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March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016
Mom, it's don't seem like it's been 5 years since you left us. I can't begin to tell you how much I miss you every single day. I am wearing your favourite colour today, purple, in your memory. I miss the fun we had, the trips we went on together. I wish you were here. We had some really great talks and I miss that. Until we meet again, I love you with all my heart. From your very loving daughter, Carol xoxoxoxox
August 27, 2015
August 27, 2015
Oh, Mommy I love and miss you, so very much. Everyday, I pray for you in my Heart. It still hurts. I know, it will always hurt, Mommy. But, my tears are always falling as I write this to you. Always remembered, Lovingly. Daughter Bev.xoxo
May 8, 2015
May 8, 2015
Happy Birthday mom. Today would have been your 86th birthday. I remember how sick you were and how you suffered in pain. Now you are in a better place where you are not in pain anymore. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I talk to your picture and remember your strength. When I need strength, I ask you to help me and you always do. When I look at some pictures from the past, some of them make me chuckle. We had many good times, mom. I miss you everyday. I hope you have a good day up in Heaven with your family today and everyday. I will always LOVE you with all my heart and I keep you in my heart always. Love from your loving daughter, Carol
March 3, 2015
March 3, 2015
Mom, its the 4th Anniversary since God took you to be in His Garden. I think of you everyday and how sick you were. And all of your suffering. You suffer no more. As, your pain has gone. Memories of you is with me, I talk to your picture that is near my computer all the time. Of how much I miss and love, so very much. God has a very Special Angel in Heaven, he added. And that's, YOU. I will see you in Heaven, when my time is up. Then, we will be together again. Rest In Peace, Mom. I love you, so very much. Daughter Bev.XOXOXOXO
November 26, 2014
November 26, 2014
Love and miss Mom, so very much. Your Always and Forever in my Heart. I will never forget you, Mom. Daughter Bev.xoxo
May 10, 2014
May 10, 2014
My Angel Mom, My Heart is full of Memories, with pride I speak Your name, Though Life goes on without You, it will never be the same. Its another year, without you for your Special Day. Love and miss you Mom, so very much. Always and Forever in my Heart and Soul. Happy Mother's Day, Mom in Heaven Above. Love You, Mom. Daughter Bev.xoxo
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Happy Birthday, Mom. You would be 85 years old today. I love and miss you, so very much. I always, think of you everyday. Your always on my mind. Every night before, I go to bed. I say "Goodnight my Sweet Mom and I love you and miss you. You are Always and Forever in my Heart. Missing your laughs, jokes and our talks. Till We Meet Again, Mom. Love you with all my Heart and Soul. Forever Loved, Eternally Missed. Love Daughter Bev.xoxo
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Mom, not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You are in my heart all the time. I miss you so much it's more than words can bear. I look at your pictures and it brings tears to my eyes and a few laughs. I feel you here with me and you have given me the strength for the woman I have become. May you rest in Peace, mom and be happy with your loved ones that are with you in Heaven. Happy Birthday Mom. I love you so very much, Daughter Carol xoxoxoxo
March 3, 2014
March 3, 2014
My Dearest Mom, its 3 years today that you have left to be a Special Angel in Heaven. You are Always and Forever in my Heart. I miss you, so very much.Everyday and always on my mind. I miss our talks, laughs. I always remember all the good memories, we had together. It hurts, so much that your gone. But, one day we will be together again, when my time is up. WE WILL MEET, AGAIN. I LOVE YOU, MOM. Your Loving Daughter Bev.xoxo
March 3, 2014
March 3, 2014
Good morning mom,
You are the highlight of my day
For you I will pray
That you are at peace without the pain
Looking at the sun and the rain
You are the light of my life
You will be throughout my life
I miss you more every day
I wish that you could have stayed
But the Lord called upon you to go
I am watching you down here below.
I love you mom and miss you so very much. It saddens me to know that you are gone. I will see you in Heaven when my time on earth is up. We will continue our happy life where we left off. I love you mom and will burn a candle for you on this day in your loving memory. Daughter Carol
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
Well, mom another Christmas without you. I think about you everyday and I miss you so very much. I cherish the times that you let me know that you are still with me. I think about how much fun we had together. May you rest in peace with your family that has been waiting for you and your son, Donnie that has joined you Dec 21, 2012. I love you both very much and have you both in my thoughts. Love Daughter Carol
May 12, 2013
May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I had the best Mom in the world. And, its not right without you being here. God Bless you Mom. Love and miss you so very much. Love you with all my heart and soul. You are in God's hands in Heaven. I Love You always and Forever in my heart. Forever Loved, Eternally Missed. Your Loving Daughter Bev.XOXOXOXOXOXO"
May 8, 2013
May 8, 2013
"Happy 84th Birthday, Mom." Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday,Unseen, unheard,but always near. Still loved, still missed. Days will pass and turn into years...But I will remember you with Silent tears. Remembering you, Always and Forever in my heart, Mom. Theres not a day that goes by without thinking of my wonderful Mom. Daughter Bev.xoxo"
May 8, 2013
May 8, 2013
Happy Birthday, Mom. I miss and love you so much. Your loving daughter, Susan xoxo
May 8, 2013
May 8, 2013
Happy 84th Birthday Mom. I think about you everyday. I miss you so much and wish you were still here. Nothing can replace a mother. You had so much more to see in this world, but the Lord chose to take you to Heaven. I know the Angels are with you and watching over you. You are in good hands in Heaven Mom. Till we meet again, I LOVE YOU ALWAYS. Daughter Carol and Son in law Kevin. XOXOXXO
April 15, 2013
April 15, 2013
Theres a special Angel in Heaven that is a part of me,
Its not where I wanted my Mom to be but God wanted her to be.
So send this special message to Heaven up above. Please take care of my Mom God and send her all my love.
March 3, 2013
March 3, 2013
My dear mother whom I miss so very much. I think of you every day and about how sick you were and the suffering. You suffer no more. The day that I can be joined with you will be a day of joy. We can have fun again in our new life together. Donnie has joined you now and I am glad you have more company. I love you always and I miss you more than you can imagine. Love daughter Carol
March 3, 2013
March 3, 2013
"In Loving Memory of Kathleen King. May 8, 1929-March 3, 2011"
Mom its, 2 years now, that you have left us. We miss & love you, more than ever, everyday.  Your absence is missed, always & forever.
Love Daughter Bev, Michelle, Chris, David, Michael & Autumn.xoxo
January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013
My Dear Sister has been here with us all in spirits & our thoughts of her wil NEVER be forgotten, Love You Kay very much.xxoo.
December 22, 2012
December 22, 2012
Christmas will soon be here, Mom. Another year, without you being able to celebrate with us. But, you will be here with us in Spirit. Thoughts of you, is always in my heart, Mom.
Miss & Love You, Always & Forever Lovingly.
Merry Christmas, Mom.
Daughter Bev.xoxo
July 19, 2012
July 19, 2012
Mommy, I miss you & love you, so very much. You are in my thoughts & prayers, all the time. I miss, our talks, laughs & just being together. Remembering you always, Mommy. Love you.
Daughter Bev.xoxo
May 13, 2012
May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Love & miss you, very much on your special day. First year, I'm not spending this day with you. Your always in my heart, thoughts, prayers. Always & forever. I love you, Mom. God Bless, you.
Daughter Bev.:)xoxo
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
Your are forever in our hearts.When God came to get you.He added a very special angel in Heaven.I wish there was a staircase so I could climb them to give you one more hug.Happy Birthday,Mom.I miss you and love you so much.Daughter Susan xoxo
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
Happy "83rd" Birthday, Mom. You are in my thoughts, prayers & dreams always. Always in my heart. Lovingly & missed, you very much. Especially, on your Birthday & holidays that we always spent together It hurts, so very much without you. Your a very Special lady, Mom.
Love, Daughter Bev.xoxo
April 12, 2012
April 12, 2012
In Memory Of Kathleen King. May 8, 1929-March 3, 2011.
Everyday in some small way
Memories of you come our way;
Though absent, you are ever near,
Still missed, loved always my Mother dear.
No more pain, you are at peace. Daughter Bev.xoxo
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