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August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
Been going to eat here for the last 15 years. According to their daily menu, I would plan my week out so I could eat lunch there as much as I could. Food was always tasty, affordable and huge! The other week, I was excited to find a reason to eat lunch there only for it to be closed. I was bummed and went to junk Jack In The Box instead. Now I know why. Mahalo aunty and uncle for serving up the grindz all these years! Not too many places can compare. Cheers!
August 2, 2023
August 2, 2023
Despite the passage of time, there is one significant trait that stands out about Karen — her hearty, robust laughter indicative of sincerity and love for people. I will treasure memories of her big heart and generosity as she always welcomed and entertained our family in grand style, at the drop of a hat when her young child invited all of us over and “made” her mom cook for all of us! Never uttering a harsh word, giving the best to all in her presence, and frequently rearranging the furniture to give the house a fresh, new look. My deep condolences to Karen’s family. She will be forever loved. —Stephanie Kawada

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