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Her Life

Kathryn Scot Marshall 2001 ~ 2017

May 16, 2017

Kathryn Scot Marshall, passed away on Friday, May 12, 2017 from natural causes. Kate was born October 17, 2001. She was a busy kid, always wanting to be in the middle of the action. She enjoyed baking in the kitchen with her mom and bouncing on the trampoline. She learned to ski when she was 4 on the slopes of Bogus Basin. She couldn't wait until the snow would fly so she could be back on the slopes. As she got older, the runs became steeper. It got to the point that the runs weren't fun anymore and she ventured off into the trees for the powder, bumps and jumps.

When Kate turned 8, she was signed up for softball. She played softball every spring until she joined the Boise Blast team at age 10. Her love for fastpitch softball grew and grew. She made varsity as a freshman at Rocky Mountain High School and worked her way into the starting lineup.

Between softball and skiing Kate didn't have much down time. When she did have down time, she enjoyed spending time with her family. She looked forward to family functions, the bigger the better. She also enjoyed spending time with her friends. She loved holidays, she even put up lights for Halloween. The more lights the better. She always wanted to drive around during the holidays to look at the lights.

The outreach from the community has been overwhelming. The family would like to thank everyone for their love and support.

A memorial service will be held Wednesday, May 24th, at Settlers Park in Meridian, Idaho, at 2pm on softball field 8. In lieu of flowers or gifts, donations can be made in her honor at any US Bank just reference Kate Marshall. All proceeds will be given to organizations that touched Kate's heart.