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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved daddy, brother, uncle, teacher and friend, Prof. Kayode Adetugbo. We will remember him forever.
August 5
August 5
Professor 'Kayode Adetugbo my 'uncle', was the younger brother of my father's close friend and neighbour Professor Abiodun Adetugbo of blessed memory at University of Lagos. This closeness to our family was transferred and inherited by uncle. In 1984 i had the opportunity during the long vacation of spending some time in Ile-Ife with Professor ’Kayode Adetugbo and after admission into the Obafemi Awolowo University which he facilitated I stayed with him for a few weeks before settling into the student's accommodation. When I was rusticated because of my alleged role during the 'Anglo must go' crises at the University, it was to him I ran to for advice. Later on when he moved to Nottingham in the UK we became neighbours and he was at the christening of my 2nd daughter. He also joined our Christian fellowship, the Overseas Fellowship of Nigerian Christians. In the irony of life i was to become his landlord in one of the properties I managed and co-owned. He was open, affable and very approachable, he would spend hours discussing with me and explaining the nuances of various Marxian texts, University politics and life generally, his mind was exceptional in its brilliance and ability to break down concepts. He will be missed and my thoughts go to the entire family praying his memory will continue to be a blessing.
February 26
February 26
I join thousands of others to Celebrate the life, times and Legacy of Professor Kayode Adetugbo.
My first memories of Prof date back to over 4 decades ago.
Uncle kayode as we called him then, was a very good friend and comrade of my dad Prof Omotoye Olorode. My dad loved him dearly and highly respected him.
Uncle kayode later became my teacher in Medical school.
He was simple, open minded, unassuming, soft spoken, sharp and approachable.
He was deeply conscious of social justice and contributed in no small way to the progress of the Ife Branch of ASUU of which he was once President.
I always knew from my interaction with him as a child that he was superlatively intelligent but my perspective changed when he became my professor in Medical School.
He was a deeply dedicated teacher, seasoned scientist and extraordinary researcher.
Somehow he always reminded me of Albert Einstein. It was not surprising to learn that he did a lot of groundbreaking research alongside some nobel laureates in the 1970s.
Prof you have done your part and your legacy endures. I pray that your dear soul will now rest in peace.
I pray that God comforts the entire family and that Professor Kayode Adetugbos Memory will always be a blessing ( Amen).
February 24
February 24
Dear Alero,

I am so sorry for your incredible loss. I will always remember spending time with your Dad in Kinshasa. He had so many incredible stories and I enjoyed talking to him about politics. His activist soul still sang out. I’m so happy that we all got to spend Christmas of 2021 together and make memories by bringing all of different traditions together. Your Dad also had an amazing sense of humor and an infectious smile (like you!) It was so obvious how much he adored and was so proud of you and Temi. I’m so lucky I got to meet him.

With love,
February 22
February 22
It's now real the assertion of William Shakespeare that... "all the world's a stage, and all men and women mere actors... with their exit and their entrances..". Prof Kayode Adetugbo my teacher,our teacher had his own stint and left the stage at his own appointed time of loud ovation.
He came to the University of Ife, young, ebullient, simple, unassuming, and calm and as an achiever. With the American background of an academic, he handled his assigned job of teaching and demonstration with calculated simplicity.
Though you're no more, your peculiar reassuring smile which always put medical students' minds at rest lingers. Adieu! Au Revoir!! Good bye!!!
February 22
February 22
Dr. Adetugbo was my capstone project supervisor when I was in University of Ife medical school in 1976-78. It did not take long before I found out I had selected a genius in Dr. Adetugbo. He was extremely patient and thought me how to troubleshoot the many challenges I encountered in my research project, rather than merely spoon feeding me. Needles to say, Dr. Adedugbo instilled in me the scientific curiosity that had served me all through my career. We also grew close during those years. I mourn Dr. Adetugbo’s passing and pray that God grant his family solace and fortitude. Henry Akinbi, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
February 22
February 22
professor Kayode Adetugbo's passing was a great loss to the IFE Academic Circle and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria. He was an accomplished and highly respected foundation Provost of the College of Health Sciences, at Obafemi Awolowo University.

An honest, and committed Nationalist. We lost a Great Mind. We lost a Nigerian. May his soul continue to rest in peace. Ameen.
Muheez A. Durosinmi
17th Feb 2024
February 22
February 22
Our sincere condolence to the Adetugbo family. As you mourn Professor Kayode Adetugbo’s death we pray that God will strengthen you through this difficult time. Professor Adetugbo was affable, thoughtful and unassuming. He was easy to talk to and always made you feel welcome in his presence. You will always learn something new every time you talk to him. He will be missed and may his soul rest in perfect peace.
The Taylor Family
February 21
February 21
We would like to pay tribute to a great uncle and caring and loving younger brother.
He was born to the family of a UAC agent, trader and salesman and his homemaker and seamstress wife Late Pa Adeyeye and Ma Ughafulade Adetugbo in the sleepy settlement of Otopuru near Okitipupa.
They were very devoted Christians and brought up their four surviving children with strict Christian discipline and love which was to stand all of them in good stead in their latter lives.
Kayode was the youngest of the children and was exceptionally brilliant and engaging.
In his youth he was very focused, diligent and compassionate loyal to his friends and family and literarily could take a bullet for any one of them.
I met Uncle Kayode the first time in 1973 when he came to pick us in London for a trip to Oxford to visit the Iluyomades, he was graceful, and nice, he treated us to culinary delights any pre-teen would savor for a long time. He later visited us in Ife a year later accompanied by his friend, that two weeks or so they spent with us is still etched in my memory 50 odd years after.
He eventually moved back to Nigeria and took residence in Ife, he visited a few times in school at Government College which incidentally was his alma mater accompanied by Mom and taught her how to pay a “gate” fee as he called it to me anytime they came calling.
I cannot forget how he and his friend Wolde Ab Yisak help me settle in into Awolowo hall in those early confused days when I started at the University in 1978.
He was do this for my other siblings and several children of his friends who came to the university, provide or help them with accommodation where he could, give advice on academics and personal problems, he even made his lab and office to me and others for reading during exams.
In 1979 when mummy was involved in a ghastly accident which resulted in multiple fractures of her left femur, after months at UBTH she still hadn’t been able to walk, he got her to Ife and supervised her physiotherapy recovery program and process and after a couple of moths she was back on her feet again.
I could go on and on, but I will capture his essence in a few words- Firm, very brilliant, compassionate, engaging, loyal, loving.
He was a good man.
For his loved ones he left behind Alero, Temi your Dad has left a great legacy of hard work, compassion, love, we know these would stand you in good stead and you plough through the vagaries of life.

May his gentle soul rest in peace.

He would be sorely missed.

February 21
February 21
Our beloved Kayode,
Since we learnt of your demise a few days ago,it has become tortuous to come to terms with the reality.But GOD knows best!!!
We are grateful to GOD that some years back  ,during my I visits to you in hospital 
we had cheerful and prayerful times together.

I am also also appreciative that -by all accounts -your academic and professional attainments in Nigeria ,the United States and the United Kingdom were monumental and impressively characterised by your selflessness and humility.

Inter alia, you will be remembered for the laudable principles from which you never veered, and that you confronted some of life’s challenges with admirable stoicism.

At this critical and sad time, our thoughts and fervent prayers remain with Alero,Eyitemi,auntie Phebean,auntie Folu(mama Wale) and all other members of the nuclear and extended Adetugbo family.

May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace-in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Amen Amen and Amen.

( Dr.Emmanuel Oluwasegun Akinluyi)
February 21
February 21
Kayode worked with me here at the University of Nottingham from 1998 to 2000 as the Cochrane Skin Group Co-ordinator. We got on really well - a kind, wise man that I have never forgotten. I thank God for allowing our paths to cross. May the Lord comfort his family.
February 21
February 21
Dear Temi and Alero,

I've been thinking about your dad and the wonderful legacy he left through you. His intellectual curiosity, humor, and that signature Adetugbo cheeky smile are vividly alive in both of you. It was always clear to me how proud he is of the kind, strong, and thoughtful people you are.

Keeping you and your dad in my heart. With so much love.

February 21
February 21
It is hard to come to terms with the passing of my dear Uncle Kayode. Those summer holidays spent with him in Ife were some of the happiest times of my childhood. I can still smell the chlorine from the staff club pool as he would take us swimming in the afternoons and have fun together all day. And oh, how I loved when he would make me spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. It is sad just reminiscing on those times.
Uncle Kayode was always there for me with a willing ear and helping hand. He was the anchor and backbone of our entire family. I admired him greatly for his unwavering strength of character and conviction. He never backed down from standing up for what he believed in. I respected and looked up to him so much.
Beyond his loyalty to family, he had the kindest soul. He treated everyone with such compassion. Political debates with him were always lively, as we shared a similar cynicism about the world. But it was in those talks that I learned the most from him.
Now that he's gone, I especially feel bad that I could not have more time with him. You will be in my heart forever. Rest in peace.  
February 20
February 20
Your death was sudden and shocking to us, but to your maker, it was time to return home. To Him alone be all the glory.
Job 14:5 Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass,
Thank God for a life well spent, your good memories will remain ever green in our hearts. You were a man with a good and large heart, you wanted the best for everyone around you.
We rejoice and celebrate you because our Lord Jesus Christ took over your battle and defeated death on your behalf, therefore we are consoled by our belief that you have gone to rest with the Lord, your creator.
1 Thes 4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.  14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
Uncle Kayode, sun re o!
We shall meet at the feet of Jesus Christ in His eternal kingdom.
Rest in peace.
Pastor Kolawole Adetugbo for the Ayodele Adetugbo family

February 20
February 20

You are gone, but you will never be forgotten. The memories of moments spent with you will live with me forever.
I remember the coffees collection in your house at Essex, which I admired. You told me two things that I can't ever find in your house : Sugar and Milk. And it was exactly so. I remember the outing at Nandos, the reception you gave me and my husband and the little gift I still treasure so much. I remember your kind words to me. I enjoyed every bit of our stay with you.
You were such a wonderful soul.
May your soul rest in perfect peace.

From Mrs Adetugbo Yemisi (Kola's Wife)
Dr. Mrs J. Thomas
February 20
February 20
According to William Shakespeare, " When beggars die, there are comets seen. The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of Prince's.” Prof.Kayode Adetugbo blue prints of who he was and what he always stood firmly for can, and will never be forgotten especially for those who had the opportunity of crossing his path at O.A.U. Ile - Ife. It was with shock when the phone call came through to hear of your passing away into glory. To my dear Anita and the children, may the Lord comfort and uphold you with fortitude to bear this loss. Thus said the Lord: I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. John11:25-26. Sleep on Prof Kayode Adetugbo and enternal rest grant him o Lord.    

Dr. Mrs J. Thomas.
February 19
February 19
Dear Anita,

This is to commiserate with you, Eyitemi and Alero on the passing on of Prof. Kayode Adetugbo. He was my teacher in medical school and still have fond memories of him...a young man who tried to impart knowledge on us...rookie medical students. He was intelligent, sharp as razor, gave lectures extemporaneously covering the basics in Immunology. We admired his style of teaching and many other things. He was a simple and great man who in addition was an activist who abhorred ineptitude in high office.

He has finally gone to rest. May his dear soul rest in peace and may God take care of you, Eyitemi and Alero. Amen.


Tony & Laide Akintomide.
February 19
February 19
So so sad, the icons are quitting the stage one after the other. Professor Adetugbo made learning easy and fun. From Cell Biology to Immunology, Prof. A. was efficiently effective in passing down knowledge. One never knew when he was happy, not too happy or outrightly sad or annoyed because he had trained his face to not express emotions. Every encounter with Prof. A was an experience of immense value. He talked in whispers that were penetrating and clear, whispers that carried the voice further than thunder; whispers of knowledge; whispers of encouragement and whispers communicating hope - Golden whispers!
May the soul of Prof. Adetugbo and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. May God grant his family members the fortitude to bear the loss. Amen

Joseph Asonye Nnorom
1977 Entry Class Set
February 19
February 19
Elizabeth Fajemirokun
It was indeed with great sadness, that I learnt of the passing of one of the teachers I had in medical school that I held in great esteem Professor Kayode Adetugbo who was an intelligent and highly disciplined gentleman.
Prof taught me Immunology and Molecular Biology some 45 years ago two subjects which became the foundation of my postgraduate medical education in later life.
Looking back now, he did so, with the outermost humility, professionalism, passion and maturity, that one would have thought he was much older then.
Looking at the picture gallery, i am pleased to see that he had a great family life and his wife and children gave him so much joy even as he gave us his students and protégés joy in the subject he taught us.
May his soul find eternal rest and may God fill the great void created, in the lives of his immediate and extended family and his friends. - Dr Elizabeth Adetokunbo Fajemirokun ( Akinde) - UNIFE. 1977 - 1985.

February 19
February 19
It was sad to hear about the passing away of Professor Kayode Adetugbo. A brilliant and intelligent academician. Our path crossed in 1977 when my cousin, Professor Tunde Fatunla of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ife then, helped me to secure Prof. Kayode Adetugbo's boys quarter for my accommodation as a student for 2 academic sessions till 1979. He was a Professor who never bothered his tenants, talk less of even recognising them. He was very young then and had achieved a lot in Molecular Biology then and touted as the first African Professor of Molecular Biology/ Immunology. Thanks for given us the chance of a university accommodation for 2 years free of charge. Your cousin, Kolawole Adetugbo, who incidentally, was my secondary school classmate, kept me updated about your subsequent achievements in the medical and academic world. May your kbd soul rest in perfect peace. Amen. Adieu Professor Kayode Adetugbo. Ranti Omole. UNIFE 1976-80.
February 18
February 18
It’s indeed sad to hear of Prof’s passing. A real gentleman. Humble with no airs about him. Easily approachable. When he spoke, it was with quiet authority. His voice was gentle. His laugh was infectious. I loved hearing his anecdotes when he came visiting both at home in Ife and when he came to see us in Ashford.
Thank you for sharing those pictures and I pray that you all can celebrate his life and his achievements. I pray that your tears are mixed with pride and joy at who he was and what he achieved.
Adieu Sir. Rest in peace.
February 18
February 18
Commiserations to Anita, Alero, Temi and the entire family on the sad death of Prof Adetugbo.
He was a gentleman and he was a great teacher.
May his soul rest in perfect peace in Jesus' name.
May his legacy and the loving memories of times spent together keep you going.
All best wishes
Dr Sade Shobowale
February 18
February 18
Tribute to my friend, Prof. Kayode Adetugbo

Kayode, you and I met over forty years ago while you were lecturing at OAU, Ile-Ife. We became close family friends. I even served as your Deputy Provost in the days of experimental College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in the early 90s. We kept in touch after you left Ife and it was great to remain in constant touch with you in the last few years before your demise. We exchanged visits both in Nigeria and in the UK.
You were well respected on the OAU campus for your high intellectual sagacity, your candor, your honesty as well as your wealth of knowledge on various matters from science to politics coupled with your gentle philosophical approach to matters of discussion. Your contributions at meetings in both academic and union levels were very insightful and enlightening. You were humble and easily approachable. You treated everyone who came across you with respect regardless of their status.
You were an activist who exhibited a great sense of patriotism in all you did.
You were an exemplary family man who doled on your two daughters, Alero and Eyitemi.
Our condolences go to his wife, Anita, his daughters and the entire family.
You have ended your journey of life well leaving several laudable legacies in the sands of time.
May your sweet soul rest in perfect peace.

Emeritus Professor Festus Adio Ogunbona
February 18
February 18
Prof Adetugbo taught us cell biology and immunology in medical school with a passion and dedication that was palpable and many phrases and examples that we all still recall with a great deal of clarity - "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". His use of political figures as metaphors to explain transplant rejection ensured that we would at least have an understanding of the subject. A brilliant, highly cerebral scholar who was many years ahead of his time. We his students acknowledged his brilliance but did not know how privileged we were to have been taught by him. May God comfort his family and grant him eternal rest.

February 18
February 18
Our dear brother and friend, we will miss your friendly chat and conversations. You were always down to earth as well as friendly while discussing on any issues. You visited us in Ashford Kent sometime ago when we were on holiday in Britain and we cherished the gesture and the time spent with us. I had known you to be a loving husband, a kind father to the two lovely daughters whom you doled upon always. You came, you saw and you conquered in all your endeavours. We will miss you, Prof. Rest in perfect peace until we meet again at the feet of our saviour.
Mrs. Adetola Ogunbona

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
February 18
February 18
May his beautiful soul Rest in Perfect Peace Amen. He was a great teacher.
February 17
February 17
We were discussing him on our WhatsApp group and everyone regarded Professor Adetugbo in awe. He impacted all our lives with his massive knowledge and we are very grateful for this. Looking through the picture galleries, I can also see his dedication to his family. We extend our condolences to them. May God strengthen you all and give you divine grace at this solemn period. Adieu to a great man. Thank you for all you have done. You will forever be our teacher and our mentor 

Babatunde Adetunji MD
President: IfeMed Alumni USA
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
May his soul rest in peace. Yes Debo, he was weird to us teenagers then and eccentric. Looking back now, he was just a simple man who did what was expected of him as a human being with no unnecessary drama
RA Bolarinwa
February 17
February 17
Announcement by the Head of Dept. Dr. RA Bolarinwa:
Prof Kayode Adetugbo would have been 80 years by 2nd May 2024. He trained at Chicago (MD) and Cambridge (PhD). He joined the services of OAU in 1972, and was made Professor in Oct. 1979. He taught Immunology for many years and was fondly called "Rastaman" by his students. He was at different times the HOD, Department of Chemical Pathology, Haematology and Immunology, and the pioneer HOD, Dept. of Haematology and Immunology at its inception in August 1983. Prof Adetugbo was an astute teacher, researcher, activist and administrator. He was Provost, College of Health Sciences (1991-1995).
He retired from the services of OAU in September 1997. Funeral services will be as announced by the family.
Adieu great teacher.

RA Bolarinwa
Ag. Head
February 17
February 17

It was Prof Hilton McFarlane, the part-time immunologist from Manchester, UK, who introduced Professor Kayode Adetugbo to our class in 1976/77 academic session, as a Senior Lecturer when he returned to the university after his PhD in Cambridge, UK. He was a highly respected, brilliant teacher of immunology and researcher. He and Professor Aboderin supervised some of our classmates and other students on their BSc (Health Sciences) dissertations. He was fondly nicknamed, Rastaman, because of his down to earth and friendly nature. He would continue to explain some points in his lectures, while giving rides to students in his ever-neat car.

His work in virology was acknowledged with great ovation and regard by academic gurus nationally and internationally, such as, Prof. Tomori, a medical virologist and Director of PIMRAT, and Prof. Enitan Bababunmi, a biochemist of international repute who became the Director PIMRAT (Nigeria) that transformed into the Africa Chapter. His publications in Nature, Journal of Biochemistry and Immunology speak of his excellence in research and his deserved rapid promotion to the grade of professor in 1978.

Professor Adetugbo attended Ondo Boys' High school, being an illustrious son of Ondo, the town of our own Kaabiyesi, the Osemawe of Ondo Kingdom, also a member of the 1981 set. Kaabiyesi, may your days be long and may your reign be peaceful. Ase Edumare, Amin. Ojo a jina sira o!!!

Professor Adetugbo was a simple, happy and private man who was a lover of peace and social justice for which he fought under the umbrella of ASUU. He came, he saw, and he conquered!!! His struggle shall not be in vain. We pray that Nigeria transforms speedily into a socially secured and peaceful country where no man is oppressed IJMN, Amen.

Our condolences to his immediate and extended families, friends, well-wishers, and acquaintances.

Adieu, our great and highly cerebral teacher, rest in peace. Amen!!!
Provost OAU
February 17
February 17
We received with a deep sense of loss the news of the transition of Professor Kayode Adetugbo B.Sc (Den.), M.D. (Clic.), Ph.D (Camb.). Professor Adetugbo taught Immunology for several years at Ife. He also served in various administrative positions including Head, Department of Haematology & Immunology as well as being Provost of the College of Health Sciences from 1991 - 1995. Amongst other roles, he was an active member of the Academic Staff Union. May the good Lord comfort all he left behind. Funeral arrangements will be announced by his family.

1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
May his soul Rest In Peace. May God comfort his family
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
What a loss!
May the soul of our departed teacher rest in the bosom of the Lord. The Lord comforts those he left behind.
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
Short in stature, simple and casual in his dressing. He was the first to use technology( computer) to release results of tests/exams in his subject a day or two after conducting the test. Adieu Prof, may God comfort his loved ones in Jesus name.
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
What a big loss.
He was years ahead of his time, especially with his speciality haematology and immunology . I'll always remember his eyes for details, energetic ,but simple in dressing - always in sandals .
He embraced technology using computers to mark our haematology MCQ test, giving us our results within 2 hours or less

Though I never quite grasp the complexity of his subject ,immunology, but he was a gentle soul - live and let live.

He will be solely missed.

May his soul rest in peace
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
May Prof Kayode Adetugbo, an illustrious son of Ondo Kingdom rest in perfect peace.
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
Great academician!
May His soul rest in peace
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
May his Beautiful soul Rest in Perfect Peace
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
May his soul rest in peace ....what are simple man he was.. I would.characterize him as a libertarian ,open minded welcoming and very philosophical in his approach to all matters.Not easily understood by us late teens at the time we first met him but looking back now I understand him.better.
May his soul rest in peace
Muheez A. Durosinmi
February 17
February 17
A Short Tribute to Prof. Kayode Adetugbo:

Professor Kayode Adetugbo's passing was a great lost to IFE Academic Circle, and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria. He was an accomplished and highly respected foundation Provost of the College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolpwo University.

A honest, and committed Nationalist. We lost a Great Mind. We lost a Nigerian. May his soul continue to rest in peace. Ameen.
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
Great teacher, comrade and maverick. May his brilliant soul rest in eternal peace.
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
Brilliant guy. Super intelligent yet modest.
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
Prof Kayode Adetugbo- highly celebral Lecturer. Used to tell us …’Consider Babangida to be a rat’ while teaching us immune system, an elective course in our year 4. May his soul rest in peace. Adieu our dedicated teacher!
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
You got it Sunny!
He was the one that interviewed me at the Post JAMB or Pre-Admission Assessment in August 1981.
Great Professional he was!
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
After each class, his hair and 'danshiki' are always covered in chalk. Reflecting his dedication to us, even though the subject is at a stratospheric level . Great man, may his soul rest in perfect peace ✌️
1981 and 1982 Students - College of Health Sciences OAU
February 17
February 17
Brilliant, simple, erudite and forward thinking professor. He introduced scantron grading of multiple choice examination to the then Faculty of Health Sciences. I can still hear him as if it was yesterday, in his characteristic “ok oh”at the end of every explanation. His method of imparting knowledge was exemplary. One of his common phrase “ your brother the sheep” during hematology and immunology lecture is still fresh in my memory. What a great loss to humanity! May God console his family and grant him eternal rest.
Dr Mrs Adetokunbo Aderounmu
February 17
February 17
Good day, this is to express our heartfelt condolences to you and the children for the passing of of you dear husband and our highly respected teacher and senior colleague.
We thank God for a life well lived and pray that his good works will continue to live on and provide comfort for you all
Dr Mrs Adetokunbo Aderounmu
Sylvia Olomu
February 17
February 17
Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the passing of Prof. May his soul rest in peace.
Professor Babatope Kolawole, Provost, College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife
February 17
February 17


The staff and students of the College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife received the news of the transition of Professor Kayode Adetugbo B.Sc (Den.), M.D. (Clic.), Ph.D (Camb.) with a deep sense of loss. He was aged 79.

Professor Adetugbo joined the Division of Sciences of Pathology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) in January 1976 after completing his Ph. D at the University of Cambridge. He rose through the ranks to become a Professor on October 1, 1979. He served at various times as Head, Department of Haematology & Immunology, and Foundation Provost, College of Health Sciences.

Professor Adetugbo was a versatile researcher, efficient instructor, and consummate administrator who is highly regarded by his students and mentees. He retired in September 1997 after 21 years of meritorious service.

Professor Adetugbo will be fondly remembered for the active role in played in formulating several policies on the university committees he chaired or served on. He was also a union activist who fought hard to demand better conditions of service for university workers.

He will be sorely missed. May the good Lord comfort all he left behind.

Professor Babatope Kolawole
Provost, College of Health Sciences
Obafemi Awolowo University

February 15, 2024
Professor Mrs L. M. Durosinmi
February 17
February 17
Good day to you.
I believe you are all doing fine.

Please, accept my deep condolence on the passing away of Prof. Adetugbo.

I wish you & the children the very best.

God bless you all, Aameena.

Best wishes from

Professor Mrs L. M. Durosinmi
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August 5
August 5
Professor 'Kayode Adetugbo my 'uncle', was the younger brother of my father's close friend and neighbour Professor Abiodun Adetugbo of blessed memory at University of Lagos. This closeness to our family was transferred and inherited by uncle. In 1984 i had the opportunity during the long vacation of spending some time in Ile-Ife with Professor ’Kayode Adetugbo and after admission into the Obafemi Awolowo University which he facilitated I stayed with him for a few weeks before settling into the student's accommodation. When I was rusticated because of my alleged role during the 'Anglo must go' crises at the University, it was to him I ran to for advice. Later on when he moved to Nottingham in the UK we became neighbours and he was at the christening of my 2nd daughter. He also joined our Christian fellowship, the Overseas Fellowship of Nigerian Christians. In the irony of life i was to become his landlord in one of the properties I managed and co-owned. He was open, affable and very approachable, he would spend hours discussing with me and explaining the nuances of various Marxian texts, University politics and life generally, his mind was exceptional in its brilliance and ability to break down concepts. He will be missed and my thoughts go to the entire family praying his memory will continue to be a blessing.
February 26
February 26
I join thousands of others to Celebrate the life, times and Legacy of Professor Kayode Adetugbo.
My first memories of Prof date back to over 4 decades ago.
Uncle kayode as we called him then, was a very good friend and comrade of my dad Prof Omotoye Olorode. My dad loved him dearly and highly respected him.
Uncle kayode later became my teacher in Medical school.
He was simple, open minded, unassuming, soft spoken, sharp and approachable.
He was deeply conscious of social justice and contributed in no small way to the progress of the Ife Branch of ASUU of which he was once President.
I always knew from my interaction with him as a child that he was superlatively intelligent but my perspective changed when he became my professor in Medical School.
He was a deeply dedicated teacher, seasoned scientist and extraordinary researcher.
Somehow he always reminded me of Albert Einstein. It was not surprising to learn that he did a lot of groundbreaking research alongside some nobel laureates in the 1970s.
Prof you have done your part and your legacy endures. I pray that your dear soul will now rest in peace.
I pray that God comforts the entire family and that Professor Kayode Adetugbos Memory will always be a blessing ( Amen).
February 24
February 24
Dear Alero,

I am so sorry for your incredible loss. I will always remember spending time with your Dad in Kinshasa. He had so many incredible stories and I enjoyed talking to him about politics. His activist soul still sang out. I’m so happy that we all got to spend Christmas of 2021 together and make memories by bringing all of different traditions together. Your Dad also had an amazing sense of humor and an infectious smile (like you!) It was so obvious how much he adored and was so proud of you and Temi. I’m so lucky I got to meet him.

With love,
His Life
February 20
Kayode was born in 1944 at Otoporu, near Okitipupa to a devout Christian family of Late Pa Joshua and Mrs. Esther Adetugbo, he was the last of seven children.

He had his early education at Saint Paul’s Primary School, Otoporu, and completed his primary education at Christ’s School Primary School, Ogbonkowo Ondo. He was an exceptionally brilliant child, the revered Canon Mason, the principal of Christ’s School Ado-Ekiti wanted him to attend the school at the time, but he got a scholarship to attend the prestigious Government College Ibadan in which he enrolled in 1954 with a school number of 854. He was a keen sportsman in addition to excellent academic performance and had one of the best results at his graduation in 1960. 

He proceeded to the University of Chicago and completed his BSc. He then went on to the Pritzker Medical School at the University of Chicago where he graduated Summa cum laude. After completing his medical degree, he completed his residency at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. 

Given his interest in molecular biology, he then went on to the University of Cambridge to work on his PhD, which he completed in 1975. It must be said at this juncture that his academic achievements continued to soar. C. Milstein and G. Kohler, who were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1984 for their seminal work in molecular biology, worked alongside Kayode at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge in the mid-1970s. Kayode was a co-author in several of their publications. 

Kayode was approached in Cambridge by the University of Ife in 1972, but he did not physically join until 1976 when he returned to Nigeria, mostly at the behest of his siblings, and his loving mother. He was immediately appointed a senior lecturer. He was made a Professor in 1979. Kayode taught Immunology for several years at the University of Ife. He also served in several administrative positions including head of the department of Chemical Pathology and head of the department of Haematology and Immunology, for which he was the pioneer head of department. He was appointed to the position of Provost, College of Health Sciences between 1991 to 1995.

Kayode was a dedicated member of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), a Nigerian union of university academic staff, which he led from 1983 to 1986. 

He was an astute teacher and his students at the University of Ife famously called him ‘rastaman’. His classes were usually packed for his famous wise cracks and deep insight into the subject matter. He was an excellent researcher, social activist and administrator.

He married Anita Adesimi Davies whilst still at Ife and the union is blessed with two beautiful daughters Alero and Eyitemi Adetugbo.

His hobbies were fishing, usually in the company of his best friend Late Professor Femi Soyinka. They were both keen anglers always around the Opa dam competing to land the heaviest catch. He also was a committed sportsman and he played lawn tennis and squash regularly. He was also the Ayo champion at the staff club. He was an active member of the staff club and was the chairman around 1982.

Kayode was a keen lover of music, particularly classical music. He took his music seriously and equipped himself with cutting edge musical systems of the time and had an impressive LP record collection. He was an avid photographer.

He retired from the services of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Ile-Ife in 1997. He moved back to the UK in 1997 after getting caught in the civil war during a sabbatical stint as a visiting professor at the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone, in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

In the UK, given his love for research, evidence based medicine, and epidemiology, he was the first coordinator of the Cochrane skin group based at the University of Nottingham from 1998 to 2000. He then took up the position of head of Public Health Policy at Havering Primary Care (NHS) Trust in London until his retirement in 2010.

Kayode Adetugbo had several passions during his retirement. He kept abreast of technology advancements, particularly in computer systems and medicine. He was a social activist till the end, tracking political and social events in Nigeria and globally.

He will be greatly missed!

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