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September 6, 2023
I met Karen when she opened her restaurant and I ate there every weekday night for many years.   Karen catered a wonderful feast for me when I had business friends from the mainland to my home for Thanksgiving.   She found Opii, and boy did we eat.  Karen and I discussed running our businesses and I enjoyed talking shop with Karen.  I will miss Karen.  Much aloha to Karen's family.   
August 22, 2023
I first met Karen, when she worked at Tommy's Drive-in as a young lady of eighteen. I went in there once or twice a week with My friend King Peterson. His sister worked next door and we would wait there when picking her up after work. Well, I developed a crush on her because of her outgoing personality. Only to find out later that her brother George Murakane was my stepdad. Small world huh? To my misfortune, I never got to spend much time with Karen because of my military career and retiring in Las Vegas with my wife Sharon. We will surely miss her. 

Karen's Kitchen

August 14, 2023
   When I was a kid growing up in Kakaako, I remember going to Fujieki Store on Cooke St (later known as Star Supermarket). There were lots of good things to eat and a family atmosphere that created many return customers.
   Over 50 years later, I found myself going back to the same location and for the same reasons because of Karen's Kitchen. The food was great, with a good selection of local style food, generous portions, and I often saw Karen there to greet her customers. I liked going to Karen's for breakfast and often took home some lunch for my family as well. I will also miss seeing her long time cook, who made the best pancakes, and was a 'one man gang' on Saturdays. Mahalo Karen, for all the years of service to your customers. You will be missed.

Aloha and God Bless,
Wayne Shiohira 

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