
September 1, 2021
September 1, 2021
Sweet Julian
For the past year I thought of you every day, sometimes with a tear, sometimes a prayer. In the Jewish mystical tradition, the first year of mourning is for raising the soul. We help with our prayers and with tears that water your spirit like rain on the earth waters flowers. You were so beautiful and pure in your earthly life, that your soul must be raised to the highest place. I have tried to come to terms with what happened to you. Your passing forced me to look deeply at impermanence, and find comfort and insight in Buddhist and Christian philosophy. You helped me become more spiritual, and to know viscerally that this spiritual path is difficult and painful. While my heart aches, I am ever grateful to you. I hope our spirits meet one day. I will continue to think of you and your beautiful family. Love, Deborah
August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
Julian, nous ne t'oublierons jamais.
Bloom, Eugenie et Jon, nous vous envoyons tout l'amour et la tendresse possible en ce 31 aout. Que le soleil brille sur vous en cette journée.
August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
One year ago today our son, Julian, was killed in a tragic accident. He was three and a half years old, it was the last day of summer, on the eve of what should have been his very first day of school. He had chosen a new pair of shoes for the occasion and was excited to wear them to class. They sit in our room, unused to this day, along with his favorite doudou (his stuffed animal). He asked us that day, with a rye smile, if his teachers at school would speak English or French, knowing they'd speak only French of course, and that he would be able to lightheartedly tease them, as he teased us. His smile and wit lightened our life immeasurably. Abruptly his light was extinguished. Now he lives on in our hearts and memories.

We thank our friends and family for your continued support in what has been a most difficult year. We thank you for the countless letters, messages, post-cards, flowers that we've received from you all, our loving extended family. We thank those who have left a note at Julian's memorial website: And we especially thank those of you who have made a donation to Julian's memorial charity at the UVA Children's Hospital.

Today we gathered to consecrate a space in his memory - a new summer terrace for our house (a work in progress), a place where we hope to share laughter with family and friends for the decades to come, and where we will always hold him close to our heart.
August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
Sending heartfelt love to all the Knipper and Baudon family members on this 1st anniversary. May JuJu's memory stay alive for many years to come and bring peace to the broken hearts of so many who have grown to love that sweet child. With my continued prayers, Maureen
August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
Julian !!!  God bless you this day and forevertime !!!  Your joy and fun in Heaven is matching the deep gratitude we still here on Earth have for you.  I need to wait to get to Heaven to meet you, but I see your love in the hearts of your family.  The pain of losing you has transformed many in the memorial gifts that are given in your name.  Only God can do that !  What a big impact you are having sweet one. <3
August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
Remembering Julian on this first anniversary of his death, I send my sympathy and love to everyone touched by his life, especially Jon and Eugenie.
August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
Aujourd'hui plus que les autres jours : nous pensons à toi Julian et à nos chers amis Eugénie, Jon et leur petite Bloom ♥️.
Plus ils nous racontent d'anecdotes à ton sujet, plus on se rend compte ô combien tu étais exceptionnel, attachant, spontané ; et plus fort est le regret de ne pas t'avoir davantage connu...
Tu peux être fier d'eux, où que tu sois : ils sont, sans aucune mesure, les personnes les plus courageuses que je connaisse.
Je t'envoie des bisous dans le vent ️️✨

August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
The body knows the souls grief and mourns viscerally. We can feel it from within.

This groaning of the soul radiating into our flesh. Lord, how deeply it is felt. Today and everyday.

Lord meet us here. In this space between grief and hope. Between pain and mercy. Between what is now and is yet to come.

Praying from the depths as our souls cry out and our bodies weep.

Kyrie eleison.

You are loved, Julian. Forevertime.

- Love from The Ratcliffe family in Lebanon PA.
July 19, 2021
July 19, 2021
Yearning for grace.

Praying for peace.

Lord, have mercy.


-Ron Ratcliffe

April 29, 2021
April 29, 2021
Happy birthday Julian - your family around the world remembers you today and grieves your loss. We remember your smiles and your kindness, your humor and curiosity, your warmth and glow. At the farm we gathered with Mami, Papé, Noe, Maman and sent four glowing lanterns up into the sky, for your fourth birthday. If you were here, I think you would have asked us for a bicycle or something silly like a train or a drone, but you would finally have been most happy with a chocolate cake. We would have spent the day together walking in the forest listening for birds (or gargamel), riding your bike around the barn or helping Mami-Do in the garden or Maman with the new plants she's bought. Together with Tata we planted flowers in your memory, here in the garden next to our house. Bloom will be able to see them and they'll remind us of you everyday.
April 29, 2021
April 29, 2021
Dear sweet Julian! Remembering you on your birthday on this beautiful spring day. It was raining today. I bet you loved jumping in puddles like we had here today
April 29, 2021
April 29, 2021
Sweet Julian, though we never met, you touched my heart deeply and I think of you every day. Thinking of you and your family especially on your birthday...with love, Deborah
April 29, 2021
April 29, 2021
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” (Psalm 34:18)

April 29, 2021
April 29, 2021
Today should have been such a happy day for all of the Knipper family. You will all have your memories and all the happiness he gave you in his short life. 
April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021
I was lucky enough to bump into you with some consistency, considering the distance between our homes. We toured Queens together, got down and dirty on the farm, and hid in closets down in Florida. Every experience was nothing but smiles- your love was palpable.

I will cherish those moments, as I do with all my fond memories of your family. Keep spreading the love, the laughs, and the smiles- this world cannot get enough.
December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020
Bonnes Fêtes à tous !
J'ai beaucoup pensé à vous pendant les préparatifs de Noël et cette nuit de Noël si particulière pour vous, le 1er Noël sans Julian à vos côtés et avec Julian dans vos cœurs et dans vos pensées, dans mon cœur et dans mes pensées, Julian et sa joie de vivre, vous si beaux et aimants et Bloom qui me fronce les sourcils ! I love you !
December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020
Peace to you Jon, Eugene, Bloom, Jim, Teresa and all of the Knipper Family in 2021 - we are all in need of some peace in our hurting hearts. Love you all, Maureen and Family
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Lay a Flower
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