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This memorial website was created in the memory of our much loved & deeply missed family member Katy Boldyrew who came into the world on December 26, 1923 and passed away on March 16, 2011. We all will remember her forever in our hearts and memory as she sleeps peacefully awaiting the fulfilment of the promise of the day of resurrection as recorded at John5:28-29."Do not marvel at this,because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out,those who did good things to a resurrection of life,and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgement''.(New World Translation). I would like to encourage all who visit this memorial to take a moment & visit the webpage as I am sure you will be able to benefit from the vast & extensive content available for all the family.

August 16
August 16
Well another month gone & here it is 16th August 2024 so we know that it is time for the note of remembrance from all the family for our dearly loved & sadly missed family members who passed so many years ago. We will always remember them until we all meet again in the not to distant future.
July 16
My here I am again that month has certainly went quick only seemed like I was here just yesterday. Well as it is the 16th July 2024 I will leave another note in remembrance for our dearly missed mum & also our dad who also has left us & is also dearly missed by all of the family. I also would like to say that not a moment goes by that they are not thought of.
June 16
Well how time gets away the older one comes to be. Here it is the 16/06/2024 half way through the year. I will be back to complete this later
May 16
Well here I am to do the usual seeing that it is the 16th May 2024 to leave this note of remembrance on behalf of all the family for our dearly missed & much loved mum who left us back on the 16th March 2011.
April 16
April 16
Hi, well here we are again seeing it is the 16th April 2024 to spend a moment or so to reflect on the wonderful memories that we have of our loved family members that are no longer here with us & whom we all miss immensely & long to see them again in the not to distant future when our loved will be ressurected as foretold by our Almighty God & Loving Heavenly Father Jehovah. So I leave these words of remembrance from all the family.
March 16
March 16
Well another month has past since I was here last. Yeah I will make this tribute for & on behalf of all of us to always remember & never to forget our 2 members that have left us for a well deserved rest till we be together in the not to distant future.
February 16
February 16
Hello to you all who have visited or are visiting this memorial for our mum & our dad who passed away 1year & 1month ago on the 23rd of this month February. So that being said I am leaving another note of remembrance for our mum on this 16th day of February 2024 & also for our much missed & loved dad on behalf of all the family & friends.
January 16
January 16
Well here it is the 16th of January 2024 would you believe it? The answer is it certainly is & my how quickly 2023 went by.I better get on with saying that I am here again after another month to mention how much the family deeply misses not only my mum but also my dad who left us peacefully on the 23rd of January 2023. I certainly believe that I will see them both again in the not-too-distant future when they are resurrected as Our Eternal Father & Grand Creator has promised in his word THe Bible. On behalf of all the family, I leave this note of remembrance to the both of them.
December 16, 2023
December 16, 2023
Well, here it is 16th December 2023 meaning another month has passed since my last visit here. Once again I am here to pause for a moment to ponder over all the wonderful memories I have of not only my mum but also my dad as he slipped away peacefully almost a year ago on the 21st of January 2023 for a well-deserved rest. So I now leave another note of remembrance for them both from all the families that miss them both immensely.
November 16, 2023
November 16, 2023
I do not believe it, another month has so quickly passed by. So on this day the 16th of November 2023 I have come as I have so many times before to spend a little time to reflect on the memories I have of my wonderful mum that no one can take away from me. I want to leave this time of remembrance from all of us for our much loved & sadly missed family member.
October 16, 2023
October 16, 2023
Here I am visiting my mum's memorial on this 16th day of October 2023 to take a few moments to ponder over all the memories that I have been so blessed to have of such a one-of-a-kind mother. I for one will never forget remembering & thinking of her each & every day. I am sure all the rest of the family feel exactly the same.
September 16, 2023
September 16, 2023
Hello to all on this beautiful Spring Day 16/09/2023. Well seeing it being this date it means it is the time to pause for a moment to meditate on the wonderful memories that all the family & myself of our dearly missed family member my mum who passed away back on 16/03/2011. As my usual custom, I leave this token of remembrance on behalf of us all to our missing member,
August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
Hi everyone I finally made it here on time as somehow I was a day late 2 times in a row. This year is flying past as we are halfway through the 8th month. Well, once again I ponder over all the beautiful memories I have of my one-of-a-kind mum who left our family ever so peacefully back on 16/03/2011. So as is my custom I leave this tribute of remembrance from us all that are still here for our much loved mum.
July 17, 2023
July 17, 2023
Well, another month has somehow whizzed by & caught me by surprise making me miss the 16th of July as it now is the 17th of July. I will be back to complete this shortly.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Here I am a day late to remember my mums passing on 16/03/2011 & I am a bit disappointed about that, but I suppose better late than never. I hope this will not happen again.
May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023
Here I am to ponder & reflect on the memories that I have of my much-loved & greatly missed mum who left the family ever so peacefully back on the 16th of March 2011. So with that said I will conclude by leaving this acknowledgment of remembrance for our loved one on behalf of all the family on this day 16th May 2023.
April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023
Here I am to jot down another tribute from all the family to say we miss Katie so much & long to see her again in the not-too-distant future when she will be resurrected along with countless others to enjoy living for a time indefinitely. So I leave this note on this day 16/04/2023 till the next time.
March 16, 2023
March 16, 2023
How amazing is time as another month somehow has been & vanished as if it was only yesterday? So as you all are aware it is 16/03/2023 the day that we the family pause & remember our missing family member Katy whom we shall never forget her for all eternity. We also have lost another family member, my Dad Michail Boldyrew who passed away peacefully on 23/01/2023 at age 97. So we will always also remember him for all eternity until the Great Day Of The Resurrection.
January 16, 2023
January 16, 2023
Would you believe it here I am to pause for a bit to remember my dearest mum who accomplished so much in the time she was here before peacefully leaving us back on the 16/03/2011. I would now leave another note of remembrance on behalf of all the family.
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
Here I am & a day late for leaving a tribute & remembering my mum on 16/12/22. Well with that said I will leave this note as a tribute on behalf of us all for our much loved & greatly missed family member Kate my mum.
November 16, 2022
November 16, 2022
Well, here I am on a not-so-bad day on 16/11/2022 to ponder over once again the beautiful memories that I have been so blessed to have of my dear mum who left us all ever so peacefully back on 16/03/2011. I myself have firm faith that there will be a resurrection of our loved ones to have the opportunity to live forever here on earth in perfect conditions as foretold in the Bible,
October 16, 2022
October 16, 2022
Today is a beautiful day for the 16th of October 22. I am here to leave another note of remembrance on behalf of all of Kate's family & of cause myself as well on this special day 16/10/2022.
September 16, 2022
September 16, 2022
My goodness time seems to become faster & faster the older we all become. Well, not much we can or can not do about it just have to keep going & take one day @ a time. I now would like to take a moment to once again remember our family member Kate who left ever so peacefully back on 16/03/2011. We all miss her so very much & wish she was still here. So on behalf of all of us, I leave this note of remembrance for Kate.
August 16, 2022
August 16, 2022
My goodness, how time is absolutely flying by at such an astonishing speed. It only seems like I was last here yesterday, but it has been another month. So with that said I will leave another note of remembrance on behalf of all the family & myself to our dearly missed & much-loved family member who left us ever so quietly back on 16/03/2011 & is never to be forgotten.
July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022
Here it is the 16/07/2022 & so I leave yet another note of remembrance for & on behalf of all the family & myself that our family member that is so dearly missed will always be in our hearts for all eternity.
June 16, 2022
June 16, 2022
Well another month has come & gone so quickly which is good in away as it means we are that bit closer to the end of this terrible & wicked system of things. That being said I"ll get on with taking a moment to remember all the time I have had with my wonderful mum right up to the time of her passing. Now I would like to leave another note of remembrance on behalf of all the family to our dearly & much loved Kate.
May 16, 2022
May 16, 2022
How time is flying by as here I am again to remember & to leave another tribute for & on behalf of all the family on this 16th Day of May 2022 for our family member who left us ever so peacefully back on the 16/03/2011.
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
Hi all here I am to leave another note of remembrance seeing that today is the 16/04/2022 marking another month gone by. As usual, I leave this tribute for & on behalf of all the family & myself.
March 16, 2022
March 16, 2022
Well here we are after another month come & gone ever so quickly.So without further to do I would like to leave another tribute of remmembrance on this 16/03/2022 on behalf of all the family & myself that we all miss & treasure those beautiful memories of our family member who has now been away from us 10 years exactly today.
February 16, 2022
February 16, 2022
Hi everyone here I am to place another note of remembrance on this day 16/02/2022 on behalf of all the family for our much loved & greatly missed family member i.e my mum who fell asleep ever so peacefully on the 16/03/2011.We all long for the day when we all be together in the New World where will be an abundace of peace with 1 ruler over all mankind for all eternity that being Our Heavenly Father Jehovah God.
January 16, 2022
January 16, 2022
Well everyone here it is the 16/01/2022 another month has again gone by just like a bullet. As I type this tribute of remembrance I can not stop thinking that it will be 11 years in a couple of months on the 16/03/2022 since my dearly loved mum has passed away. So on this monthly tribute I leave here not only for myself but for all the family noting that we all miss & love her so much.
December 16, 2021
December 16, 2021
Well here it is the 16/12/21 another month has passed by ever so quickly since I was last here. There isn"t a day that I don"t think about my much missed mum who passed away back on the 16/03/2011. So i leave another note of remembrance for my dear mum on behalf of all the family till next time.
November 16, 2021
November 16, 2021
Hi everyone it is that time again to pause for a moment or two to remember our dear family member Katy who sadly passed away so peacefully back on the 16/03/2011 with me by her bedside.I know she would be so appreciative for my setting up this beautiful memorial place where I & others may come to pay a tribute of remembrance to my mum Katy.As always I leave this note of remembrance on behalf of all of us.
October 16, 2021
October 16, 2021
Well here I am again seeing another month has so quickly went by.Today is such a beautiful day on this the 16/10/2021 to be writing this tribute for our much loved & greatly missed family member who passed away on the 16/03/2011.
September 16, 2021
September 16, 2021
Well everyone it is that time once again another month gone by since I was here. As I have mentioned before no matter how much time goes by you still love & immensely miss your loved one that is no longer here. All the family join me in leaving another tribute of remembrance of our much loved family member who passed away back on the 16/03/2011.
August 16, 2021
August 16, 2021
Well it is that time again seeing that it is the 16/08/2021 meaning another month has gone bye.As I have mentioned before no matter how much time has passed since the passing of our much loved family member we that are left still & always will not ever forget her & have her in our thoughts constantly.I would now leave this tribute of remembrance on behalf of all the family & myself.
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
Well that month went quick it only seemed like yesterday I was here.On behalf of all the family & of course myself also another tribute of remembrance for our dearly missed member of our family who left us for a well deserved rest & awaiting that day of the resurrection in the very near future as promised by our grand creator.
June 16, 2021
June 16, 2021
Well it is that time again to leave another note of remembrance for our very much loved & very much missed family member Katy. Will be back later to add more. 
May 16, 2021
May 16, 2021
Well here it is 16/05/2021 another month has ever so quickly gone by since I was here typing up a remembrance tribute on behalf of all the family for our immensely missed & much loved family member. We all miss her presence & also I must say all the out of this world home cooked meals that she so much loved doing. So with that said I leave this tribute from us all till next month,
April 16, 2021
April 16, 2021
Well here it is the 16th April 2021 four & a half months gone of this year.As always I am here to remember the wonderful memories of my dearly & deeply missed mum & family member of the rest of the family.I take this moment now to leave this another tribute of remembrance on behalf of all the family that our dearest family member will always be remembered & never fogotten.
March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021
I am here once again seeing that it is the 16/03/2021 being 10 years exactly to the day my dear mum sadly but peacefully passed away.So on behalf of the family & yours truly this tribute that our much loved & sadly missed family member is always remembered not only today but each & every day till we reunite in the new system of things in the very near future.
February 16, 2021
February 16, 2021
Well here we are another month since my last note of remembrance on behalf of all the family on this 16th day of February 2021.No matter how much time has passed we all still miss & would love so much to have her back where she belongs with those she dearly loves.So with this said I will leave it there till next time.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Well here it is the 16/01/2021 halfway through the first month of the new year. In 2 months from today will be 10 years since my mum passed away. I am leaving another note of remembrance for my much missed & loved mum on behalf of all of us till next time.
December 16, 2020
December 16, 2020
Well as we draw close to the end of 2020 & start of the beginning of another new year 2021.As for myself I just don"t know where this year has gone.I would like to take a moment or too to pause & just think about how wonderful it is going to be when we will be together as family in the new world that our loving heavenly farther is going to bring about in the very future.So now I would like to leave this note of remembrance on behalf of all the family for our dearly loved & missed family member my mum on this day 16/12/2020.
November 16, 2020
November 16, 2020
Here it is the 16/11/2020 being another month since the last tribute I left for all of the family in remembrance of our dearly & much loved family member. As for me I have complete faith & no doubt that I will see my mum in the not to distant future when she along with the others that have fallen asleep in death to a resurrection of ever lasting life in the paradise new world as assured by our heavenly father & god Jehovah. Now with that being said I once again leave this anther note of remembrance till the next month for us all. 
October 16, 2020
October 16, 2020
Well here it is Friday 16/10/2020 & it is quite a beautiful day so far. As it has been a month since I was last here it is time to leave another note of remembrance on behalf of all of the family & myself for our much loved & dearly missed family member.
September 16, 2020
September 16, 2020
Hello everyone another month has been & gone.I will be back later to complete this tribute.
August 16, 2020
August 16, 2020
Well here it is the 16/08/2020 marking another month has passed by since the last time I was here to leave a tribute on behalf of all the family.We all miss not having our much loved family member here with us.I take this opportunity to once again leave this tribute of remembrance on behalf of us all for our much loved family member.
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
Well here I'm back again as it is 16/07/2020 to leave another tribute on behalf of all the family in remembrance of our sadly & much loved family member who passed back on the 16/03/2011.
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August 16
August 16
Well another month gone & here it is 16th August 2024 so we know that it is time for the note of remembrance from all the family for our dearly loved & sadly missed family members who passed so many years ago. We will always remember them until we all meet again in the not to distant future.
July 16
My here I am again that month has certainly went quick only seemed like I was here just yesterday. Well as it is the 16th July 2024 I will leave another note in remembrance for our dearly missed mum & also our dad who also has left us & is also dearly missed by all of the family. I also would like to say that not a moment goes by that they are not thought of.
June 16
Well how time gets away the older one comes to be. Here it is the 16/06/2024 half way through the year. I will be back to complete this later
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