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June 22, 2019

when Kathy was about 11 or 12 we were living in Key West, Florida and she went downtown to S.H. Kress and stole a tube of lipstick or nail polish (I don't remember which one). When we got home Daddy asked her where she got it and she said she bought it with her allowance but then he asked me if this was true and I couldn't lie to my dad so he drove her back down to the store and marched her into the managers office and made her admit to what she had done. Plus she also lost her allowance for 2 weeks and got spanked. 

Then there was the time when she was 8 and I was 6 and she walked me to my first grade class and after seeing that I got there she went off school grounds to some boy's house to play tether ball all day till it was time to come pick me up and walk me home. this went on for about 3 days till the school called home to find out why she hadn't been in class. She also got a spanking for that. 

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