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December 29, 2023
Dear Karim, We met last in September 2019 when I came to Toronto to attend the TIFF to pitch my film #SongsOfEternalLove to prospective producers, and we promised we will meet soon. Then the pandemic happened and everything changed, and then you never came to India.
We promised each other we will travel to festivals together with our latest film Kuch Sapney Apne like we did for the film #EveningShadowsFilm - what joyous times they were and you were so incredibly supportive - not only with finances, but also helping network, opening your home to me and countless guests.
So many memories we have made together, and I guess I'll live with them.
Hope you are having a good time up there, smiling beautifully and gulping glasses of Prosecco.
Miss you my dear friend. Loads of love and hugs.

Bound Together in Rainbow Colours

April 7, 2023
Karim Ladak was not only a pathleader, but also took everyone along on the various paths that he journeyed as the eponymous Cosmopolitan Nomad - he touched people's lives, inspired so many people, and bound us all together as one big Transcontinental Family.

He was one of the first person I came out to in the late 1990s and we have nurtured a close bond where he was my friend, mentor, family member and also producer to my films. He gave wings to my aspirations & let me fly; and for that I'm eternally grateful to him.

Of the many journeys we shared, my most favourite memories are those of singing impromptu Bollywood songs and dancing on the streets and in cabs in several countries across the world. Will miss you greatly Karim, but your memories remain in my heart forever.

You will also be part of our forthcoming film KUCH SAPNEY APNE (Dreams Such as Ours) since you have contributed immensely with resources and guidance.

Adeiu my dear friend, till we meet again and continue our rainbow hued journeys.
April 6, 2023
Dear Karim,

I didn't know you very well, but you're cousins with my dad. My mom would always tell me about your travels as it seemed like we had a sense of wanderlust and adventure in common. I now wish we spoke more. From a distance, I was inspired by your love of travel, but also your courage and commitment to advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights and visibility, especially within our community over 20 years ago. You were proud and authentic and that is inspirational to this day. We should all live more fully and authentically like you did; it's not always the easiest to do, but you were a wonderful example for the world. Rest peacefully.


Forever in my heart ♥️

April 6, 2023
Dear Karim,
We met shortly after I started in GBS Purchases when you started in Bucharest leaving an unprecedented legacy in further building and strengthening the procurement service line. Already in our first interaction we ‘clicked’. I just loved your bubbly personality, authenticity, can do attitude, optimism, enthusiasm and most of all our friendship.
After we both left P&G, we lost touch physically, but followed each others’ lives virtually. I will miss you my dear friend, but you will never be forgotten - forever in my heart ♥️
Big hug, Alexandra

a long distance friendship

April 6, 2023
It must have been in 2011 when I met Karim, In Bucharest. I was the owner of a European middle management training for IT that we delivered 3 times a year, typically in places where the IT top management had meetings; this way we could have our top management be trainers in the events. In 2011 Bucharest was the venue and we had a great first two days. On the night of day 2 we had a joint dinner with lots of others and I met Karim. And immediately I had a great click with him, he was witty, intelligent, empethatic and truly interested in me and my work. And of course in a company like P&G Karim was not a "typical leader" at all! he was different in every way possible, from how he dressed to how he spoke and I loved every second of it. I also was a gender diversity trainer for Europe and Karim and I found each other there too, we had a very similar passion about diversity and inclusion, in the work place and in life.
A few years later we both left P&G but stayed in touch via social media. I remember how jealous I was about all the travel he did, 2+ new countries per year! And the views from his Toronto condo were amazing!
Before covid we met again in Amsterdam, one of Karims favorite cities. Although we did not see each other for 5 years, it felt like we saw each other the day before. We had a wonderful night, he signed his book for me and we parted ways. 
I think the world has lost a very colorful person, a beacon of joy and peace in a chaotic world. Someone that had the ability to connect with everyone, from young to old, from students to CEOs. 
I wish his family and friends strength to cope with this immense loss.

Remco Brouwer
The Netherlands

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